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Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:30 pm
by Justin
But I just started the process of researching my very first leather jacket and stumbled upon you fine folks. I want to buy once, and only once, and pass this thing on to my kids when Im checked out (along with my Saddleback Leather Briefcase, my own personal take on the warrior/poet archetype). Anyway, Im reading all the forums talking about US Wings v. Wested v. Gibson & Barnes v. other people, and I have a simple question at the outset: am I missing something on the US Wings site, where they're offering the USW 30th Anniversary Antique Lambskin Legend Jacket for $195? Is Lambskin just an awful choice? Is this jacket too thin for winter use? Is this just an inferior product to their others?
My goals are:
1. Durable (by once, keep forever)
2. Warm without being bulky
3. Decently priced (sub $500 if possible)
4. Screen Accurate-ish (if the guy on the street makes a comment that its a great Indy jacket, my work is done)
I think maybe this one is the best out there with these criteria, although other posts here made the Goatskin look absolutely amazing. Im just concerned, with this one being $195, that its an inferior product at that low price point.
Any help would be appreciated on this one.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:41 pm
by Michaelson
For what you're wanting, no, any lambskin is not a good choice for an all around jacket that you can pass down to the kids.
The 30th anniversery is a great SECOND jacket, believe me. I own one, and am quite happy with it. A good comfortable lambskin is a must for a backup jacket....but not as a 'be all-do all' jacket.
Go with goatskin, any vendor. It's robust, durable, and will probably out last your grandkids.
Now, the hard part.......chosing a vendor that you'll be comfortable with that makes a jacket that will last you that planned lifetime.
I have my favorites (everyone here does!), but won't push them off on you. You need to do your own due diligence, as there's a LOT of information here that you can mull over before coming to that final decision. Have fun in your research!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:47 pm
by Justin
Thanks, Michaelson! Durable, warm, made from the animal incarnation of lucifer when he walks the earth. Whats not to love about goatskin? Plus, anyone can buy a leather jacket from cow at their local mall. To say Im getting a goatskin coat, made by a US company? Done and done. This is the one that captures my fancy: USW Signature Series Goatskin Adventurer. Now, any chance someone has some pics of it in action? The shots on USW's website makes it look very dark (almost black). But since they offer a black goatskin, I cant believe their brown would be that dark. And for kicks, so I can get some extra grief from the wife when I pull the trigger on this purchase, where on the "screen accurate/Indy jacket" scale is this? Because I want my third argument (after "its the only leather jacket Ill ever buy" and "its really warm") to be "its a 8 out of 10 on the SA scale."
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:52 pm
by Michaelson
Mixed bag on the accuracy.
Wings has been a LFL franchised dealer for literally decades, having supported the films for years.
They're cut a LOT roomier than the seen film versions, so if you plan on layering in winter, they're prefect.
Personally I like 'roomier' jackets, and if you purchase one of the 'Signature Series', they're made by Schott jacket company of Perfecto motorcycle jacket fame.
If you're looking for a screen accurate example, Wings is close, but not like purchasing an Expedition from Gibson and Barnes, one from Magnoli, or a version from Bill Kelso. Those are to the tee screen perfection, but a bit higher tarriff.
Use the search function in the upper right hand corner of the page and type in some words to do some searching of past threads on the jacket.
In just a quick search using the words 'Wings goatskin', I got this many hits. There's bound to be a photo or two scattered all through this joint.
search.php?keywords=Wings+goatskin&term ... mit=Search" onclick=";return false;
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:57 pm
by Justin
Awesome! Im not what you call a "thin" guy. I dont "work out regularly." I dont "eat healthy foods." Im not one to "count calories," or "be responsible with the amount of bacon I consume." So yeah, a roomier coat is good. The Signature Series seemed to tout their roominess, as did your post. I really appreciate that. Some of Westeds, and some others, looked very very nice, but also very slimming and form fitting. Thats absolutely the last thing I want. I started this search about a week ago and was dead-set on Westeds, but could never shake the cheesyness factor of the pics on their website. They look like pleather in the one shot. That scared me. So finding this forum has been a life-saver.
And again, anyone that has shots of the USW Signature Series Goat, and would care to post, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:13 pm
by Tibor
I have to pitch one here - for a great balance of screen accuracy and durability, the Gibson and Barnes goatskin "Expedition" will likely be around for your kids.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=48537" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=50900&hilit=Gibson" onclick=";return false;
Some good reading...
... kinda pricey compared to the Wings...
