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Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:34 am
by LuckyLighter
I've seen a lot of people talk about putting their new leather jackets in the shower for a bit to get the shine out and make it form to their bodies better. My question is, is this done before or after Pecard's is applied? I'm a little confused as to what the correct order is for breaking in a leather jacket. I feel like I've seen people say they soak it first, then apply Pecard's, but if that's the case, isn't the leather being water damaged before it gets a chance to be treated?
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:55 am
by Dr._J
Water first then Pecards after it dries. Careful with the water though; there might be some shrinkage.
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:04 am
by Texan Scott
You can really make it mold to you by getting the outside shell wet and wearing it until its dry. Rain water works especially well, it seems. No need to 'wash' it. Watch the creases form on the sleeves as it dries.
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:11 am
by LuckyLighter
Texan Scott wrote:You can really make it mold to you by getting the outside shell wet and wearing it until its dry. Rain water works especially well, it seems. No need to 'wash' it. Watch the creases form on the sleeves as it dries.
So, what you're saying is I can get the same effect from just wiping it down with a wet towel, instead of a quick rinse in the shower? Is that correct?
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:34 am
by Screencapped
Sorry to butt in, but imo I've had pretty good results by totally soaking my jacket in cool water than allowing it to air dry in or outdoors. Once the jacket is three quarters of the way dry I put it on and wore it around for the majority of the day so it would sort of mold to my upper body. Hope that helps

Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:48 am
by Indiana Jeff
The biggest challege with completely soaking a jacket is exactly what Dr.j warned about - shrinkage!
Members have lost length in sleeves or body that has resulted in the jacket no longer being wearable. In worst case scenarios, different panels of the leather will shrink at different rates making matters even worse.
On the other hand, many members have had great success wetting jackets.
Best course of action, start small, use the wet towel as you mentioned and see how that works. If you want to go farther, try a quick rinse under a cold shower to simulate rain. No need to soak all the way through to the liner, etc.
Go slow and in stages.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:53 pm
by Cajunkraut
Do water-based conditioners like Lexol have the same effect? I've been applying it exclusively to my jackets for years, and have never thought about using it for distressing.
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:24 pm
by Indiana Jeff
Can't say for sure.

I would think not unless you really drench the jacket. Conditioners are meant to coat the fibers and provide lubrication to reduce friction that would ultimately cause the leather to crack. Petroleum based products like Pecards will only soak in so much and then the excess sits on the surface. Water based conditioner
may soak into the fibers more. Plain water is absorbed causing the fibers to swell. That's what caused the grain characteristics to change (or 'pop') as well as can lead to shrinking as the fibers dry back out. If the fibers contract while drying it can cause shrinking. That's why a dose of leather dressing is often needed after a good soaking to re-hydrate the fibers. Water can leach out the natural oils.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:58 pm
by Michaelson
Cajunkraut wrote:Jeff,
Do water-based conditioners like Lexol have the same effect? I've been applying it exclusively to my jackets for years, and have never thought about using it for distressing.
No. There's more lanolin in the lotion than water so use all you want!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:16 pm
by Cajunkraut
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:58 pm
by LuckyLighter
Since I have this thread going, let me ask you all this: what is the purpose of wetting/soaking/showering leather jackets? Is it JUST to get it to mold to your body, or does it have other benefits? Other than possible shrinking, does it cause any permanent effect on the jacket? Can one get away with not wetting/soaking/showering their jacket?
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:01 pm
by Michaelson
LuckyLighter wrote:Can one get away with not wetting/soaking/showering their jacket?
I've never done this in all the years I've been in this hobby, so the answer is 'absolutely'!
Regard! Michaelson
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:10 pm
by Gorak
Full-disclosure: wetting treatment just gives it an instant broken in look. Aside from a little shrinkage (which some refer to as molding to your body as it conforms to your cracks and curves) there is no real harm done it that is going to destroy your jackets quality.....if you don't do it, the jacket wI'll just look newer longer and eventually it will still get "broken in" by just wear depending on how adventurous your life is!

Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:39 am
by Indiana Jeff
Yep, the idea is to break in the jacket faster. Per Michaelson I have never purposely exposed my jackets to soakings. I wear them in the rain as weather dictates, but that's it.
As the water is absorbed by the leather it can cause the leather to swell and 'give more character' as the grain becomes more pronounced. The type of leather and tanning process will greatly impact the changes to the grain from soaking. Some jackets show little change, others come out looking like dino/alligator hide. And again, because each piece of the jacket is different piece of leather, each piece can react differently to the soaking. There have been jackets that come out looking like it was stitched together with different kinds of hides for each panel.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Question about Soaking New Jackets
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:20 am
by zeus36
LuckyLighter wrote:Since I have this thread going, let me ask you all this: what is the purpose of wetting/soaking/showering leather jackets? Is it JUST to get it to mold to your body, or does it have other benefits? Other than possible shrinking, does it cause any permanent effect on the jacket? Can one get away with not wetting/soaking/showering their jacket?
My issue was threefold:
1. The sleeves were a bit too long.
2. The prior owner was from France and tended to wear a lot of cologne or perfume.
3. The jacket had no character so it was rather plain.
I ended up showering with it on, giving it a good shake to get the excess off. Put it back on, pushed up the sleeves and carefully removed the jacket to air dry with the sleeves bunched. After it dried, the sleeves only shortened a quarter of an inch and had some nice creasing to them. I ended up distressing the seams for a worn in look.
To this day I have not put any Pecards on it and the perfume smell is gone.