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searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:23 am
by bartes123
Hello after years!
In 2010 I bought from Wested LC Jacket in authentick lambskin. Attached some pictures. Jacket was chosen based on my knowledge at the time and under my dimensions. It works out how it came out (as shown in the pictures).

Generally, I find that:
1) it is a bit too large in waist (little too baggy ...?)
2) The sleeves are too long and too wide
3) while raising hands, entire jacket goes up (some error in sewing sleeves with the rest of the jacket... no gussets?)
4) lambskin after those years is in really not so good condition,
5) i lost some weight during years (yeah!!!) so now jacket looks even more baggy than before...
Given that, and because I plan to buy a new jacket (jackets, because one for winter and one for spring / summer), here's what I want from my dream spring/summer jacket:
1) The style of Indiana Jones,
2) cut slim fit, tailored to the body,
3) fit the length and width of the sleeves,
4) skin that does not wear out in a few years, but it will not be too rigid,
5) SA is not my goal, more style and comfort.
This creates a simple, but hard question. Is it possible to any of the jackets Wested made to meet my needs? I know that ToD Jacket has very slim fit, but Harrison Ford strongly complained about comfort. Is there any chance that I came out pleased with this? It seems to me that the LC / KotCS are out of the equasion, as these models are just baggy with large sleeves. And so, the RoLA or the ToD. Which one and from which skin? I was thinking maybe dark brown novapelle or heavy duty predistress lambskin (but have very serious doubts how long it lasts) or maybe cowhide? Horsehide? Really dunno.
What i am looking for?

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:08 pm
by Texan Scott
First of all, your jacket looks like an Indy jacket. Next, I would say that if your ideal jacket is a ToD, then try one. Wested or Diego make faithful copies. The other observation would be that the 'perfect' Indy jacket is often an ideal, a sentiment as seen on screen that exists in the mind, and very often is the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The question is does it fit comfortably and retain the flavor? Always better to wear a good reproduction and be happy, than to always chase and ideal that is not attainable.
In music terms, my guitar tech used to say...there is no magic guitar. Guys chase tone all their lives and never find it (exactly).
As a costume piece, these jackets were made for HF, to fit him for the movie and for a period of a few months of filming. It is in essence, a costume snapshot of a given point in time in movie history. However, in the real world, guys typically put on weight as time marches on, and it is relentless. Time waits for no one.
I am trying to save you hundreds of dollars. The perfect Indy jacket is not brand new off the cutter or just out of the box, it becomes one. It has been worn and weathered with your own personal adventures, and is made to fit you, not HF. Somewhere in there is jacket purgatory.

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:05 pm
by bartes123
####, that was Deep
Ok, what i was thinking when i wrote about my "perfect indy jacket" - i'd like to buy a jacket that fits me like glove fits hand. And looks like (and that is most important - not "is", but "looks like") jacket from Indiana Jones movie. I'd like that jacket to have slim fit cut beeing comfortable to wear, and have that indy jacket style. Never screen accurate, that is not my intention, so i will neve buy wested hero jacket.
And you have right, on that photos (taking 5 years ago, with all my effort to looks perfectly) my jacket looks almost perfect. Well, after 6 years i must Say, it is not that perfect, not even close. It is too baggy with to large shoulders. With no gussets.
As for now i think, the choice is between RoLA Standard and ToD, and dunno what kind of skin.
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Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:16 pm
by Michaelson
If haven't done so already, you might want to give this thread a quick read.
I think it's the hide you're looking for, and the folks who can make exactly what you're wanting, as recommended by Tex." onclick=";return false;
Regard! Michaelson

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:26 pm
by bartes123
Hello Michaelson! Well, horse hide is quite amazing skin i must admitt. But i'll have to wait for pictures of that guy in that jacket, to see how it looks. Like i wrote before - slim fit jacket is the thing that i search. I'd like rather in winter to wear that jacket under winter jacket than to wear something under that jacket - you feel me?
And last but not least, and most important - money. That jacket you recommend cost a lot compare to wested product, that cost much more than 6 years ago
Looks like mine poor country have that much #### money, they always are weak according to dollars, pounds or euro
And year after year they are only weaker.
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Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:28 pm
by Michaelson
Well, if you're set on a Wested, about all you CAN do is call them and ask for help in coming up with a custom fit to your size.....but as has already been said, it's a chase many a hobbiest has pursued, and in the end just sat down and cried.
Good luck!
Regard! M
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:34 pm
by Charybdis
I have gone through two different Westeds and had to return one of them. The other one I really liked.
However, if you want my humble opinion, go with Steel & Jones. Custom made jacket to your measurements just the way you want it. It's a bit pricier than a Wested, but well worth the effort. I love my S&J!
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:35 pm
by Texan Scott
Maybe you can find a good used/like new ToD...? One suggestion. Would not cost as much. Maybe someone has one on hand that they would be willing to let go of at a good price?
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:53 pm
by bartes123
Nah, buying use jacket wont do. It has to be made for me. Unfortunatelly i lived in Poland, wested in UK and S&J are in USA. So there's no chance for them to take all the measures they need. Well i think that is the biggest problem in that searching for ideal jacket not only for me but for others.
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Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:59 pm
by Michaelson
Actually, S&J is in South America, but that's a moot point.

Regard! M
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:21 pm
by car96
After two custom Wested's and another one second hand I can say they are great jackets.
After one Steele & Jones jacket...I do not have the need to buy or wear another jacket.
It fits perfect. Diego will do above and beyond to make sure the jacket you buy from them is going to fit to your standards and you will not regret the $ spent.
Just my opinion.

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:03 pm
by Photoss
car96 wrote:After two custom Wested's and another one second hand I can say they are great jackets.
After one Steele & Jones jacket...I do not have the need to buy or wear another jacket.
It fits perfect. Diego will do above and beyond to make sure the jacket you buy from them is going to fit to your standards and you will not regret the $ spent.
Just my opinion.

I can only echo this. I've had a jacket almost every vendor, and they all have had their strengths and weaknesses. My two current Westeds are nice, but not perfect, but I've kept them and do wear them. But my two S&Js are perfect, and WILL satisfy your desire for THE jacket. On top of that, they'll do screen accurate distressing, and walk you through every step in the process. HIGHLY recommended you go that route. I wish I had done so sooner!
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:11 pm
by davidafshar
Enjoying reading through this thread as I think I'm in a similar position as the OP insofar as what I'm wanting out of an Indy jacket. Between the comments here and in the "modern fit" thread, it sounds like Magnoli and Steele and Jones are the places folks are most often recommending. Unfortunately, Magnoli is going to remain out of my budget for a good long while (never say never, though), but Steele and Jones seem pretty reasonable. Looks like I'll have to drop them a line once I've got enough change to warrant cracking open the piggy bank.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:30 pm
by bartes123
Well, I saw in here:" onclick=";return false;
that they have some very interesting prices in that Steel & Jones company!
So i wrote an email to Diego. Hope it will be a journey to my own Indy Jacket Eldorado!!!
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:53 pm
by Texan Scott
He makes a great ToD.
Take a stroll through this thread:" onclick=";return false;
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:11 pm
by Holt
Contact wested. Purchase a Temple of doom in lambskin. Its the cut taken from the orginal doom jacket.
Go custom, order a slight tighter fit if you like the look of the promo tofd shot. Like a half size down in chest torso area. Not in shoulders! Order that normal. Shoulder width stays as the jacket REALLY tightens up at the armpit shoulder area when zipped. So normal shoulders. Slight tighter chest. I know you want the jacket ''shirt'' look if I am not misstaken right?
Soak the jacket. Bunch up the sleeves as much as possible. Here I mean like how Axel Foley wears them. Break it in. Rub in with pecard. Go out in the rain with it. Wear it all the time! School of Michaelson is the only way. yeah, I know, look who's talking....
I just helped a bud of mine with the exact same thing. He got his temple jacket. He wanted the promo look shot as well. It looks great on him! really awesome!
Got your pm about the same subject the other day. I have so much to do at work these days I have not had the chance to reply. Pluss I am finishing of that grail diary of mine. which requires sooo much time and focus. Its kinda crazy.

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:21 pm
by Michaelson
Holt wrote: Wear it all the time! School of Michaelson is the only way. yeah, I know, look who's talking....
Regard! Michaelson

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:43 pm
by Tyrloch
Ask Diego at Steele & Jones if he has any of his clearance leathers left. At one time he had thin goatskin and thin cowhide - both are way tougher than lambskin...
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:03 pm
by RayROnline
Agreed...Steele & Jones for Extreme customer service, Bespoke fit, perfect dimensions subtly adjusted to your body style. You won't be sorry.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:30 am
by bartes123
Many thanks everyone for adviced. Holt, especially to you as you are an wested jacket expert. The only thing i was worry about was...Measurments. But after one (one! Insane!) mail from Diego i know quite Well that he will do anything to fit mine jacket just for me! Well, his offert isn't as nice as wested is, but i can see on couple of photos, that they jackets looks really greate on folks (where jacket from Wested could surprise and not in the good way).
Anyway, i wait for rest information from Diego (mostly about horse hide and how about it durability, as my lambskin LC Jacket from Wested after 6 years looks pretty tired (Well, i post a couple of photos how it looks for today) . I'm pretty sure most of you could said that right nów that jacket looks amazing (it is, it really is as used jacket for adventure hunter... As for father of 3 kids working in the office.. not so much
Anyway alhough S&J jacket cost 1/3 more than wested, i feel in my guts they are more safe to cooperate with this great endevour
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Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:49 am
by Holt
Well, you cannot go wrong with DIego. From the look of the photos and reading peoples reviews on them, he sure does awesome work! I want one!
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:36 am
by bartes123
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:38 am
by bartes123
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:45 am
by Tyrloch
Honestly, the fit doesn't look too bad. Maybe the armholes could've been a bit smaller, but otherwise? It seems to have the Last Crusade vibe going for it, but I seem to recall you saying that you'd rather a slimmer ToD fit. I don't know if Wested will be able to get you the exact fit you like, but Diego will custom make the waist size smaller to accommodate you...
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:51 am
by Texan Scott
One thing you can do to size this per your requirements is to have the sleeves cut close to the body and add gussets. This will keep it from riding up so much. Give exact measurements of your bicep & forearm, chest and abdomen. Diego can cut it to fit closer and assure you a better fit.....and that's an order!
Sorry, I meant
InDieglo Jones
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:30 am
by bartes123
"IT doesn't look too bad" doesn't mean "it looks great on you". It was great jacket for me 6 years ago, when my knowledge about all details was... poor.
On the other hand - i have that LC Jacket and ok. I'll wear it anyway. I love it, like you love Old dog you have from beggining. But start searching for another one, for "the jacket". In the beginning i didn't wonna buy another indy jacket, tought that chapter is closed for me. Loking at "escape from th ny jacket", "skyfall jacket", "wLverine origins" jacket, "days of future past jacket" and then, out of nowhere it came to me.. why not another indy jacket? But this time i do everything i can, ask everybody i can to mąkę sure it will be perfect.
So here i am
Wysłane z mojego Classic przy użyciu Tapatalka
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:56 am
by Texan Scott
Another key area is jacket length. Think in terms of how much above or below the belt you require? About 2" below the belt is a good ballpark, if you are going for a ToD. Try on a button up oxford type dress shirt and get someone to measure from the bottom of the shirt collar stand to say, for instance, 2" below the belt. Diego may have his own take on that, as well?
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:52 pm
by Holt
I do not see a problem. Only a very cool jacket.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:04 pm
by bartes123
See? What did i tell you? It is a very cool jacket. It is. But not that cool, because i still feel the need. The need for... new jacket
This jacket stays with mme.try to buy some peckard, saved it and hide. Couple of years later, when my kids grown, as my belly will

