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Close enough trousers

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:16 pm
by wannabe
I have owned a pair of Wested trousers from 4 years ago and I did like them but I was thinking about picking up another pair of close enough trousers. As I am in the UK I wanted to stick with a vendor here and I found ... -trousers/

They are a bit on the mustard side but it is hard to tell from the light directly on them. I just wanted to see if anyone here had bought from them or what their thoughts were on the colour before I pulled the trigger.


Re: Close enough trousers

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:46 am
by Indiana Jeff
Color looks good to me. The trousers look like flat front with only three belt loops so not super accurate, but for the price I'd snatch them up as close enoughs.


Indiana Jeff

Re: Close enough trousers

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:03 am
by wannabe
Thanks Jeff! They actually have a single set of pleats so that is a bit more in line with it the original. I just know they are a bit sand/mustard colour and I know thats a bit more of an LC look.

Re: Close enough trousers

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:26 pm
by Bamindy
Slightly off topic - but on that website I see they also do replica weapons (rubber and resin) which are hard to find in the UK. Couple of Indy style guns: ... -prop-gun/" onclick=";return false; ... -prop-gun/" onclick=";return false; ... -prop-gun/" onclick=";return false;
