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First Magnoli LC White Label Jacket!
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:43 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Although I've had a Gibson and Barnes Expedition for 8 years now and still very much enjoy it, I've always wanted to get a Last Crusade style cowhide jacket. As strong as the G&B goat is (and it is
finally beginning to show a bit of wear) I also wanted a bit different leather with a little more character that might have some almost reddish undertones. I also wanted something tailored, since the sleeves' diameter on the Expedition is just too big for me. Finally, I think the collar, yoke, and other features of the LC jacket will suit a larger gentleman such as myself more than a Raiders style jacket, not to mention having a tailored fit, too.
Just recently, I received some gift money plus an unexpected honorarium for an archaeology presentation, so it seemed fitting to get a jacket in the style of our favorite archaeologist. There are some great vendor offerings for LC jackets these days, so it was a tough decision. But Magnoli really impressed me with the tailored Barnett College suit he made for me, along with what I’ve read about and seen of his LC jackets.
So I contacted Magnoli and asked him if he would be willing to make the first White Label Last Crusade in the predistressed dark brown medium-weight cowhide (similar to the kind that senorjacob has on his WL Raiders jacket here:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67460) because it has the kind of coloration and undertones for which I’ve been looking. As with my suit, Magnoli was very helpful getting my measurements just right. It helped that he could consult the suit measurements he already had on file for me along with the new jacket measurements I sent him, and find just the right size when I was unclear about a few of my measurements.
So now the wait begins... If by chance you have a Magnoli LC (or for that matter, any Magnoli Adventure jackets), you can help me out with the wait by sharing pictures in here.

Best wishes,
Dr. Nebraska S.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:06 am
by Holt
Magnolis jackets are one of the best out there. Built like a tank. Highly accurate and the best part. Tailored to your frame.
I would share a few photos but photobucket is down constantley.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:54 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Holt wrote:Magnolis jackets are one of the best out there. Built like a tank. Highly accurate and the best part. Tailored to your frame.
I would share a few photos but photobucket is down constantley.
I found photos of your Magnoli LC jacket on here in some post a while back while researching—very nice! Seeing your jacket was one of the factors influencing my decision.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:02 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Just got word that my jacket is waiting out at the family farm. Looking forward to finally seeing it tomorrow!
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First Magnoli LC White Label Jacket!
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:34 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
A little preview:
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First Magnoli LC White Label Jacket!
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:25 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:59 pm
by Mark Raats
Looking good mate.
I have a number of Magnoli jackets (not a LC though) and they took a little time to wear in.
Once that was done, I can happily say that I am a very satisfied Mags customer.
They are fabulous.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:50 am
by Holt
Fantastic. Makes me want another one!
First Magnoli LC White Label Jacket!
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:03 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Thank you, Mark and Holt!
I have been wearing my new jacket as much as possible since getting it a few days ago. Mark, I agree that it is taking just a bit of breaking in, but already I’m noticing it’s getting even more comfortable to wear. As always, Magnoli was very helpful and attentive throughout the ordering process. I have to say the part that had me the most concerned was getting the measurements correct. The only problem I found anywhere in this process was to take measurements from a jacket that already fits well. I wanted a better fitting jacket than what I already had, so it was a challenge to approach this. I ended up primarily using measurements from my G&B Expedition but also the shoulders and sleeves of my US Wings before selling it to help purchase this jacket. Having said that, Magnoli helped coax the right measurements through our discussions, and even offered some improvements based on the measurements he had from the suit he made me.
At first, the jacket seemed a bit snug, mainly around the shoulders and upper arms. But also, part of this was being more fitted than the Expedition there, which is rather baggy in those areas. I’m also noticing the difference in not having gussets, but have already gotten used to it. It’s lighter, too, and very comfortable in a second-skin manner. Those who like the smell of leather will enjoy this hide (reminds me of a favorite saddle). While the Expedition’s hide is very strong and has some nice pebbling, I really wanted a leather with more character and better undertones. That’s what I got! It’s a bit less reddish than the photos on the site, but maybe these photos here can show what I mean. That’s not a complaint—this is a lot better undertone than that from the the wear on my the chrome-dyed Expedition. I’m also pleasantly surprised by the light pre-distressing!
Before pocket flap switch (slight mistake on the very first/prototype LC jacket made by the White Label team):
After pocket flap switch (these will be the pocket flaps on all White Label LC jackets from now on):
Last Crusade is the first of the Indy films I saw in the theater, and I always liked this jacket the best. To me, this jacket truly looks and feels like an Indiana Jones jacket in a way my other 2 jackets have not. At the same time, it looks the most suited to me. I wear ties a lot, and I’m very impressed how this has already looked great with one. The lighter tones found in pre-distressed areas suit my coloration better for where my beard is starting to gray. I was worried that the leather would be too lightweight for a LC jacket, but this is just right.
This jacket doesn’t feel like a costume piece to me—it feels like *my* jacket.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 6:36 am
by Holt
Great lookin jacket! I really love how Magnoli captures the real flow of the LC jacket. I love the insane pocket corner details and them being askew also. I love it Mags!!
However, giving the last photo a second look. The press studs on the pockets are on the outside of the pocket flap. That is mistake made by the company. I
Im sure it can be fixed.
Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:34 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Holt wrote:Great lookin jacket! I really love how Magnoli captures the real flow of the LC jacket. I love the insane pocket corner details and them being askew also. I love it Mags!!
However, giving the last photo a second look. The press studs on the pockets are on the outside of the pocket flap. That is mistake made by the company. I
Im sure it can be fixed.
Thank you for your comments, Holt!
EDIT: my apologies, Eric. I misunderstood your comment on the snaps (see below).
Best wishes,
Dr. Nebraska S.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:11 am
by Michaelson
To clarify, I KNOW you realize that Eric is referring to is having the exposed head of the snap on the OUTSIDE of the flap.
The Expedition's snap heads are concealed INSIDE the leather flap.
I wonder why it was done that way? Did you request it?
As usual, the Magnoli jacket's are gorgeous!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:17 am
by whipwarrior
Exposed pocket snaps?! But that's
not screen accurate!
Burn them at the stake!!! 
Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:20 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
My mistake—I completely overlooked that! I misunderstood Eric and thought he was referring to the placement of the male-female parts of the snap—“my bad” as the kids these days say. No, that was not a request—I will email Magnoli about that.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:27 pm
by Holt
Im sure it will resolve as Magnoli has a fantastic customer service!
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 2:57 pm
by Photoss
Beautiful jacket! I like the snaps as is personally, they remind me of the Secret of the Incas jacket. Fits you perfectly too!
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:12 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Thank you, Photoss.
Holt wrote:
Im sure it will resolve as Magnoli has a fantastic customer service!
Yes, he and I are already working on this now, and he is being very helpful!
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:54 pm
by xmasters
Great looking jacket. Yeah I hope you get pocket snaps sorted. How did that one get out the gate?
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:04 pm
by Jeremiah
Yeah. Love it man and it looks great on you.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:41 am
by Holt
I agree. It looks great on you. No vendor has ever produced these insane pocket corner details. Super screen accurate. I love em!! And them being askew makes it even better. Backpanel looks awsome to.
I feel like ordering another one of these down the road again. I miss my Magnoli jackets. You hear that Mags!! I want it in smooth mid brown cow.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:13 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Thank you, xmasters, Jeremiah, and Holt! I’m really enjoying the jacket—we’re getting unseasonably warm weather here right now, so it’s perfect for this jacket. Magnoli and I are working together on replacing these pocket flaps, so that will be fixed soon.
Best wishes,
Dr. Nebraska S.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:02 am
by Chewbacca Jones
I am in love!!!! That is my dream jacket, right there. Perfect level of distressing, the right color.... PLEASE let me hit the lottery!!

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:07 am
by xmasters
Did you resolve the pocket flaps? I'm curious to know how such a thing gets fixed (without replacing the whole jacket, which is probably what I would ask for).
Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:24 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
xmasters wrote:Did you resolve the pocket flaps? I'm curious to know how such a thing gets fixed (without replacing the whole jacket, which is probably what I would ask for).
Yes, it’s getting resolved. The solution is to remove and replace just the pocket flaps. Magnoli was perfectly willing to have me ship it back and have his people do it. But I have some good local alterations people here who have done great work for me in the past. They aren’t open Sundays and Mondays, so I brought the jacket in yesterday and confirmed with them that they can do the replacement work easily enough in about week or two after I bring in the flaps. So Magnoli is shipping the flaps here (which will go a lot quicker than international round-trip shipping). Magnoli has been great at working with me on this, and I am so far very satisfied with how this is being resolved.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:31 am
by xmasters
I see. Well that sounds good.

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:44 am
by kozmoedave
Man, that's an awesome jacket. I have a real soft spot for the LC.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:53 pm
by Indy Magnoli
Chewbacca Jones wrote:I am in love!!!! That is my dream jacket, right there. Perfect level of distressing, the right color.... PLEASE let me hit the lottery!!

Ok... maybe not the lottery, but... if you notice the label in Nebraska's jacket... it's a White Label. This was a special job for the good doctor and, since there seems to be a bit of interest, we've now expanded our White Label offering to include this LC version (Model C). Available on our site for only $295 (shipping included): ... p-731.html" onclick=";return false;
Kind regards,
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:00 pm
by Holt
what? when? Thats a steal bud!
You got smooth medium brown cow?
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:07 pm
by Indy Magnoli
This will only be available in the predistressed dark brown cowhide as seen in Nebraska's post above. The whole point of our White Label line is to streamline production (so no modifications, limited options, etc) to cut costs.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:09 pm
by Holt
Well its a fantastic offer!!!
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:33 pm
by Photoss
Indy Magnoli wrote:
Ok... maybe not the lottery, but... if you notice the label in Nebraska's jacket... it's a White Label. This was a special job for the good doctor and, since there seems to be a bit of interest, we've now expanded our White Label offering to include this LC version (Model C). Available on our site for only $295 (shipping included): ... p-731.html" onclick=";return false;
Kind regards,
Terrific! I'll definitely be heading that direction after the holidays! Thank you for making that easily available.
So many good LC options these days.

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:10 pm
by Holt
Yes. The Mags LC jacket is one of the most SA jackets out there as it is created from the true specs of the Smithsonian jacket.
Looking forward to do a full rewiev on it soon buddy!

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:42 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Chewbacca Jones wrote:I am in love!!!! That is my dream jacket, right there. Perfect level of distressing, the right color.... PLEASE let me hit the lottery!!

So Chewie, I feel like I did hit the lottery with this jacket! Magnoli was very kind to make me this first LC White Label jacket ("Model C"), and as you can see, the hide he is using for this is really a great leather for a LC jacket.

Also, you can understand the pocket flap mistake, as this was a prototype for the White Label team that has exposed storm flap snaps (unlike the Raiders jacket the team is used to making). I'm very glad that Magnoli is offering this jacket now, because it had been a hope of mine ever since he made the first Adventure White Label jacket available. Now that I have it, I couldn't be more impressed with how mine turned out!

