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US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:01 pm
by Michaelson
Just got this email from David Hack a few minutes ago.
Hello M,
This is the Official Ruling from the Government of Australia...US Wings will make Two Jackets made out of Kangaroo Leather...The Indy Style Legend and the A-2 2000.... We will most likely will use the same Color!
US Wings will start taking Pre Orders from My Friends First at COW and will be on the list...We are talking about X-Mas !! There will be only one price $ 695.00 plus S/H and you can put money on the fact there will be a mile long line of Fans wanting the US Wings Roo Jackets.
Sizes will be Small to 3X No longs because these jackets will no doubt be sold before landing.
Regards. Sarge" onclick=";return false;
So, FYI.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:37 am
by CM
Interesting; it's almost impossible to buy roo jackets in Australia. Only cow that comes out of China.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:27 am
by Indiana Jeff
Dang you, Sarge!
I don't
need another Indy jacket, but boy do I
want a roo Legend!
The only reason I got my first Legend was because it came in bison. I've since sold that one and now this offering. Just go ahead and take my money!
Hmm, just occurred to me I wonder if USW is still using the ultra-sharp buckles.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:07 pm
by Indydawg
They are.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:57 pm
by Baldwyn
I hope the roo isn't black underneath like my old Roo jacket!
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:03 pm
by Indydawg
Not sure how the tanning is being done these days....but, I can imagine that would be a concern...especially if you aren't crazy about that undertone.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:16 am
by Indiana Jeff
Indydawg wrote:They are.
Well that's a bummer.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:32 am
by Indydawg
Well, they were as of the last new offering-the aged steer hide Legend import....awesome leather...really beautiful, reddish brown undertones...but, those seat cutter buckles were still being used. That was this Spring.
I AM making an assumption by stating they ARE...extrapolated from the fact that just a few months ago, they still WERE.
I suppose they could be using something else now.
I guess we could ask.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:45 am
by Michaelson
Indydawg wrote:They are.
The last one I received did not, so I have no clue what this one will have.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:05 pm
by Indiana Jeff
When did you get the Legend? Was it after Dawg got his in the spring? If so, it's a step in the right direction.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:24 pm
by Michaelson
It was after.
No sharp corners.....but then the prototype Legend HH I have has D rings.
I guess we'll see if/when someone gets one and can offer a report.
Regards! M
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:03 am
by Indydawg
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:53 am
by afalzon
Interesting; it's almost impossible to buy roo jackets in Australia.
Kangaroo leather is widely available.
If you want something really elegant valuable and scarce that's antelope. Very expensive stuff. They gotta hire choppers to hunt them down. If you have an antelope leather Indy jacket, now that's something to brag about!
If there is a mile long line of fans for kangaroo maybe we should be making some as well.
On second thought, let's leave that to the Sarge.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:02 pm
by Indiana Jeff
alalzon, Please be reminded of the following.
Note to is not allowed (nor professional) for vendors to 'attack' other vendors in any section of the site. Please keep your discussions/posts to your own product and let your customers do the comparisons, pro and con.
Whereas you didn't directly attack USW, your comment could be taken that you think making roo jackets is 'beneath' BK and you'll leave such work to others. It's a fine line and my best suggestion to you is to focus on touting your product and allow USW to tout theirs.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:34 am
by afalzon
Whereas you didn't directly attack USW, your comment could be taken that you think making roo jackets is 'beneath' BK and you'll leave such work to others. It's a fine line and my best suggestion to you is to focus on touting your product and allow USW to tout theirs.
Hi, it's not interpreted correctly. I didn't mean it's beneath BK.
At BK we never thought about making jackets in Kangaroo until I read this post (I admit it's a good idea). The reason for letting it go is because I don't want to steal the idea from Sarge as that would not be honest.
We 'll find another idea.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:35 am
by Indiana Jeff
Fair enough.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:05 pm
by Bogie1943

