Bapty conversion update - **New Pics**
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:03 pm
My Bapty conversion is moving forward. I was originally going to do a Stembridge on a Model 1917 that I picked up but decided it was too nice to cut.
I got this HE 2 from a friend for a good price. A previous owner had it ported, buffed off most of the markings and reblued it. He also scribed in his DL# on the side. There's a bare spots where the number was removed on the other side of the gun and another where rust was removed near the muzzle. My buddy made me a really good deal on it. It's also been rechambered for .45 Colt or was possibly a Canadian contract originally made in .45 Colt. (No way to know for sure considering what few markings remain)
I finally found a gunsmith to do the conversion. He's gonna do all the mods and reblue and "antique" it so there are no bare spots and the overall finish matches. I'll ask him about sharing his info after he does the work. (It was a friend of a friend type recommendation and don't know if he's going to want to offer this type of work again. I will ask though, and report back on work).
The last item, and one of the hardest, has been the grips. I finally have leads on two pairs. One is a trade deal where if I have the correct grips the seller wants we're gonna swap straight across. If mine are not what he wants I'm going to buy a pair from a different seller (for more than I paid for the gun) and sell my grips to help fund the purchase. Should know in a day or two.
Here's a quick crappy photo. I'm going to take a few better ones so I have some "before" shots before I send it off for the work.

I got this HE 2 from a friend for a good price. A previous owner had it ported, buffed off most of the markings and reblued it. He also scribed in his DL# on the side. There's a bare spots where the number was removed on the other side of the gun and another where rust was removed near the muzzle. My buddy made me a really good deal on it. It's also been rechambered for .45 Colt or was possibly a Canadian contract originally made in .45 Colt. (No way to know for sure considering what few markings remain)
I finally found a gunsmith to do the conversion. He's gonna do all the mods and reblue and "antique" it so there are no bare spots and the overall finish matches. I'll ask him about sharing his info after he does the work. (It was a friend of a friend type recommendation and don't know if he's going to want to offer this type of work again. I will ask though, and report back on work).
The last item, and one of the hardest, has been the grips. I finally have leads on two pairs. One is a trade deal where if I have the correct grips the seller wants we're gonna swap straight across. If mine are not what he wants I'm going to buy a pair from a different seller (for more than I paid for the gun) and sell my grips to help fund the purchase. Should know in a day or two.
Here's a quick crappy photo. I'm going to take a few better ones so I have some "before" shots before I send it off for the work.