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Scraps whip - Scrappy

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:00 pm
by bearbeast
This is a project I began in the autumn of 2019... As I am at most an amateur in whipmaking I had a lot of leftover strands, some which resulted from strand resizing, some which were the ends of strands I had cut too long, in order to make sure I don't run out. So I wanted to try to make a whip out of them. The usable strands got me up to the second belly and that's where I left it until two weeks ago.

I had given whipmaking a break due to my tendonitis, but I had always wanted to make a 10 feet whip. This I did, you can see it in my post history. But of course, now I had again a lot of leftover strands and they were JUST enough to make a 10 plait overlay to the scrap whip I had begun 1.65 years ago. Took be about 2 hours to finish it and I decided to dye it black, as I hadn't had a black leather whip up until that point.

Of course it's only a pocket bull, but heavily inspired by Indy's whip. And now for some pics:



It can be coiled reeeally small, so I can take it with me wherever I go.



If you want to check out higher resolution pictures, you can go here

Thanks for checking out my post!


Re: Scraps whip - Scrappy

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:30 pm
by tomek9210
Nice! Great EDC whip :whip:
I always try to use leftover strands of cord in my next whips. In nylon whips it's easier because falls are also made of cord, so shorter strands go there.

Re: Scraps whip - Scrappy

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 3:04 pm
by bearbeast
Thank you, Tomek! :notworthy:

Yes, for paracord whips it's also nice that you don't alter the width of the strand. So whatever length is left, you're set!