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Indy's Browning Hi-Power
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:09 am
by Pyroxene
Watching Raiders, I was amazed at how much bluing was missing from Indy HP.
It appears that gun has seen some serious action.
I purchased a CZ 75B in 40 S&W and added some wood grips. (The CZ pictured is from the Mfg. site. I'll post pics of mine this week.)

It feels good in the hand and looks similar to the Browning with the ring hammer and all.
I am waiting for the right deal to come along and I'll get a HP 9mm. RonC gave some good suggestions as to what to get.
Anyone else got or getting one?
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:25 am
by Pyroxene
I think, he just had it holstered in his pants. He did his Webley that way in LC.
He went in knowing that he was going to need both his main and backup guns. So, when you fire all six out of the Smith, you holster it and start using the 9mm.
Seems like a simple enough solution.
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 7:20 am
by 3thoubucks
I almost bought a CZ in 9mm because it was about half the price of a Browning and didn't have that huge lever. Obviously a super high quality firearm, but I didn't like the CZ grip. I like the Browning grip. I think they are a bit different in the backstrap profile? The CZ had a bump on the backstrap that teeter-tottered on my palm. And those narrow slide grip serrations ..... All i need is $700 bucks.........
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:36 am
by zohar
I've owned a CZ 75b 9mm, and was particularly happy with its performance and handling. I also like the fact that hi-cap magazines are still easy to find for it.
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 11:52 am
by Rabittooth
He has it in the can see him reach for it right before he pops back out with the HP.
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:24 pm
by Thefumegator
Yep, I've got 2 HPs. I'd also like a CZ-75... they're alike in a lot of ways.
They really are great guns. And I noticed the finish wear on the gun as well... maybe he doesn't favor that Smith all of the time after all.

Indy probably plays the same "Gee, which one should I take?" game every time he opens the safe, like the rest of us do.
I sure love my Hi Power. My Browning has 1708 rounds through it without any hangups, and my FEG clone has about 400 rounds through it and its only problem was my fault.
Let us know if you do get one!
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 9:09 pm
by IndyMac
Indy would heally have to use his Browning heavily or be a real gun slob to get that blue wear as the gun would have only been a year or so old at the time of Raiders.
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:42 am
by 3thoubucks
I had a hard time finding this picture. I just found official CZ pics taken with the gun at an angle, either kind of from the front or from the back. That bump on the backstrap makes the gun feel like it wants to be held at two different angles but can't decide. But that's just me.

The Browning doesn't have that problem.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:53 am
by RonC
Guys, I can tell you this: you will never regret the money spent on a Browning Hi Power. It is a superb pistol. I have been able to find 4ea. 13-round magazines for mine with relative ease. The accuracty of my 1969-manufactured pistol is absolutely excellent. If I do my part, it will knock the "10-ring" out of a target all day long.
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:19 am
by IndianaCollins
Though I've handled High-power (it's way cool), but never shot either it or a CZ, I've noticed the siimilarities (I read my gun magazines regligiously-well, used to anyway. When I started crying when I realized that I couldn't swing a Kimber LAPD Custom II, etc!

I'd like a Hi-Power in a 40 cal. Apparently, they were breifly availible in the US, back inthe day. I'm not much of a fan of 9MM's, I like something a little bigger. I'd still love to have one.
Got a story about a hi-power:
This guy I worked and I were talking over lunch at the construction site. We were talking guns. Well, he got into a story about when he used to manage a restaurant. Well, one of the waitresses there had a family tragedy. Her husband died. Well, she was going through stuff. She found some guns. A couple of rifles and a pistol. She wanted to sell them. So, this guy I worked with, figured he'd buy 'em, to help her out. she sold the pistol, a Browning Hi-Power 9MM, with two hi-cap mags (Obviously she didn't know what she was selling) for a measly 250 bucks! First thing he did was turn around the re-sell it! I mean, she could've easily gotten 3 times that!
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:50 pm
by Pyroxene
Here's a pic of mine.
3thoubucks wrote:I had a hard time finding this picture. I just found official CZ pics taken with the gun at an angle, either kind of from the front or from the back.
Here you go. This one should be better.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 7:23 pm
by Pyroxene
Here's another question....
Do the older wood grips fit the new Brownings?
I saw a Argentine made FM BRN. HP and was thinking that if you could switch the grips, you would have a modern version of Indy's gun.
Just a thought.
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:07 pm
by IndyMac
The grips should fit, although you may have to relieve the top of the right grip slightly to clear the ambidexterous safety lever on the newer Hi Po.
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:53 pm
by Pyroxene
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 12:38 am
by Thefumegator
IndianaCollins wrote:I'd like a Hi-Power in a 40 cal. Apparently, they were breifly availible in the US, back inthe day. I'm not much of a fan of 9MM's, I like something a little bigger. I'd still love to have one.
As far as I know, both Browning and FN are still importing the BHP in .40 S&W. In any case, there are loads of them still out there. Fear not, my friend! There is hope!
Pyro, are those Hakan grips?
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 2:36 am
by Pyroxene
Thefumegator wrote:
Pyro, are those Hakan grips?
No. They are Hogue. I tried to email Hakan for a quote but the emails kept bouncing back. Now, I see he is a guest admin on the CZ-Forums.
I should have spent the extra money for the checkered grips. I am a little disappointed cause there is a small hairline crack that has started to appear underneath the safety. You can see it in the pic with the white background.
I have it screwed on tight but not enought to crack. Everytime I come back from the range, I have to tighten the screws again. Seems like I have to put a drop of Loc-Tite on them to make them stay.
Sorry for the ramble. Happy New Year,
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:03 pm
by Trebor
Rabittooth wrote:He has it in the can see him reach for it right before he pops back out with the HP.
No, he's not wearing the MK VII bag in that scene. There's a shot where you see him reach into on of the jacket pockets, but I think he already has the Browning out by then and is reaching for a spare mag.
The editing of that scene confuses the issue even more because the editors took some shots where he is shooting the Browning and put them earlier in the sequence where he was still shooting the Smith. It goes Smith - Browning - Smith - Browning.
He apperantly reloads the Browning once as well. In one shot the slide is locked back and he brings his off hand up to the butt as if he's trying to pull out the empty mag. We never actually see him insert the new mag though, or even see a new mag in his hand.
As to where the Browning came from? The simpliest explanation is that the prop guy handed it to him right before they called "Action!"