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:34 pm
by Dr.JonesClone
Wow! we're in almost the same situation. I just took a shot in the dark and purchased a US Wings Signature series goatskin off Ebay. Got it for $150.00 plus shipping. Should be arriving in the next couple of days. I also have a Todd's lambskin. It is a very nice jacket, but seems a little delicate. Michaelson and Tibor were very helpful in my decision to add a second jacket. I'm a little portly and the Todd's is cut a little short for my likings. Just a tad though. I have decided to keep the Todd's as a back up and for more costume purposes. The US Wings is cut a little longer and if I am happy with it, I will use it as my go to jacket when I continue my explorations.

Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:58 pm
by CM
Don't worry about handing it on to your progeny. The key is to find a jacket you like and will keep. Most folks end up buying multiple copies and selling off previous loved jackets. It can easily become an addiction. The best thing you can do is find one you actually want to wear for 30 years. That is hard.
If you want something that will last IMO you need to buy from Aero or Alexanders or one of the absolute premium makers. Lining material - including pockets, zips and stitching are all as important as the hide. Horsehide or goat are more likely to live "forever".
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:05 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
Given your needs, I'll second the suggestion of Gibson and Barnes Dark Brown Goatskin Expedition jacket. That should be the beginning and end of your quest.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:35 pm
by Justin
Well, back to the drawing board. Tibor, the goatskin G&B threads you pointed me to are full of good stuff, and great pics. Now Im leaning in that direction (at twice the price I committed to paying. Its funny how you can justify new expenses to fill a want. Oh man, Im weak). Dr. JonesClone, Id love to see the pics of the new USW goatskin when you get it in. They might now longer be option for me, since their website only has the brown goatskin Signature Series in 3XL, not my size. So I might have no choice anyway in the matter.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:37 pm
by ron521
I've got 3 of the Signature Series "Adventurer" jackets from US Wings, and like them a lot. One is their VIP model, in a special cowhide. The other two are goatskin, in dark brown and in black. There is a very clear difference between the dark brown and the black in daylight, although at night perhaps not as much. The VIP jacket is a few shades lighter brown than the goatskin. All are comfortable and seem very well made. I like the industrial strength nylon liner common to all of them, it's comparable to what was in my old navy issue G-1 back in the '70s.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:25 pm
by Michaelson
Justin wrote:Well, back to the drawing board. Tibor, the goatskin G&B threads you pointed me to are full of good stuff, and great pics. Now Im leaning in that direction (at twice the price I committed to paying. Its funny how you can justify new expenses to fill a want.
Just as an FYI, 'we' had a hand in the Expedition G&B goatskin creation back in 2000/2001, so if you get one, you'll be purchasing one that we have a long history with right here at Indygear. I'm still wearing my 2001 production prototype...wore it today, as a matter of fact.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:01 pm
by Justin
Yeah, Michaelson, that history is important to me too. It seems like goatskin is the way to go for me. Both G&B and USW models look relatively similar to me. Well, they both look really good to me, is what I should say. The USW is only in 3XL right now, but I emailed them to see if theyre making more. Doesnt look like it from their website, but who knows. The only thing stopping me from pulling the trigger on G&B right now is price. If I can get USW goatskin for $250, that to me is better than G&B for $550. But, if G&B is all thats available, so be it. Either way, the pics from the thread back in 2010 regarding goatskins has been very very helpful. Thanks for linking to that. Some great pics in there.
Im very very hesitant to buy anything on ebay in general, so thats why Ive been shying away from anything not vendor controlled. But it looks like any model I choose will be a winner, really.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:45 pm
by Cajunkraut
You guys are doing nothing for my bank account.

Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:05 am
by Justin
Its quite hard NOT to want to buy them all. As I said when I started this thing, I almost want an intervention now before I start going down this road. It looks like this a gateway drug kind of situation, where "Im just going to buy one that will last forever" soon becomes "but I have to get a lambskin for fall and spring". Which is exactly what happened to me with Saddleback Leather products. A wallet, belt, passport holder, notepad holder, and briefcase later, Im finally emerging from the spiral. I worry that this will be the next obsession.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:16 am
by Indiana Jeff
Well then for the love of all that is good and holy, stay out of the Fedora section!
Indiana Jeff
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:27 am
by Justin
Indiana Jeff, you are absolutely right. I walked in to a "Hats in the Belfry" hat store chain in the US a few years ago with my wife. Tried on the fedora for about 15 minutes while she stared impatiently. Then left and started doing more research until she put the smack down. I know if I go back down that path Im doomed for sure. In my mind, I can spin jacket and boots as "necessities." We will see though.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:27 am
by Indiana Jeff
A good hat is just as important a piece of wardrobe as a good jacket or boots.
I know, I'm not helping....