she will return.
But for now? Now i am slim and fit and i want my "shirt-jacket".
Well, negotiation with Diego already began. In this way or another - i will have my perfect jacket when spring came!
Wysłane z mojego Classic przy użyciu Tapatalka
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:45 pm
by davyjones007
My second Indy jacket has the same issues with the arm holes being too big. On the flip side, it makes it easier to layer without feeling too tight.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:06 am
by Glenville86
The couple LC jackets I have from Wested both have the "flying squirrel" effect. Their Raiders jackets do not do it. Not a big deal on the LC for me if I don't raise my arms too high.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:40 am
by Holt
The original jacket had the same effect.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:03 am
by bartes123
Well, right nów, i don't like that effect. I don't need a jacket in which i must remember to not raise arms too hight because of silly look.
Wysłane z mojego Classic przy użyciu Tapatalka
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:42 pm
by bartes123
I'm not saying anything, but i think it may be good time for changing post subject from "searching for my perfect "indy" jacket" into "waiting for my new light distressed thin horsehide Temple of Doom "looks like shirt" jacket" ;p
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:46 am
by Howard Weinstein
bartes123 wrote:I'm not saying anything, but i think it may be good time for changing post subject from "searching for my perfect "indy" jacket" into "waiting for my new light distressed thin horsehide Temple of Doom "looks like shirt" jacket" ;p
If that means you ordered a jacket, great! Enjoy it when it arrives!
Otherwise (and someone may have mentioned this already) you take your old one to a good tailor for some custom alterations.
I got a US Wings lambskin jacket a few years ago. Not too expensive, nice jacket, fit well, and I really liked it -- except the sleeves were too long. A local tailor took care of that for a reasonable price. Cheaper than buying a new jacket!
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:11 am
by Cajunkraut
Texan Scott wrote:First of all, your jacket looks like an Indy jacket. Next, I would say that if your ideal jacket is a ToD, then try one. Wested or Diego make faithful copies. The other observation would be that the 'perfect' Indy jacket is often an ideal, a sentiment as seen on screen that exists in the mind, and very often is the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The question is does it fit comfortably and retain the flavor? Always better to wear a good reproduction and be happy, than to always chase and ideal that is not attainable.
In music terms, my guitar tech used to say...there is no magic guitar. Guys chase tone all their lives and never find it (exactly).
As a costume piece, these jackets were made for HF, to fit him for the movie and for a period of a few months of filming. It is in essence, a costume snapshot of a given point in time in movie history. However, in the real world, guys typically put on weight as time marches on, and it is relentless. Time waits for no one.
I am trying to save you hundreds of dollars. The perfect Indy jacket is not brand new off the cutter or just out of the box, it becomes one. It has been worn and weathered with your own personal adventures, and is made to fit you, not HF. Somewhere in there is jacket purgatory.

Edited 2/7/17 to add Scott's prescribed mood music:" onclick=";return false;

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:30 am
by kozmoedave
You will be very happy with your Steele & Jones. I LOVE mine. Someday I'll have one of their distressed LCs.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:55 pm
by bartes123
Yes! Steele&Jones is my choice

Now we wait.
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Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:37 pm
by Charybdis
Oh, you think you have found the perfect jacket but then they. come out with another leather, another pattern, another distressing job another another....And before you know it, guess what? You want another jacket!
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:43 am
by bartes123
No, that is enough. Done with searching with screen accurate indy jacket. This time i want my own indy looks like jacket, so i dont need to search for another one.
Wysłane z mojego Classic przy użyciu Tapatalka
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:38 pm
by Texan Scott forgot the Hawaii'an music....there needs to be Hawaii'an music in jacket purgatory.
.....that's the ticket....


Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:34 am
by bartes123
Texan Scott forgot the Hawaii'an music....there needs to be Hawaii'an music in jacket purgatory.
.....that's the ticket....


Jeez, that was heavy...
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:12 am
by bartes123
Well folks, looks like my journey should ends any time soon

I proudly present you:
Steel&Jones Cazadora 35 in thin horsehide:
It is slim fit Temple of Doom jacket with larger pockets, so I can hide there something bigger than just bugs or air
So, what ya think?
real beauty aint she?
Diego is really Michelangello of jacket makers

Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:34 am
by temple_runner
Beautiful jacket! And nice choice.
I ordered mine from him yesterday, so I should be on the list. I can't wait.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:28 am
by kozmoedave
Another beauty from S & J.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:55 pm
by xmasters
I spent ages looking at the pictures trying to figure out what jacket it was. It was the pockets throwing me off, shaould have read your description.

Nice jacket.
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:53 am
by bartes123
You mean that pockets in my jacket is something you don't like? Or you don't like pockets in original ToD jacket? English is So confusing
Wysłane z mojego STV100-4 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:01 am
by xmasters
It looks great. I usually notice a ToD jacket because it has the smallest pockets. Yours are by request slightly bigger. That's why it confused me until I read your description.
Now we need to see you wearing it!
Re: searching for my own perfect
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 3:21 am
by bartes123
Well, package has arrive.
As for now just few photos. Have no time for posing, my wife is in hospital, my Child is comming!!!
Wysłane z mojego STV100-4 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Re: searching for my own perfect "indy" jacket
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:25 am
by Michaelson
Nice jacket, and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Hope everything is going or went well with the delivery!
Regards! Michaelson