Best wishes,
Dr. Nebraska S.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:27 pm
by car96
Great looking jacket.
How does sizing work with this jacket and Magnoli? Are specific measurements needed?
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:26 pm
by Indy Magnoli
car96 wrote:How does sizing work with this jacket and Magnoli? Are specific measurements needed?
These are fully made to measure using the leather jacket measurement form located in your account on our site.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:34 pm
by car96
I have found it now.
Not certain how to measure ‘Armhole’ , ‘High Arm Width’, and ‘Mid Arm Width’?
I have a Wested and a Steele and Jones and where the seam is located along the sleeve is providing confusion. The seam that runs from the shoulder to the cuff causes the sleeve to produc some extra when trying to measure ‘Armhole Measured Straight’ and ‘High Arm Width’ and ‘Mid Arm Width’.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:35 pm
by Indy Magnoli
car96 wrote:Not certain how to measure ‘Armhole’ , ‘High Arm Width’, and ‘Mid Arm Width’?
Have you watched the videos showing how to take each one? Feel free to e-mail us with any specific questions and we'll help you get your measurements just right.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:59 pm
by car96
Those look rather helpful, thank you,
This deal looks too good to pass up. Really want.
What kind of leather is this jacket? Weight of jacket?
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:49 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
car96 wrote:Those look rather helpful, thank you,
This deal looks too good to pass up. Really want.
What kind of leather is this jacket? Weight of jacket?
Taken right from Magnoli’s page: “predistressed dark brown medium-weight cowhide” The weight seems just right to me: comfortable and lighter than my Gibson and Barnes Expedition, but not too light for a Last Crusade jacket. The cowhide is what particularly drew me, because it’s stronger than lamb but will show more aging and character than goatskin. My photos don’t do justice to how great this leather looks in person.
Best wishes,
Dr. Nebraska S.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:05 am
by Holt
Looking forward to mine soon!
I know this is going to be a blast having had these jackets before.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:20 am
by car96
So Nebraska, in your opinion...the jacket on Magnoli's website....from the link that was given above. is it a good representation of the jacket that you received? Same leather in the photo on his website?
Does this make sense.
What I am saying is the jacket on his website looks a good bit thinner leather and not like yours. I guess maybe you had Magnoli distress is slightly? Asked for a different leather?
I am close to giving up on the Kelso LC project because it's been almost 8+ months are we are not getting much information. I have no doubt that if that jacket gets made, it will be great. I am getting close to going this jacket route.
This jacket, your jacket, looks great (minus the front snaps on the pockets) and at a great price with great customer service.
What am I missing?
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:27 am
by Holt
Your missing the jacket!

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:29 am
by car96
Holt...I think I am missing your point? LOL seriously
Kinda the norm for me these days.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:34 am
by Holt
Forget it. Was just a small joke to your what am I missing.

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:59 am
by car96
Ahhh, yes. Sometimes you have to put the dots close together for me.
Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:48 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
car96 wrote:So Nebraska, in your opinion...the jacket on Magnoli's website....from the link that was given above. is it a good representation of the jacket that you received? Same leather in the photo on his website?
Does this make sense.
What I am saying is the jacket on his website looks a good bit thinner leather and not like yours. I guess maybe you had Magnoli distress is slightly? Asked for a different leather?
I am close to giving up on the Kelso LC project because it's been almost 8+ months are we are not getting much information. I have no doubt that if that jacket gets made, it will be great. I am getting close to going this jacket route.
This jacket, your jacket, looks great (minus the front snaps on the pockets) and at a great price with great customer service.
What am I missing?
As far as I know, your jacket will look just like mine as I posted in this thread (except the pocket snaps won’t be visible from the outer flap), with the same kind of distressing. Beyond that, you'll find answers to these questions in my earlier posts in this thread.
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Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:22 pm
by xmasters
car96 wrote:So Nebraska, in your opinion...the jacket on Magnoli's website....from the link that was given above. is it a good representation of the jacket that you received? Same leather in the photo on his website?
Does this make sense.
What I am saying is the jacket on his website looks a good bit thinner leather and not like yours. I guess maybe you had Magnoli distress is slightly? Asked for a different leather?
I am close to giving up on the Kelso LC project because it's been almost 8+ months are we are not getting much information. I have no doubt that if that jacket gets made, it will be great. I am getting close to going this jacket route.
This jacket, your jacket, looks great (minus the front snaps on the pockets) and at a great price with great customer service.
What am I missing?
The pictures on the link show the type A Raiders jacket. The type C jacket is the Last Crusade jacket. You need to select the type C jacket from the drop down bit if you want the jacket from this thread.
Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:51 pm
by Indy Magnoli
We're hoping to have some nice new images of the LC version some time after the New Year...

Re: Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:13 am
by Chewbacca Jones
Indy Magnoli wrote:Ok... maybe not the lottery, but... if you notice the label in Nebraska's jacket... it's a White Label. This was a special job for the good doctor and, since there seems to be a bit of interest, we've now expanded our White Label offering to include this LC version (Model C). Available on our site for only $295 (shipping included): ... p-731.html" onclick=";return false;
Kind regards,
I didn't even think to look. OK... maybe just a raise, then. Or a couple of scratch-offs.
Thanks for the good news!
Ordered a Magnoli Last Crusade
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:55 am
by Trenin
His company has nailed every order I’ve placed.