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My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 4:40 am
by hulkamad
I think my Henry might be the most perfectly proportioned to my face hat that I have owned (and I bought mine second-hand). Everything about it seems perfect, from the height of the crown, to the pinch to the brim's width and dimensional cut.
I don't know how such a thing is possible. I put on my Henry, look in the mirror and think, "D@3M I look good. Why don't my other hats look like that?!"
Is it simply the measurements and math involved? The dimensional cut brim is 6 3/10cm and 6 8/10cm. The crown is 39 1/2 by 41cm. Is the magic merely in the numbers? Or is it the placement/style of the bash? I may have to insist that any other hats I order in the future by cut to these specs. (If such a thing is even possible) I don't think this is something that is just going on in my head, that I'm not just putting on an Indy hat and believing I've become Indy.
I even love the floppy softness of it. I own pure beaver hats (both vintage and modern), and rabbit hats, even some "mystery" hats and NONE of them compare to the buttery, sinful feel of my Henry's felt. The magic must be baked into it somehow. The hat's sweatband has no equal either. How is it so soft and supple?
My Henry has set a standard by which all other future hats I own will be judged.
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 7:30 am
by JohnnyD97
Clearly this was meant to be your hat. Congratulations! Great looking Fedora!
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:39 am
by Michaelson
I'm not sure why this happens either. I have several hats made to exactly the same dimensions by the same hat makers, and one seems to work better than the rest, and is usually the one I reach for when I walk the door.
The Henry is a VERY nice hat too!
You wear it well, sir!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 1:00 pm
by baddates1
That is one awesome Henry! Congratz!
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 1:12 pm
by Indiana Jeff
The answer to all of your questions is "yes."
As Michaelson stated (and he knows things about stuff), sometimes a hat is just more right than any other hat. I'm sure that if you got another Henry with the exact same specs as this one, it wouldn't feel/look as right to you as this one.
Wear it in good health.
Indiana Jeff
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 1:29 pm
by Ridgerunner58
Same answer as above.
I have, at last count, 4 "identical" beaver felt Raiders fedoras made by John Penman between 2010 and 2014, 2 "identical" beaver felt Adventurebilt Raiders Fedoras and 2 more Penmans in rabbit felt.
2 of the Penmans look better than the rest, yet they measure the same down to the millimeter.
I have no explanation other than, I suppose, I wear those two more. So I guess it's a question of which came first, the look or the wearing?
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 1:44 pm
by Eundercoffler
Not to hijack the thread but have you ever considered looking for a hat made as a "long oval"? I can see from your photo that the hat comes away from the sides of your head a little bit. I wasn't even aware that this was a "thing" myself until I purchased my first custom hat (which happened to be a raiders hat, surprise surprise). Hats can be made in different shapes and if your head is anything like mine you find that "standard" hats typically push on the front and back of your head and you can stick your finger up the sides between the hat and your head. The first time I tried on a long oval made hat it was a revelation and I have never gone back. I wish I could get baseball and cabby hats made in long oval too but alas I don't know of anyone who custom makes those.
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:41 pm
by BendingOak
The Henry was a very special factory hat. Not just because of materials used or the construction but the specs changed ever so slightly with every hat size. Not a normal practice now a days with factory hats.
Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:57 pm
by Gorak
Hulkamad- the hat does look great on you... and that big smile helps show how much you clicked with it. I know exactly how you feel..... Having had LOTS of hats in so many different styles, and yet, I just recently got an Akubra Campdraft that I put an old wider ribbon that I had lying around and like, instantaneous, it became my favorite hat.... The ribbon balanced out the wide brim and high crown height perfdctlyv with my face and head shape and I just keep thinking,"Where have you been all my life?" I've had Campdrafts before but was never brave enough to change out the ribbon. And now I've got new best friend!

Re: My Henry is Perfect. Why is that? Magic?
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:16 pm
by IndianaDan
Great hat and excellent beard!