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Good Place for Replica Indy Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:30 pm
by ChrisMD
I wanted to share this website with those of you who are not able to own functional firearms due to where you live. Hessan Antique is a FANTASTIC website for WW2 reenactors. Their inventory is small compared to others but they have been very easy to work with. I used to do WW2 reenacting both American and German. This sight has some neat replica equipment, leather goods, etc. But they also have pretty good prices on replica/non-guns. Just by looking at the link you can see a variety of stuff used in the Indy movies. So anyone looking for a wallhanger MP40 who does not want to spend $18,000 this is for you. So here you go, another option for you!" onclick=";return false;

As you can see, they have Lugers, Webleys, Walthers, Hi Powers, Rifles and SMGs. These non-guns CANNOT be made to fire real ammunition. However some of them have actions that move like the real thing so I advise EVERYONE to check their local laws and purchase accordingly. These can EASILY be mistaken for real firearms so you all need to heed the advice of Michaelson's sticky at the top of the Guns & Holsters page. They have a very reasonable return policy and are easy to work with. I like how they carry WW1 items as well, as they can be HARD to find for reenactors.

Little Sidebar....check their closeouts every now and again because you can get some GREAT modern surplus winter coats for outrageously low prices.

Hope everyone is having a good day!


Re: Good Place for Replica Indy Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:22 pm
by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr
Thank you for the link. It is much appreciated. :TOH:

Been looking for a Browning Hi-Power pistol replica for cosplay use at comic book conventions. :tup:

Re: Good Place for Replica Indy Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:49 am
by Mark Raats
Breaks my heart looking at those prices...

Over here (if you can get hold of one that is), A Denix Ak will cost around $1,000.00 and a Colt .45 around $300.00 and my M1 cost me $800.00.
If only importing them into Aus was as easy as they say it is....

Cheers for the link.


Re: Good Place for Replica Indy Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:16 pm
by Cajunkraut
KramStaar wrote:Breaks my heart looking at those prices...

Over here (if you can get hold of one that is), A Denix Ak will cost around $1,000.00 and a Colt .45 around $300.00 and my M1 cost me $800.00.
Wow. With the exception of the Colt, the real things in the US easily cost less than your replicas. :shock: