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Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 2:09 pm
by adiemilio
Hey guys, just wanted to start a topic, didn't found anything on the subject, this was started in the "Swinging from a tree with a whip" thread.
What gear do you remember had to be replaced by Indy? as far as I can remember and by Indy timeline goes as follows:
Shirt: 1935 During big thuggee fight.
Shoulder bag: 1935 after Sankara Stone burned through it.
Shoes: 1935 After being used as mine car brakes.
Whip: 1936 Being taken by Belloq in Peru.
Gun: 1936 Being taken by Belloq in Peru
Travel Fedora: 1957 Indy put it on one of the Marshall students head before the fight with the greasers (we'll see if it gets replaced in the next installment).
What else do you guys remember?
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 2:46 pm
by backstagejack
Gun: replaced after Willie lost it in TOD
Pants: the knees on his pants in TOD are obviously torn on the bridge scene
Jacket (and probably shirt): After the gunshot to the arm in Raiders - it's obvious that there's no hole patch in LC or CS
Entire gear: after the nuclear explosion in CS, it's obvious that his entire gear is taken from him and disposed of. That would probably explain why all his gear looks brand new (as if they planned it......)
Razor: shorty lost it in TOD ( "Shorty, where's my razor?" )

Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 2:54 pm
by Michaelson
What happened to his hat, jacket, bag, belt/holster, revolver, and whip in Raiders after he jumped ship and swam to the sub?
We ASSUME he got all his stuff back, but there's nothing to confirm that.
Regard! Michaelson
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 2:58 pm
by backstagejack
Michaelson wrote:What happened to his hat, jacket, bag, belt/holster, revolver, and whip in Raiders after he jumped ship and swam to the sub?
We ASSUME he got all his stuff back, but there's nothing to confirm that.
Regard! Michaelson
Agreed, according to the book, he wore his hat and whip INTO the water.... which never made sense to me.
I just assume he left his jacket, hat, etc on the boat (with his suitcase and three piece suit/travel hat ) and katanga sent it to him or he gathered it later.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 3:00 pm
by adiemilio
backstagejack wrote:Gun: replaced after Willie lost it in TOD
Pants: the knees on his pants in TOD are obviously torn on the bridge scene
Jacket (and probably shirt): After the gunshot to the arm in Raiders - it's obvious that there's no hole patch in LC or CS
Entire gear: after the nuclear explosion in CS, it's obvious that his entire gear is taken from him and disposed of. That would probably explain why all his gear looks brand new (as if they planned it......)
Agree, they showered him and gave him a T-shirt and pants.
Michaelson wrote:What happened to his hat, jacket, bag, belt/holster, revolver, and whip in Raiders after he jumped ship and swam to the sub?
We ASSUME he got all his stuff back, but there's nothing to confirm that.
Regard! Michaelson
You're right, but I'm pretty sure his revolver and whip were never given back by Belloq.

Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 3:05 pm
by Michaelson
They were taken from him by Belloq at the beginning of the film.
We see him unroll another revolver he takes from his desk and toss another whip in his suitcase in his room when Brody comes to see him to tell him the Government wants him to go after the Ark.
Regard! M
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 3:18 pm
by Dangerfreak
His legs, 1936, after they went to jelly when the big Afrika Korp mechanic punched him on the jaw. Luckily Indy soon found sturdy replacements !
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 3:43 pm
by adiemilio
Michaelson wrote:They were taken from him by Belloq at the beginning of the film.
We see him unroll another revolver he takes from his desk and toss another whip in his suitcase in his room when Brody comes to see him to tell him the Government wants him to go after the Ark.
Regard! M
Yes, that's the reason I wanted to start this topic; IMHO sometimes it seems Indy is not so fond of his gear or heartbroken

when it gets damaged as he replaces it just like one would replace any other garment or tool

, on the other hand he's been using the same style for more than 20 years and at times he has risked loosing a limb

by trying to get back his whip in ROTLA and his hat in TOD, I wonder if the high prices of those items maked him consider leaving them behind.
I have been very persistent with my gear also having purchased 4 vintage MKVII bags in less than a year.
Dangerfreak wrote:His legs, 1936, after they went to jelly when the big Afrika Korp mechanic punched him on the jaw. Luckily Indy soon found sturdy replacements !

Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 4:48 pm
by Cajunkraut
Pretty sure he replaced the hat worn during the swim the Hovitos sent him on.

Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 4:58 pm
by backstagejack
adiemilio wrote:
Yes, that's the reason I wanted to start this topic; IMHO sometimes it seems Indy is not so fond of his gear or heartbroken

when it gets damaged as he replaces it just like one would replace any other garment or tool

, on the other hand he's been using the same style for more than 20 years and at times he has risked loosing a limb

by trying to get back his whip in ROTLA and his hat in TOD, I wonder if the high prices of those items maked him consider leaving them behind.
With the type of life Indy leads, plus the time period I wouldn't think he's that attached to any of his gear. the clothes he wears are work clothes. He expects them to get dirty and torn up, add to that he ALWAYS gets into fights or dangerous situations. Also for me, it's proven that he keeps multiples of his clothes. How else could he replace his entire gear in CS so quickly? (and don't get me started on my personal theory that he gets all his clothes custom made considering none of them are actually military issued but are all military inspired..... where can you buy the same type of clothes for over 20 years?)
Heck, in Raiders as you point out, his gun and whip are taken by Belloq and yet, when he packs his bags in just a scene or two later, he has a whip and gun again.
As Michaelson has pointed out many times - men back in the day would rotate their hats. A new hat was for special occasions until it was worn and then it became the daily/work hat..... which for me makes the most sense for Indy as well considering he wears a brown fedora for atleast 40 years (or longer if YIJC bookends were still canon) and with the torture he puts them through no fedora would last that long. It makes all the differences throughout the movies for his shirts, pants, hat, jacket, whips etc make sense.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:08 pm
by JohnnyD97
Everyone forgot his underwear after he jumped out of a plane with nothing but a life raft!
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:32 pm
by Tennessee Smith
JohnnyD97 wrote:Everyone forgot his underwear after he jumped out of a plane with nothing but a life raft!
What? The Khali River Rapids ride didn't clean them?

Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 6:14 pm
by JohnnyD97
Tennessee Smith wrote:
What? The Khali River Rapids ride didn't clean them?

Well played sir, well played...
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:23 pm
by adiemilio
backstagejack wrote:As Michaelson has pointed out many times - men back in the day would rotate their hats. A new hat was for special occasions until it was worn and then it became the daily/work hat..... which for me makes the most sense for Indy as well considering he wears a brown fedora for atleast 40 years (or longer if YIJC bookends were still canon) and with the torture he puts them through no fedora would last that long. It makes all the differences throughout the movies for his shirts, pants, hat, jacket, whips etc make sense.
In that case I guess we can pardon most of the nuances in his gear.
Tennessee Smith wrote:JohnnyD97 wrote:Everyone forgot his underwear after he jumped out of a plane with nothing but a life raft!
What? The Khali River Rapids ride didn't clean them?

Forgot about that

Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 2:37 am
by doppelganger
I reckon his closet must look like a clothes rack in Wested. 20 odd new ensembles of everything freshly grimed up ready for duty.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:02 am
by Indiana Jeff
JohnnyD97 wrote:Everyone forgot his underwear after he jumped out of a plane with nothing but a life raft!
Actually when they are in the plane Indy yells for Shorty to get their stuff. As they are exiting the plane and crammed together, you can see Shorting holding Indy's gladstone bag. Additionally the bag can be seen in the raft, on the elephants and when they arrive at Pankot Palace.
So, whereas Indy misplaced his razor along the way (really just a line of dialog to cover why he would show up to a fancy dinner unshaven), we can all rest easy knowing Indy had clean skivvies on.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:41 am
by Adventure Dog
Michaelson wrote:They were taken from him by Belloq at the beginning of the film.
In my head cannon, Belloq was the kind of antagonist would find some way to return the items he took from Indy, therefore making himself appear the gentleman and further infuriating Indy. Belloq enjoyed provoking/teasing Indy, we know this from their conversation in the bar, and even earlier with "Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away". I can imagine Indy getting a package at his school without a return address (among many packages from all over the globe), and it's the whip Belloq took from him from months ago with a note saying "Good to see you again".
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:04 pm
by Cajunkraut
Are you talking about the same guy who tried to sentence Indy to death by Hovito, Marhala Bar thug, and entrapment in the Well of the Souls? Methinks you're giving that Frenchman waaay too much credit.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:19 pm
by Indiana Jeff
Yeah, but I could see Belloq, upon hearing Indy survived the Hovitos and is back to teaching, would send him his whip and pistol with a note, "Better luck next time" just to rub his nose in it.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:06 pm
by JohnnyD97
I'm not sure Belloq was ever really trying to to kill him. He could have had the Hovitos kill him outright. He could have had him killed in the bar outright. And as far as the Well of Souls, again he could have had the nazis just shoot Indy. But he didn't. Each time he interacts with Jones he seems more intent in mocking him, demonstrating his superiority. Just my take on it though.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 4:11 pm
by Cajunkraut
True. Much like a Bond villain, he could've quickly exterminated the hero several times over instead of forcing him to listen to a monologue (or three in Belloq's case). But then there wouldn't be much of a movie.
At the end of the day, Belloq's overt acts, at least in Peru and Tanis, amount to conspiring, aiding and abetting, and/or being an accessory to attempted murder. Bottom line.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 4:36 pm
by adiemilio
Belloq was in some way fond of Indy, he told him they were very much alike, and it wouldn't take long for him to follow his same dark steps.

Just that he did things to provoke more hate of Indy towards him instead of to corrupt him, some kind of Darth Vader trying to convert Luke in a sort of way, trying to kill him until he was so down that he had no choice.
Re: Gear that has been replaced by Indy
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 8:31 pm
by backstagejack
Though Belloq was a bad guy and tried to kill Indy I COULD see him returning the whip and gun with the note..... Whether he was or no.... Belloq saw himself as a gentlemen from a different era I think.
I do sometimes wish Belloq had survived and we could've had more of their "gentlemen's quarrel"