Actually, Rick, compared to the folks you and I are used to, there ARE several 'brand new vendors' out there who are making hats.
I'm sticking to what I said about 'apples to apples', as the materials ARE all the same. That said, though, if you're debating the handling of the felts, well, it IS going to be different from maker to maker.
For example, Steve Delk had a way of 'killing' the felt in order to stop shrinkage that few use or know about. It was learned from another old time hat maker, and is a 'secret' they share amongst themselves.....or at least that's what they claim.
I understand Penman is supposed to use the same technique, which he learned from Steve. Marc Kitter does the same thing (when he's working).
That's why we've been wearing their hats for years in downpours and snow storms and they don't look like witches hats.
I don't know if those 'new vendors' do it too, but I haven't heard ANYONE complain about custom hats shrinking for years, regardless of maker, so maybe that's a problem of the past that we used to have to deal with 20 years ago.
Agreed, Art Fawcett was an excellent hat maker, but even HIS stuff shrank. I have a beautiful fedora he made me several years ago that I can't get on now due to shrinkage, though I have Adventurebilts of the same age I still wear with no problem at all as they HAVEN'T shrunk.
All this rambling is just going back to the comment I made that all the 'new guys' (comparatively speaking) are making excellent products that are getting rave reviews. They just haven't been around long enough to make comparisons to the 'old guys' we know.
Regards! Michaelson
p.s. I think the reason no one is mentioning names is the line above that said
Some try so hard to accentuate certain features that you almost get a bit of a caricature of the Indy hat....
A lot of folks take exception to having their product referred to as a 'caricature' of anything, so in order to not hurt anyone's feelings or ruffle any feathers, I not going to post any names myself.