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adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:45 am
by adiemilio
I've been an Indy Fan since I first saw raiders back in 2000 when I was in 7th grade in Junior High, my first hat was a Dorfman Pacific purchased at the Indy Shop in Disneyland, being a pre-teen the only size that fitted me was a medium which of the 2 options had the less accurate colors, the ribbon being of a light brown and the felt a pecan shade, only the large had the right colors, but for me being the Official Indiana Jones hat was good enough for me, even the reason that it was made of wool for me it was like it was a top hat.
Back home after watching the movies again several times, I noticed how inaccurate my hat was, also that from movie to movie it was different and I couldn't understand why, for me in each movie it was the same hat, I tried to bash it SA with no success, I removed the pin on the bow with some pliers, even tried to add a wire between the overwelt edge on the brim to have it swoop as on the screen-used ones, finally ended up cutting with scissors the overwelt since I noticed the screen-used hat did not had that

. After speaking with an uncle who at the time wore nice hats he told me the Indy hat was a Stetson, he probably thought so due to the advertisement it had during the 80's.
At around 2006 searching for whips I ended up at Todd's page if I'm not mistaken and I discovered that the actual movie hat was a Herbert Johnson breaking my belief in being a Stetson, priced at around 250 dlls at that time if I remember correctly, I didn't had the money to buy what to me was a very expensive hat, so I just left it in my memory to in a future buy the REAL Indy hat. During a camping with some friends I took the hat and one of them borrowed it during the last day, I finally left home and remembered I forgot the hat, he told me I could go to his house to get it back, I ended up telling him to keep it since he lived quite far and in my head I just thought "It's not even screen accurate

Since April this year (thanks to the return of Star Wars

) I became a RPF member searching SW props info and then for Indy stuff, finally ending up researching IndyGear and the World famous COW

after getting a W&G bag, and a WPG Indy shirt, I decided to spend some extra bucks on a SA and well worth hat, the choices are A LOT, and I think it's probably the toughest choice to make, since a beaver JP or AB are out of my budget right now, I decided to go with what most of us have chosen, the Herbert Johnson Poet, did some research and found adVintage from Germany, after some back and fort messages with Thomas I ordered the hat on Nov 10th and got it on Black Friday, I was NOT Disappointed, for me the felt was silkier than I imagined, and very pliable, I ordered it open-crowned since I still wasn't sure what bash I wanted, the only downside the hat has is the taper, and the bow work, but having paid $223 dlls TOTAL for it instead $470 from Swaine Adeney it didn't matter, I'm planning on having it re-block soon, for now I myself gave the ribbon a more accurate look without unsewing it, and a raiders bash thanks to BendingOak's video.
Well I'll end the chat chat, here are the pics.
Notice the taper
3 second quick bash
Final Bash
And this is the bow work evolution, the first one is courtesy from Thomas since I did not had chance to take the first picture, still not 100% SA but I'm getting to it.
I'm also planning on getting myself a tougher beaver hat later on.

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:20 am
by DR Ulloa
Hey, adiemilio.
If no one has done so yet, welcome to COW!
You crease a hat quite well. Congrats on the HJ. I e always wanted one myself. The bow work looks much better now too. Any chance we can get a picture with you actually wearing it?
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:39 am
by Glenville86
Congratulations on the new hat.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:11 pm
by adiemilio
DR Ulloa wrote:Hey, adiemilio.
If no one has done so yet, welcome to COW!
You crease a hat quite well. Congrats on the HJ. I e always wanted one myself. The bow work looks much better now too. Any chance we can get a picture with you actually wearing it?
Glenville86 wrote:Congratulations on the new hat.
Sure once I get the chance I'll take a good pic of me wearing it.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:13 pm
by RJR
Nicely done INDY crease.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:46 pm
by davidd
Looks like a fine hat to me! I've long wanted, or thought I wanted, a Herbert Johnson Poet, simply because it was "the original" base model hat from the films.
I very much enjoyed the story of your evolution as an Indygear fan! My first Indy hat was a Dorfman Pacific wool crushable version. For what it was, it was a nice looking hat, even if not particularly screen accurate; only a serious "gearhead" would know that it wasn't a true "Indiana Jones hat." (Like you, I removed the pin!)
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:42 am
by DR Ulloa
My first Indy fedora was also a DP circa '94. It now belongs to my brother and will pass it down to my son when it fits his noggin. Not SA, but still great first hats.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:05 pm
by adiemilio
davidd wrote:Looks like a fine hat to me! I've long wanted, or thought I wanted, a Herbert Johnson Poet, simply because it was "the original" base model hat from the films.
I very much enjoyed the story of your evolution as an Indygear fan! My first Indy hat was a Dorfman Pacific wool crushable version. For what it was, it was a nice looking hat, even if not particularly screen accurate; only a serious "gearhead" would know that it wasn't a true "Indiana Jones hat." (Like you, I removed the pin!)
DR Ulloa wrote:My first Indy fedora was also a DP circa '94. It now belongs to my brother and will pass it down to my son when it fits his noggin. Not SA, but still great first hats.
Yeah I really liked that hat, I remember riding on bike with it, and being asked by the cholos if I would sell it to them.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:44 pm
by zaynecarrick
Props! I have a HJ Poet Crusade bash to complement my Raiders AB. Never regretted it and it's a good price for the States. Enjoy!
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:59 pm
by adiemilio
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:33 am
by Curtis Bessette

Nice job! I look forward to what you can do to an AB or Penman. Blessings!
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:46 am
by adiemilio
Curtis Bessette wrote:Beautiful!

Nice job! I look forward to what you can do to an AB or Penman. Blessings!

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:51 am
by davidd
Wow! I'm really liking the appearance of that hat just as it is! It looks rugged and ready to handle any adventure! A reblock might make it slightly more "screen accurate," but as it is, it looks like it's your hat with an Indy style, rather than a straight-out copy of a movie costume piece. Very cool!
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:55 am
by youngjedi71
eh,if anything its close enough to TOD..but yea..a good reblocking might make it a tad better.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:58 am
by Screencapped
In those first pics it looks like your center dent may be a bit too deep. That may be what's causing some of the taper. It's a beautiful hat by the way. Congrats!

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:56 pm
by DR Ulloa
The problem with re blocking these factory made hats, of which HJ is, is that when the sweatband goes on, the machine essentially perforates the hat all the way around. For a proper re block, a hatter would need to remove the sweat and then put the hat on the block. You risk ripping the brim right off the hat. I re blocked a Christy's (made with the same materials and in the same factory as the HJ) a few years back and did so with the sweat still sewn in for fear that I might rip the brim off. I know a few of the hatters on here have had this happen to them. I seem to remember John mentioning this when asked about re blocking some factory hats a couple of years ago, but the mind has grown foggy since then and I may be mistaken. Could have been Steve.
Either way, I think you should NOT have the hat re blocked. Raising the back of that top crease, as was suggested, will definitely help with the taper but won't take it away entirely. The block HJ has used for many years has some taper to it and the rabbit felt will taper as it takes in moisture naturally.
My suggestion: wear the hat and enjoy it. Don't fuss so much over whether it looks "right" or not. You've got the pedigree with it being an HJ. If want something SA and that itch just won't go away until scratched, buy a Penman or an AB. Otherwise, enjoy the hat and wear it in good health.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:46 am
by adiemilio
Thanks guys for your comments, I like the hat when I look at it, but when I see myself on the mirror I feel like I'm wearing a cone

, and I love how the hat looks during the Idol grab scenes, the advantage is that the hat fits me big, Thomas recommended that I buy a 7 1/4 since the hats are made smaller when I'm actually a 7 1/8, but still fits me like a 7 1/4, so I will also do a downsize and it will not put too much stress on the felt

will let you know how it goes,

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:04 am
by DR Ulloa
Tread carefully, friend. I ruined a few hats and hat bodies in my experiments with pseudo-hattery.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:02 pm
by adiemilio
Well guys, I'm actually not going to have the hat re-blocked, I had a good talk today with John Penman reviewing all the possibilities of what could happen and what needed to be done
![Magnoli 8-[]](./images/smilies/Magnoli.gif)
, he was very nice explaining me the details of the previews work that has been done with these hats and the results of it, And it's too risky

. I asked him about his new Everyman Hat, probably gonna get one of those in the near future.

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:58 am
by DR Ulloa
I'm glad you decided against it. Let us know about the Everyman as soon as you get it.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 12:22 am
by adiemilio
DR Ulloa wrote:I'm glad you decided against it. Let us know about the Everyman as soon as you get it.
Couldn't wait 4 months so I decided to invest in an AB Raiders beaver because of the 6 week lead time, also since Steve could retire at any moment, it actually took 12 weeks but it was worth it. Will post pics in "Post your Adventurebilts here!" soon!

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:46 am
by BendingOak
Congrats on the AB well worth the $$$$
I'm not sure we're you got 4 months for the Everyman Indy????
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 2:41 am
by adiemilio
BendingOak wrote:Congrats on the AB well worth the $$$$
I'm not sure we're you got 4 months for the Everyman Indy????
Hey John, from the date of pre-order of the first run to the ETA, not when you finally have your stock ready. I was too eager and had to order the quickest option

Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:03 pm
by backstagejack
That HJ seems to have a very TOD look to it which is pretty cool.
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:29 pm
by Screencapped
The HJ would be perfect for the Castle scene in LC I'm trying to pull off. I've had no luck trying to shrink /taper my Fed IV. I ordered the Harrison from Advintage a few days ago so maybe I'll have better luck with it. Love that lid btw!
How's the AB holding up?
Re: adVintage Herbert Johnson Poet
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:39 pm
by adiemilio
anindyjones wrote:The HJ would be perfect for the Castle scene in LC I'm trying to pull off. I've had no luck trying to shrink /taper my Fed IV. I ordered the Harrison from Advintage a few days ago so maybe I'll have better luck with it. Love that lid btw!
How's the AB holding up?
Looks better everyday, I like how I have modified the bash a couple of times with no problem, with the HJ the first time I put the tight pinch the felt hairs started to come off and I had them in my hand instead of on the hat
The AdVintage Harrison seems to be a very nice hat, I have only read good comments about it.