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Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:51 pm
by mr_alex
Hey gang! I've been scoping out the options for different Indy shirts and having a difficult time finding a shirt that's trim enough in the body, but big enough in the neck for me to be able to actually button the top button. (I'm a size 38 chest, and 16 neck for reference). But this brings me to a question:

For an Indy shirt (specifically a Raiders or ToD fit) should you be able to button it all the way up anyway?

I feel like he often has the top of the shirt open, so it's possible that the shirt neck didn't fit on Harrison Ford either? Any thoughts team?

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:11 pm
by backstagejack
I think he was running around in the desert/jungle and just wanted his shirt unbuttoned to help try and keep him cool. I can only guess the shirt fit him perfectly in all manners as it would have been a custom made shirt just for him.

We DO see it buttoned up though when he wears a tie with the adventure shirt in TOD and LC (and YIJC MOB) but before that or after that he has it unbuttoned. But that does show us that it can be buttoned around his neck.

Good luck on a shirt! I too have issues as my arms are longer than most for my body size.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 9:17 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
As long as the neck size is close, it will look ok. But if you want to pull off the tie look, you'll have to keep looking.
I'm pretty sure Ford's shirts fit his neck, but since it would have been designed for specific purposes, they easily could have had some that fit, and others that would stay open the way they wanted.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:48 am
by distantpeople
You can also get a shirt that fits your neck size and then have a seamstress take in the sides/chest for a perfect fit.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:53 am
by mr_alex
distantpeople wrote:You can also get a shirt that fits your neck size and then have a seamstress take in the sides/chest for a perfect fit.
Yeah, I think that's the way I'll have to go to get something that fits my neck. I AM actually curious though whether these shirts are meant to fit/button all the way up.

I know that there are times in ToD and Crusade where it definitely does. But in images like this I'm not sure sure. The collar looks like it's sticking out sideways (which I can attest is sometimes happen when the neck doesn't quite fit) vs. the collar points pointing down (like I'd expect if it fit on his neck so he could put on a tie, for example)

Image Image

I admit this question is totally self serving (since it's the challenge I'm having with shirts anyway). On the other hand, I really am curious if a small neck is part of accomplishing Indy's open shirt look ;)

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:29 am
by backstagejack
They could have intentionally had a smaller collar but I'm not sure they'd need too. Plus, to me it looks like he has more than enough room in the collar to button it up.

Here's me with my Indy shirt. The collar seems to look pretty similar and I'm not spreading my arms out like in the one pic which would definitely make it open up more. This is an "off the rack shirt". The shoulder seams on this are a bit lower than my natural shoulders. The collar is a bit stiffer than what Ford's looks like but seems to be doing the same thing.




From the pics I've seen of the shirt on Ford, it looks like it fits him perfectly. In fact, with the shoulder seams being directly perfect with his shoulders and Ford's workout routine during that movie, I think he stretches the shirt out more when he moves his arms even a tiny bit.


Here he just undid his tie, so we know the top button buttons. But look how much that shirt is straining with his arms outstretched.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:48 am
by Max Chance
Not sure why you would want to button it all the way up? Looks better unbuttoned. You can also buy "collar extenders" if you need more room.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:23 pm
by marker2037
mr_alex wrote:
distantpeople wrote:You can also get a shirt that fits your neck size and then have a seamstress take in the sides/chest for a perfect fit.
Yeah, I think that's the way I'll have to go to get something that fits my neck. I AM actually curious though whether these shirts are meant to fit/button all the way up.

I know that there are times in ToD and Crusade where it definitely does. But in images like this I'm not sure sure. The collar looks like it's sticking out sideways (which I can attest is sometimes happen when the neck doesn't quite fit) vs. the collar points pointing down (like I'd expect if it fit on his neck so he could put on a tie, for example)

Image Image

I admit this question is totally self serving (since it's the challenge I'm having with shirts anyway). On the other hand, I really am curious if a small neck is part of accomplishing Indy's open shirt look ;)
You're overthinking it. His shirt fit him, neck and all.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 3:06 pm
by mr_alex
You're overthinking it. His shirt fit him, neck and all.
Yeah, a couple replies into this thread I kinda got that. Thanks everyone for humoring me! The shirts were custom tailored for Harrison Ford... Of course they fit... #-o

