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Indy 12 footer vs 10 footer

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 1:02 am
by mechinyun
Hi guys, i use to have a DM 10 footer, sold it, now im considering purchasing another DM, however this whip is 12 feet, is there any real disadvantage to the 12 footer? (ie design flaws/breakage etc) It will most likely be just a show piece hanging and occasionally crack it for kids and friends.


Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 1:11 am
by zohar
If the friends are going to be cracking it, it'll be harder for them to crack than a shorter one. For just hanging on the wall, I reckon it doesn't really matter how long it is. An 8ft or 10ft whip is much easier to crack than a 12.

Re: Indy 12 footer vs 10 footer

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:20 am
by Whiper Jones
mechinyun wrote:Hi guys, i use to have a DM 10 footer, sold it, now im considering purchasing another DM, however this whip is 12 feet, is there any real disadvantage to the 12 footer? (ie design flaws/breakage etc) It will most likely be just a show piece hanging and occasionally crack it for kids and friends.
Are you experienced whipcracker?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:43 pm
by Joe D.

How you doing? Now this is just my own personal preference but I tend to go for the 12 footers. I bought a 10 footer a looong time ago from a local souvenir stand and wasn’t crazy about it. (nothing against the length, it was just a cheap whip, lol)
Then I read in the back of a comic book that Indy’s whip was a 12 footer (The guy’s in here have shown me otherwise though, thanks guys) but I went with the 12 footer back then.
Now the shorter the whip the easier it is to control/crack, the longer it is the better it for wrapping things, which is kinda’ neat.
But the last thing I want to say about the length of a whip you get is this, the length should be based on your experience with a whip. Trust me on this. I bought my 12 footer over 20 years ago and started practicing with it and I still have the scars to prove it. Couldn’t take my shirt off where my mom would see my back or she would have noticed the nice, little, whip cuts and taken my whip.
I should have started with a smaller size, just to avoid undo damage to myself, lol. Just use safety and your own ability as your gauge.
Talk later,

Re: Indy 12 footer vs 10 footer

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:06 pm
by The_Edge
mechinyun wrote:Hi guys, i use to have a DM 10 footer, sold it, now im considering purchasing another DM, however this whip is 12 feet, is there any real disadvantage to the 12 footer? (ie design flaws/breakage etc) It will most likely be just a show piece hanging and occasionally crack it for kids and friends.

Welcome to COW. I look forward to your contributions. Nice whip in your intro post. It's a shame that you sold it.

If you are comfortable using a ten footer then a twelve won't be too bad. You can do wraps and target cutting with either one. Keeping a twelve footer off the ground for multiple cracks will be quite the challenge. Forget doing any fast routines as well.

As you will find in countless threads on this board I always recommend that folks buy either a six or eight foot whip. And not just for the novice either. I prefer these lengths as well. My favorite whip is about seven feet long. These shorter whips are much more fun, IMO. The longer whips are fun for a while doing simple target cutting from a good distance but eventually you will want to move faster and develop some much more rapid movements. A twelve does not lend itself this.

Before you ask ... I am an experienced whip handler.