Indiana Jeff
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:48 am
by Justin
Heard back from USW, and wanted to pass along for anyone also in the market for the brown goatskin Signature Series jacket. They have 1 3XL jacket left, several Cowhides, VIP Cowhides, and Lambskins in various sizes. They said that goatskin is being discontinued. I followed up to see if discontinued really means forever, or just for a few months/batches. Ill let you know what I learn. But cow is nice. And G&B Expedition goatskin has been very well pushed by you guys, and it looks great. But man, the customer service (3 emails in response, from multiple people, with questions answered) at US Wings is pretty darn hard to beat.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:57 am
by Michaelson
Hard to say. They've threatened discontinance of goatskin several times over the years.
Heck, just before Crystal Skull came out, they were planning on dropping the entire Indy line.
Who knows?
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:32 pm
by Dr.JonesClone
Justin wrote:Heard back from USW, and wanted to pass along for anyone also in the market for the brown goatskin Signature Series jacket. They have 1 3XL jacket left, several Cowhides, VIP Cowhides, and Lambskins in various sizes. They said that goatskin is being discontinued. I followed up to see if discontinued really means forever, or just for a few months/batches. Ill let you know what I learn. But cow is nice. And G&B Expedition goatskin has been very well pushed by you guys, and it looks great. But man, the customer service (3 emails in response, from multiple people, with questions answered) at US Wings is pretty darn hard to beat.
I just looked at Wings web site and sure enough, the only available size in the goat skin is 3x. I wonder what's up.

Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:58 pm
by Dr.JonesClone
Not trying to rub it in, but I guess I lucked out on the one I've got coming. Keep your eyes peeled. You'll find the one for you. Don't despair.

Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:51 pm
by Justin
Couple things. First, heard back from US Wings regarding Goatskin. According to Amber, the goatskin is being discontinued forever. They wont be making more after christmas when they make the new batch. So I could gain a bunch weight to get in to the 3XL, or spend some serious ducats on the G&B Goatskin.
Second, Dr. JonesClone, you are a b*****d covered b*****d!! I looked through old posts and saw the thread where you snagged the (maybe) last USW goatskin in my size in the world. That was a sweet, sweet pull Im thinking, especially the price you paid. You scored a perfect deal, and I bow to the altar of your internet scouring prowess. That was a real find. Would love to see some pics if you have them somewhere. Im really jealous of your grab, but it gives me hope as you said. Everyone knows the chase is the best part.
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:13 am
by WConly
Hopefully not to derail this thread, but could someone here tell me if G&B's Expedition has gussets? I sold mine so long ago, that I honestly don't remember. I know the fit was super, but I can't remember if it had gussets or not. Thanks. And, Justin this truly comes from the depths of the 'for what's worth department' of your original posting here. I think gussets are essential. But, that's just me. W>
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:42 am
by Indiana Jeff
My G&B goat Expo does.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:44 am
by Baldwyn
WConly wrote:Hopefully not to derail this thread, but could someone here tell me if G&B's Expedition has gussets? I sold mine so long ago, that I honestly don't remember. I know the fit was super, but I can't remember if it had gussets or not. Thanks. And, Justin this truly comes from the depths of the 'for what's worth department' of your original posting here. I think gussets are essential. But, that's just me. W>
I haven't seen or heard of an Expo without them. G&B's gussets are unique too. More like a pair of lips rather than a single piece of leather (technically, more of a GUSSET!)
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:46 am
by WConly
Indiana Jeff wrote:My G&B goat Expo does.
Indiana Jeff
Thanks! I was showing a friend of mine my jackets and he really wants a rugged 'goat Indy-style' jacket -- so I suggested Gibson and Barnes to him and showed him my black raider (NOT INDY) jacket and he feel in love with the hide. I used to have the lamb version of The Expo and honestly couldn't remember if it had gussets or not. Figured it must have -- as it fit so well. Again, thanks Jeff! Greatly appreciated. W>
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:47 am
by WConly
Baldwyn wrote:WConly wrote:Hopefully not to derail this thread, but could someone here tell me if G&B's Expedition has gussets? I sold mine so long ago, that I honestly don't remember. I know the fit was super, but I can't remember if it had gussets or not. Thanks. And, Justin this truly comes from the depths of the 'for what's worth department' of your original posting here. I think gussets are essential. But, that's just me. W>
I haven't seen or heard of an Expo without them. G&B's gussets are unique too. More like a pair of lips rather than a single piece of leather (technically, more of a GUSSET!)
Thanks to you, as well Baldwin. We must have been posting at the same time. W>
Re: Maybe Im too skeptical for my own good......
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:10 am
by Pete#9
I bought a G&B Expedition in goatskin awhile back and wear it everywhere. Awesome jacket.
Very comfortable, accurate enough for me and will last for many years.
I only had funds for one Indy jacket and highly recommend the Expedition model.