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:31 pm
by Indy Magnoli
I remember reading once that the shirts in Raiders were made with an intentionally smaller collar to make Ford look a bit bigger. He was relatively thin back in the late 70s early 80s and it wasn't until ToD that he really started to work out.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:06 am
by mr_alex
Indy Magnoli wrote:I remember reading once that the shirts in Raiders were made with an intentionally smaller collar to make Ford look a bit bigger. He was relatively thin back in the late 70s early 80s and it wasn't until ToD that he really started to work out.
Oh, cool! That makes a lot of sense. Thanks, Magnoli! :TOH:

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 10:47 am
by backstagejack
Indy Magnoli wrote:I remember reading once that the shirts in Raiders were made with an intentionally smaller collar to make Ford look a bit bigger. He was relatively thin back in the late 70s early 80s and it wasn't until ToD that he really started to work out.
Was this written by the same person that said he was wearing redwings? ;)

I'm definitely not saying it WASN'T smaller, at least maybe in Raiders. Honestly, it's very hard to tell as he only buttons it up to the second to last button. There's times it's close to each other and they look like they would button but maybe that's just me. I will say, It does look like his actual collar leaf could be smaller than later shirts. You would definitely know better about that part.

In this shot it looks as if it could button up all the way, right?

and visually my shirt seems to act the same way Ford's TOD does for whatever that's worth.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 3:46 pm
by marker2037
They might've had a tighter fit, but everything I see leads to me to believe he can button it just fine.

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 4:19 pm
by Indy Magnoli
I don't remember where I read this but yeah... take it with a grain of salt. The Hawaii shirt definitely looks like it'd fit, but perhaps the Tunisia shirt (which was meant to be worn without the jacket) had a tighter fit?

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 4:43 pm
by backstagejack
Indy Magnoli wrote:I don't remember where I read this but yeah... take it with a grain of salt. The Hawaii shirt definitely looks like it'd fit, but perhaps the Tunisia shirt (which was meant to be worn without the jacket) had a tighter fit?
That could be possible?

Here's a few from Egypt. I think it still looks like he could button it up if he wanted but again, it's really hard to tell since he has it so far unbuttoned.




Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 5:39 pm
by Indiana Jeff
This shirt conversation is starting to remind of some of the jacket fit conversation from years ago. There was a time that it was in vogue to have a ROLA jacket fit tight like a motorcycle jacket and then the fad to have it fit loose and baggy and back to tight again....

Indy's shirt is definitely fitted, but it's not skin tight. Even in the SOC scenes and TOD pictures Jack posted there's room for HF to move around.

I just can't imagine the costume designers to custom make a shirt and purposely have it not fit correctly to be fully functional to button at the neck.

Yes, yes, the ROLA jacket has the weird cut to it. A cut that was not replicated in the next three jacket designs so lessons were learned.


Indiana Jeff

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:42 pm
by backstagejack
Indiana Jeff wrote:Indy's shirt is definitely fitted, but it's not skin tight. Even in the SOC scenes and TOD pictures Jack posted there's room for HF to move around.

I just can't imagine the costume designers to custom make a shirt and purposely have it not fit correctly to be fully functional to button at the neck.

Yes, yes, the ROLA jacket has the weird cut to it. A cut that was not replicated in the next three jacket designs so lessons were learned.


Indiana Jeff
You are correct, we've learned a lot over the years that altered how we looked at the costume and yes, at the end of the day it is a costume. Designed to give a certain impression. That's why I'm not out right saying that there's no way the collar wouldn't fit. I would just find it odd overall.

I'm with you, I just can't see the shirt NOT being a functional shirt in all regards. :-k

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 1:30 pm
by mr_alex
Indiana Jeff wrote:This shirt conversation is starting to remind of some of the jacket fit conversation from years ago...
TBH for a minute there I was feeling dumb for even asking the question, so I'm glad that it's actually sparked a conversation about the costume design & style!

Re: Shirt: Thoughts on the top botton?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:29 pm
by Indiana Jeff
:lol: That's why we're here!


Indiana Jeff