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Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:47 pm
by Trenin
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 6:44 pm
by whipwarrior
That looks like ####.

Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:46 pm
by Nosirrah
Somebody heard about the "Flying Tigers" and got confused.

Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:46 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
I vaguely remember this. Wings was trying to sell these like there was nothing wrong. I think that's their flame-broiled road-kill kangaroo hide.

Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:08 am
by Photoss
Yeah, that looks exactly like the roo hide. A would-be valuable jacket, now excellent for hunting instead!
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:23 am
by xmasters
Very odd. Looks like someone was wearing that jacket stood behind some railings as they were being spray painted.
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:58 am
by Jeremiah
If that jacket is indeed made from roo hide (have my doubts) it must have been astronomical in cost. Shame as it’s so ugly.
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:50 pm
by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr
That jacket was a US Wings jacket in their limited run of New Zealand lambskin a few years ago. Previously owned one myself. The camera flash makes the markings more pronounced than they really were in person.
It wasn't a bad jacket but, the overall jacket seemed to have a longer cut than usual.
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:00 pm
by Photoss
ProfessorHenryWJonesJr wrote:That jacket was a US Wings jacket in their limited run of New Zealand lambskin a few years ago. Previously owned one myself. The camera flash makes the markings more pronounced than they really were in person.
It wasn't a bad jacket but, the overall jacket seemed to have a longer cut than usual.
Oh man, that makes me like it even less!
If any of you love it, and are a 3xl, I saw it on a certain website a few minutes ago...
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:13 pm
by chenricy
see what happens when you ignore that WET PAINT sign on that bench!!!
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:01 am
by Marv
Urban Indy

Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:46 am
by Indiana Jeff
ProfessorHenryWJonesJr wrote:That jacket was a US Wings jacket in their limited run of New Zealand lambskin a few years ago. Previously owned one myself. The camera flash makes the markings more pronounced than they really were in person.
It wasn't a bad jacket but, the overall jacket seemed to have a longer cut than usual.
Yep, I remember when these were out. I visited US Wings back at that time and Sgt. Hack gave me a tour. They had whole racks of these and they all had that striped dye job. He said they were big sellers. Agreed it wasn't as noticeable in person, but still not my cup of tea.
The jackets are discussed here. Due to Photobucket's changes, several of the pictures in this thread are dead, but there is ample discussion. ... &start=200" onclick=";return false;
Indiana Jeff
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:11 am
by Chewbacca Jones
I owned one, and I loved it. The dye pattern was much more subtle, and was NOT a regular stripe pattern. It was a nice, random variation in shades. Maybe I got a different batch with a better dye job.
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:55 pm
by Canyon
Chewbacca Jones wrote:I owned one, and I loved it. The dye pattern was much more subtle, and was NOT a regular stripe pattern. It was a nice, random variation in shades. Maybe I got a different batch with a better dye job.
What kind of jacket was this for, love? (the link no longer works).
Re: Blasphemy!
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:58 pm
by bearbeast
I don't get it... When i open the first link I just see some weird ponies comic...
Maybe it's an Imgur error?!