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:10 pm
by Trebor
3thoubucks wrote:I almost bought a CZ in 9mm because it was about half the price of a Browning and didn't have that huge lever. Obviously a super high quality firearm, but I didn't like the CZ grip. I like the Browning grip. I think they are a bit different in the backstrap profile? The CZ had a bump on the backstrap that teeter-tottered on my palm. And those narrow slide grip serrations ..... All i need is $700 bucks.........
I have two CZ-75's (an "A" and a newer "B" model) and a Mk 2 1/2 Browning. The CZ fits my hand very well and points naturally for me, BUT the Browning is just a tad bit slimmer and has a slightly different grip and literally fits me like a glove. It's like Sex with a trigger.
I practice the most with the CZ and use it as a carry gun when I can get away with hiding a full-size pistol. The Browning fits my hand, but needs work done before I could use it as a defensive pistol. The trigger is gritty, the sights are too small and the old-style itsy-bitsy safety is practically unusable. When I have the cash I'm going to customize the Browning, but until then I'm happy with the CZ.
For his time, Indy couldn't have made a better choice for an autopistol than the Browning. The only other serious choice would have been a Colt 1911, like what was originally called for in the script.
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:14 pm
by Trebor
Pyroxene wrote:Here's a pic of mine.
Nice Pic! Nice Gun! I have those EXACT same grips on my 75B. I mean, it looks like you took the grips off of my gun and put them on yours to take the picture!
I keep meaning to get a set of Hakan's grips, but since the custom CZ I bought came with three sets of grips (two wood, one rubber) I now have four complete sets of grips and only two CZ's! I'll probably hold off on the Hakan's until I get a PCR or 75 Compact.
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:30 pm
by Pyroxene
Trebor, I would enjoy talking guns with you. The next big summit I definately want to visit a shooting range. Even if I have to lead the side trip myself. Hopefully, however, Michaelson or RonC will be there to offer advise.
I just purchased an Argentine Hi-Power. It's an older model with a ring hammer. I am going to have it checked out by my gunsmith as soon as possible.
I did some needless research into the Raven scene and found that Indy is putting away his Smith in this shot.
The next shot we see him with the Browning. It's up in the air and getting ready to fire.
Like I said, needless research. (One side note, I do like the accents of snow on Indy's gear.)
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:13 am
by Pyroxene
Pyroxene wrote:I think, he just had it holstered in his pants.
Seems like a simple enough solution.
Heh. I found a pic that support the theory from Raiders.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:27 pm
by Thefumegator
Man, those screenshots are clear. I love DVDs.
Trebor, you sound like me -- I actually had about 4 sets of grips for my BHP, and that's what first gave me the idea... "Hey, I've got these
other grips I really like, and..."

But don't tell my parents.
If I ever get my lazy butt out to one of the Indy Summits, it would be very cool to go shooting with all of you guys. At this point, though, I'd be happy enough just getting to meet you in person... one step at a time.
Hey Pyro, this is OT, but are those Federal HydraShoks in that picture?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:44 pm
by English Adventurer
I have both a Hi Power and a CZ 75, all this talk of calling at a range during an Indy summit got me drooling. Ah well I can dream I guess.
My Hi Power is a Nazi Marked model, made in about 1941, the CZ is one that I used to shoot before 1997.
Good screen shots Pyro.
One question bugs me though, does Indy carry any spare ammuntion for either weapon? If he did, where would be the logical place to keep it? Wested inner pocket? The bag?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:45 pm
by Pyroxene
Thefumegator wrote:
Hey Pyro, this is OT, but are those Federal HydraShoks in that picture?
Exactly. .40 S&W
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:46 pm
by Pyroxene
English Adventurer wrote:
One question bugs me though, does Indy carry any spare ammuntion for either weapon? If he did, where would be the logical place to keep it? Wested inner pocket? The bag?
The cargo pockets are plenty big to carry at least 2 clips.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:16 am
by English Adventurer
The cargo pockets are plenty big enough to carry at least 2 clips
Yes, that would be my first choice when thinking about it, easy to get at as opposed to the bag.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:40 am
by Pyroxene
Thefumegator wrote:If I ever get my lazy butt out to one of the Indy Summits, it would be very cool to go shooting with all of you guys. At this point, though, I'd be happy enough just getting to meet you in person... one step at a time.
Sounds like we may have to plan it out just to get you out to a summit.