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Indiana Jones "Backpack"

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:44 pm
by Jordan
I have seen a few posts along the lines of this, but it has been so long ago, I thought I might bring it up again...

I read through a couple of posts about people asking what sort of backpack Indy might have carried and the general agreement seemed to be a Swedish rucksack...

Well, I came across one on EBay for a whole 6 bucks, so I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a try...I just received it in the mail today and was very surprised at what I got...I think if Indy ever had a backpack, this would be the one...For those who have not seen them, it is is made from an Earthtone type heavy canvas, with thick leather bottom and straps...It also has somewhat of an internal metal frame, that might help out with a heavier load...The thing sure looks like it can take a beating and for $6, I think it was well worth it...

You can find them every now and then on EBay and Sportsmans Guide has them for like $15, I think...If you want a nice heavy duty backpack, that can take some abuse, while also looking "Indy-ish", I would recommend getting one! 8)

So, what do you guys think? Think this might have been something Indy would have carried??

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:58 am
by Swindiana
Hi Riverwind!

I agree. And I can get them for about $3-4 here in Sweden at a surplus store in case anyone is interested. I'm guessing the shipment would be pretty pricy since they have a metal frame making the package rather big though.

Here they have them for $9.95: ... k&item=521


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:08 am
by gobo
The Norwegian army still uses those... we call it a Ludvig. It's not the most comfortable backpack in the world. I used to get rather severe shoulder pains from mine. Alfred Molina wears a very similar pack in the very first scenes of Raiders. They look cool and rather Indyish, but I wouldn't recommend going hiking with one.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:23 am
by Jordan
Yeah, the one Swindy posted about is pretty close, but it does not look like it has the leather bottom on it...Here is the one I am talking about:

Thanks for the input guys! 8)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:33 am
by indiana_dudley
I think this is the same one available in the UK, although this may be a shoulder bag version: - (Near the bottom of page)

I also like the look of the French rucksack at the bottom of this page, it reminds me of a Mk VI/VII on the inside from this photo:


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:35 am
by IndianaJames
Those do fit the "imaginary" bill of what Indy might have used....nice find!


SWINDY - Shoot me an email from the adress you want the flap images sent to!!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:46 am
by Swindiana
indiana_dudley wrote:I think this is the same one available in the UK, although this may be a shoulder bag version: - (Near the bottom of page)
That is actually the older gas mask bag, used in both Sweden and Switzerland. It is rather small, about half the size of a Mk VII so I wouldn't get it to go camping either as it will not hold much. :lol:

IJ: Email coming your way! :wink:
