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Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cowhide
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:31 am
by Bradsburns
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:43 am
by backstagejack
Looking good!!!

Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:15 am
by CM
Nice looking jacket, great fit.
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:39 am
by Glenville86
Great looking jacket and the fit is excellent - congratulations.
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:46 am
by Captain D
Great hide indeed & congrats! I too own a LC pre-distressed cowhide and I, personally, can't imagine going with anything else if I were to ever purchase another Wested Indy jacket.
As a side note - if you ever feel that the color is a tad too light brown, you can use the Pecard's jell to darken it up (minus the seams for the perfect LC look,

). However, I've noticed that the standard Pecard's jell didn't 'keep' the jacket dark for very long based on my own experiences. To remedy the issue, I then opted for the Pecard's black tinted leather treatment. At first, I was weary of making the jacket 'too dark' for the black tint kinda scared me off a bit but I'm so glad that I went that route.
Upon first application (minus the seams), the tinted jell did make the jacket very dark (like Wested's dark-brown lambskin) but within a day or two - you truly began to see the brown highlights underneath peaking through...making the jacket not only a little darker in color, but also look amazingly aged through the darker tint and what I personally see when I watch
Last Crusade. Moreover, with the standard Pecard's jell I found myself treating the jacket like every 2-3 months just to 'keep' it darker. But, with the tinted Pecard's...its been over a year since I treated it as a little goes a LONG way and it shows no sign of my having to re-treat it any time soon!

As the tint 'EVER SO GRADUALLY' begins to fade, the jacket just keeps getting better and better looking indeed. To me - I like this feature for it: 1.) darkens up the pre-distressed cowhide for those who like their jackets a little darker in color, 2.) The tint has great 'staying power' in the hide to keep in nourished longer, 3.) And, because it has better staying power vs. the standard jell, I'm saving both time and money in having to keep reapplying a jacket treatment product. Just my experiences to share w/ those who may be interested...
Anyhow, I apologize for the lengthy reply, lol, and congrats again on a fine jacket!
Best wishes,
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:13 am
by Indiana Jeff
The jacket does look nice. Well done completing your hunt.
A quick note on Pecards since it was mentioned. The standard dressing will not significantly change the color of jackets. That's why they have tinted options. The standard dressing may temporarily darken the leather, but as the dressing is absorbed/"dries" the color will go back to what it was before application. That's actually the main selling point of the standard dressing, you can treat your leather to condition it, but it won't change the look of the leather long term.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:45 pm
by Charybdis
Looks great!
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:32 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
Looks most excellent. I love the appearance of that leather. Enjoy!
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:39 pm
by Bradsburns
Yes I thought the leather might be too light in colour when I was looking at pics online. But there was one indoor pic that looked so good so I took the leap. The colour for me is pretty close to perfect, I could use it a tad darker but only slightly so probably won't go down the pecards route. The pics above were taken in bright midday sun, so is a little darker in person.
that fed Iv does need a darker ribbon however....
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:45 pm
by Tyrloch
That new jacket is in dire need of some wrinkles!! Other than that, it looks great!!

Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:01 pm
by car96
Looks really good! I have the same jacket,same hide, but mine is too short.
Nice jacket!
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:24 pm
by Bradsburns
Thanks for the compliments. I'll be wearing it in public at a convention at the end of the month. Good times
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:27 pm
by giantthugee86
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:03 am
by Bradsburns
Back length is 26 inches. Spot on I reckon.
Re: Newly acquired Wested Last Crusade in Pre distressed cow
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:55 am
by Holt
Yes, spot on.
Very nice jacket. Should look very nice in a few years. Enjoy.