I know this is total heresy, but...

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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I know this is total heresy, but...

Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

When I start looking for a whip, it will be more to complete the outfit than for actual use. That being the case, which "budget" or "economy" whip will give most bang for the buck?
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Post by Mola Ram »

all out ec whips!
check out the budget indy and this post...
http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic ... ght=review
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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

That's the budget whip?! That's pretty impressive if that's the review of the budget. It's still a little high - any other options? I saw a 12" nylon - I know it's NOTHING like the film, but is it even worth the $45 they're asking for what will be, in essence, a prop? :?
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Post by Mr. Das »

12 inch nylon wouldn't do much cracking. But a 12 foot is much cheaper than a 12 foot leather bullwhip. I'm still waiting on my Nylon, so I can't comment more until it arrives.
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Post by IndianaCollins »

Yeah, I'd defenity recomend EC whips. I don't have their budget Indy, but I love the Indy-style I own
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Post by Mola Ram »

165$ for a 8 foot budget indy is not a lot at all. no the whip in that post is
the standard 12 plait, its just an example of jims work.
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Post by Whipcrack »

Drive north, to South of the Border. They have a whole barrel of whips there, $3 each.

Seriously, Panama Tom Jr. why don’t you spend a little more and get a whip worth cracking. If you take a little time and learn properly you will be surprised with the results. Cracking the whip is a skill that will add enjoyment to your hobby. I like teaching newbees to crack and like seeing them learn to snap that baby. I’m sure there are several crackers near you who feel the same way and would be glad to help you out.

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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

So lengthwise - what 's the best if I'm going to get just one whip for life - I understand 8' is a good starter, but would it be ok to start with a 9' or 10'?
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

I'd get a an 8 foot. The action is slower on a 10 footer and you can do more with an 8 footer IMO.
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Post by Indiana Blizzard »

Everyone seems to think you need to start with an 8 footer,I am starting with a 10 footer myself I figure the 8 footer is quick and the 12 footer is slow so the 10 must be just right ...but then again, i have 0 expeirience with whips.so take my advice with a grain of salt.. :wink:
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Post by jerryrwm »

Panama Tom Jr. wrote:So lengthwise - what 's the best if I'm going to get just one whip for life - I understand 8' is a good starter, but would it be ok to start with a 9' or 10'?
You have to ask yourself what you want to use the whip for. Basic cracking, targets, wraps, multiple cracking, fighting,(no wait that's another thread in another time :D ).

In my opinion, the 8' whips are the ideal all-around whip. You can cut targets, you can do wraps, you can do multiple cracks, and you can do the basics. And you can do these things in a smaller area. A 10' whip requires a clear area of over 30' in diameter to be able to crack in all the planes. That's assuming you stand still. And the first time you swing that whip up and over to do the circus/cattleman's crack and you see all that leather heading up into the air, knowing that you will eventually sooner or later hit your self, that's when you will wonder if that little 4' whip would've been a better choice. Kyle, that's when a whip is intimidating - when you know your own ear isn't safe from yourself. :wink:

Don't get me wrong. I use 12' and longer whips, and I make and sell whips longer than 12'. But for every 12'er that I sell I usually have either sold an 8'er to the buyer first, or I sell an 8' to them after they have the 12' for a while.

The biggest drawback to a 10' or 12' whip is that they tire you out so much faster.

So, ask yourself what you want to do with the whip, and then make your decision.

Oh yeah your statment - "get just one whip for life" sounds awfully monagamistic. Don't you know that whipcrackers are poligamists when it comes to whips? And whips are like Lays Potato Chips - ya just can't buy just one.

have fun and Keep 'em crackin'

Jerry R
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Post by Henry Jones Sr. »

jerryrwm wrote:Oh yeah your statement - "get just one whip for life" sounds awfully monagamistic. Don't you know that whipcrackers are poligamists when it comes to whips? And whips are like Lays Potato Chips - ya just can't buy just one.
As Minnesota Jones pointed out to Maryon and me as he let us try out his whips at last year's Queen Mary Summit, "The first crack is free." :wink: He was absolutely right. It's hard to avoid addiction.... Good luck in your choice, and enjoy! :D


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"If I had one whip to choose, it would be ..."

Post by Robert Duke »

"If I had one whip to choose, it would be ..."

That could be a difficult choice for me. I have a house full of whips of various lengths, styles, etc.

My choice would not be a long whip. IMO, it's a one trick pony and you won't get that many miles out of it. Life is about mileage. Indy said "It's not the years, it's the mileage." If I gave you five whips, that long whip would not get the mileage as the 6 to 8 foot range whips would.

Now, I really like the stockwhips for doing multi-cracking routines and combinations. I especially like it with two whips, but if I had one whip to choose, it might be a stockwhip or at least a hybrid bull. A hybrid has the combined advantage of a long handled stockwhip but with the thong attached to the handle like a bullwhip instead of the familiar keeper loops as on stockwhips. I would prefer the steel lined cane handle for a slight flex action as oppposed to the rigid steel handle foundation on most bullwhips. I like doing a lot of volley type routines with the whip going all around and doing overhead cracking work. To do much in the overhead you cannot have a long whip. I especially like doing the fast helicopter cracks, overhead cracks and Hassett's Four Corners... all in the overhead plane. To be effective with those cracks I would not want any longer than a 7 foot hybrid. An 8 foot whip is a great whip, but it gets a little long for the overheads. WHen I do shows, I carry more than one whip of course. I may start out with the 14 foot bullwhip to get their attention. (It works!) and then use the 8 foot bullwhip for some fancy cracking, then get the hybrid bullwhip out and then the stockwhips for doing two handed multicracking combinations.

I hope my input helps people to better understand the world of "sports whipcracking".

Keep on cracking a smile,
Robert Duke
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Indiana Blizzard wrote:Everyone seems to think you need to start with an 8 footer,I am starting with a 10 footer myself I figure the 8 footer is quick and the 12 footer is slow so the 10 must be just right ...but then again, i have 0 expeirience with whips.so take my advice with a grain of salt.. :wink:
8 foot whips aren't too fast. I'd categorize it like this...6 footer is gonna be quick, an 8 footer just right (middle of the road), a 10 footer, a bit slower.

6-footer-SKI BOAT
10-footer-CRUISE SHIP
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Post by English Whip Maker »

Hi folks

Thought I'd add my tuppence worth.

Gotta agree with pretty much everything Mr Duke has to say.

Personally, as a first bullwhip, I wouldn't go longer than 6-8 feet. A few reasons:

1: While you're learning, the whip spends a lot of time getting dragged around on the floor, trodden on, wrapped around your legs and generally mistreated. The longer the whip, the more it is going to suffer in this way, and more often as well. As long as you're not daft, and it's half decent, it will cope, but you're still introducing more wear and tear than you would whilst learning with a shorter whip.

2: Because you get tangled and muddled less often with a shorter whip, you'll spend more time actually throwing it. Learning curve is steeper, and the time spent is more satisfying.

3: Going for a shorter whip means that you can afford to spend more on quality, giving you a whip that will respond better, last longer and help you learn more quickly.

4: Big whips need big practice space. Over here in the UK, unless you're willing to go out in all weathers and spend much time cleaning and re-dressing your whip, a shorter whip gives you much more scope for practicing because it can be used in many more indoor spaces without having to worry about fixtures and fittings - or other people using the space.

As with much else in life, it's a matter of personal preference at the end of the day. And local conditions, I guess. We sell very few 8 foot whips, and I've had a 12 foot bullwhip sitting here for almost a year. It makes for a good conversation piece, though!

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Post by Robert Duke »

Whip Store wrote:Gotta agree with pretty much everything Mr Duke has to say.

Personally, as a first bullwhip, I wouldn't go longer than 6-8 feet.

As with much else in life, it's a matter of personal preference at the end of the day. And local conditions, I guess. We sell very few 8 foot whips, and I've had a 12 foot bullwhip sitting here for almost a year. It makes for a good conversation piece, though! Dave
How will you ever sell that 12 footer? You know some people want that big whip no matter what. I believe we have saved them some grief if they are really wanting to learn how to crack the whip. The 12 footer will be for them what is to you now. A conversation piece. I believe you may crack that whip as good as me, I don't know. I have a 14 footer and to me it's a monster. I've done wraps with it and the sorts while entertaining. It is a BIG attention getter. If I want to attract some attention all I have to do is lay it out. I can work it in a big crowd. If I see a gap between people I will roll the whip out thru the gap, and might add a small crack. Whoa... got their attention. Toss it back the opposite direction thru another gap with another crack. Wow, more excitement. Now all of a sudden they've given me a lot of room because of the respect the whip does ask. No one wants to get hit with a whip though I am not trying to nor would I want to either. Now there will always be a silly person want to come up and say whip me and then I will use them to do a few wraps. That first wrap scares the heck out of them, then they realize it's ok after a few wraps, but it still leaves the audience in awe.

I am working at the Super Bowl on Sunday. I will carry some whips and hope to get some attention from some of the stars and celebities that are expected to overtake the game. It seems no one in Houston is going to the game because it is so expensive and reserved for stars and celebrities. My agent warned me if I asked for any autographs that I would be dismissed. At least I will have the memories.

Keep on cracking a smile,
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Post by Farnham54 »

What are the odds that me and my Superbowl party will see you on the old TV there, Robert?


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Post by Robert Duke »

Hello Farn,

THe game will be on CBS an dplayed in Reliant Stadium, but I will be in Relaiant Center, a big hall/convention center next door to it that will be a "tailgate party" for the guests, celebrities, etc. There will be no "tailgate parties as such in the parking lot. Parking is a major premium. The entertainment like me has some weird rules even. Because the security is so tight that they will x-ray your cars before you get too close. Weird.

So, my point is I will be entertaining a couple hours before the game from 2 to 4 pm-ish. I was strictly told to ask for no autographs or I'd be dismissed. That hint tells me there is going to be a lot of big shots, stars and celebrities wanting to be seen. I've heard several people say they've sighted stars around town already this week. I hope to maybe wrap Demi Moore, or Paris Hilton. LOL
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Post by Farnham54 »

If there are any pre-game shows on the tele I'll be sure to keep an eye out for a guy with a whip.

If you can, try to wrap Ms. Hilton AND Mrs. Moore, and send Ms. Hilton over my way...Whats that? Oh, you have to let them go after? Drat! Oh well next time...:D

Do enjoy yourself, Robert.


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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Robert, that'd be cool if you were on tv. Is Debi going there with you? If so, have her snap some pics. We'd love to see you in action. Wouldn't that be something if Ford, Lucas, or Spielberg were there and saw you crackin' your whip? I can't wait to hear the full report next week.
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Post by Robert Duke »

Well, I just heard from my agent that it's more than a "tailgate party" but a private party for the celebrities. I've never heard my agent so excited.

I wouldn't know if any TV crews will be there. With all the hoopla I wouldn't doubt if all the major networks were there.
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