Anyway, I for one am very interested to see what this new offering in roo hide is going to look like. I can remember seeing some roo hide Indy jackets years ago but have lost the visual concept of the leather over the years. I also just really love my Legend US made in steer hide. One of my favorite jackets. Michaelson, have you ever owned a roo hide jacket? If so, what's the leather like in general?
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:19 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
Here's a link to my thread from when I found one at a vintage shop in Austin. There are some links to photos. I sold it here to a member as it was much too large on me.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:36 pm
by Michaelson
Bogie1943 wrote: Michaelson, have you ever owned a roo hide jacket? If so, what's the leather like in general?
No, that's one I have not had go through my stable in years past.
I'll be interested in seeing how this new one compares to the old one that Forrest For the Trees found so long ago. Since they'll be made by a different factory and the hide sourced from a different tannery, it should be an interesting comparison.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:47 am
by Indiana Jeff
FFtT, thanks for the link to that original thread. Very helpful in getting some background on roo jackets.
I'm looking forward to more information from USW on this offering, particularly how the leather is being dyed. As mentioned in the other thread, I don't want to have to worry about what I spill on my jacket and have the color wash right off. Not that I'm handling solvents all that much, but you know the first time I'm wearing the roo jacket I'll end up in some freak accident involving 'something' that will dissolve my jacket to mush.
Based on Sarge's message, if USW is planning to have these available for Christmas I have to think they'll be getting them in hand by the end of the month. Of course, Sarge has been a little overly optimistic in delivery dates of some of their other new patterns in the past....
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:20 am
by Texan Scott
I'll take the counterpoint for kicks...
If you only knew how the Aussies regarded 'roo. I suppose one man's vermin is another man's exotic skin. It would be like jack rabbits over here. Due to certain circumstances, you can sometimes justify the higher price, but kangaroo is available. It would be cool if they would dye these jackets in a more natural shade and offer a more competitive price. I'm just not seeing anything that justifies that kind of price tag at $695.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:26 pm
by Indiana Jeff
That may well be, but in the brief internet searches I've done, this price point is consistent with other roo jackets.
Plenty of makers charge 'premium' prices for their jackets based on the 'special' hides they source.
Comes down to the marketplace. These jackets will sell at $695 or USW will be left with a warehouse full and discount them at some point in the future.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:54 pm
by CM
afalzon wrote:Interesting; it's almost impossible to buy roo jackets in Australia.
Kangaroo leather is widely available.
You're wrong. It's very hard to obtain over here. I was making an observation on a very ironic situation. I'm not talking about overseas. We can't get it here because it is all sold off to overseas interests. Roo is probably the strongest leather you can get and thin and light.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:27 am
by afalzon
You're wrong. It's very hard to obtain over here. I was making an observation on a very ironic situation. I'm not talking about overseas. We can't get it here because it is all sold off to overseas interests. Roo is probably the strongest leather you can get and thin and light.
Maybe it's hard to obtain in Australia, but I am not in Australia and I can obtain it. So I 'm not wrong I suppose.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:32 am
by Michaelson
CM wrote:Interesting; it's almost impossible to buy roo jackets in Australia. Only cow that comes out of China.
afalzon, CM lives in Australia. He stated, quote above, it is 'almost impossible to by roo jackets in
Australia', and he should know, so let's not continue down this path. You apparently misunderstood him, as he never said 'roo skin in general was hard to obtain.
It's very hard to obtain over here. I was making an observation on a very ironic situation. I'm not talking about overseas. We can't get it here because it is all sold off to overseas interests.
He said, specificially,
Australia, so yes, you are wrong, no 'supposing' about it, as you're coming at this from the wrong direction.
There's no point in continung down this path.
Let's move on with this discussion, if you don't mind.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:54 pm
by Michaelson
Just heard the 'roo hide is supposed to delivered shortly to the factory to start making jackets.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:26 pm
by CM
I'll be very interested to see this one. Love the roo...
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:47 pm
by Michaelson
Me too.

Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:05 pm
by Baldwyn
Forrest For the Trees wrote:Here's a link to my thread from when I found one at a vintage shop in Austin. There are some links to photos. I sold it here to a member as it was much too large on me.
That was me. It was too big for me too, but I had to check one out in person. Could be a great leather! Personally, I'm a little reminded of Vanson's horsehide, stiff, strong, but stiff, without much grain. In fact, Tony Nowak made some jackets for alter-dimension Tron out of Kangaroo, because the jackets were supposed to look "other-wordlyl". US Wings' jackets distressed to a black, which for an Indiana Jones jacket, is kind of a sin.
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:33 am
by Michaelson
Latest word after sending an inquiry:
Hello M,
Long last Our Roo Sample came in today and the Color is much better than
what I expected... Now to send to Glenn tomorrow for Picture taking and then
send back to Australia for all the Governments permits and then to our
Factory for the Roo Indy and A-2... ETA will be early summer or late spring
if all goes well... We have been
taking pre orders but of course will not charge the Customer until the Indy
Roo Jackets are ready for shipment... We will also be offering the New
Zealand Urban Adventurer Lambskin about the same time.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:45 pm
by Tennessee Smith

hmmmm, the lamb skin sounds interesting

Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:57 pm
by Michaelson
News this morning is the planned jackets are still moving forward. Looking more like mid-summer due to the time of getting them made and in stock.
Schott will be making them for USW, so they will be American made jackets rather than the imports.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:05 am
by Indiana Jeff
Encouraging that this is still moving forward. Even more so knowing Schott's will be making the jackets.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:50 am
by Michaelson
He also said that USW is rolling out a brand new website next Wednesday, March 5th, and that USW will be promoting American made jackets from now on. He said the imports will still be available, but will be mostly used for corporate sales from then on.
Regards! M
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:50 pm
by Michaelson
Received this email tonight:
This Fri. (3-21) There will be a major price increase on the Roo Jackets... Legend and A-2...
The Indy is going up $ 200.00 and the Roo A-2 is going up $ 150.00... Anyone that has placed their order before the price increase we will honor the old price… those after this Fri. Sorry!
There will be a major price increase on all other Leather Jackets! Tomorrow we will offer free shipping in the USA for the next 72 hours and then some major updates... Here is another News flash… US Wings will be the Licensee for Avirex-Europe online! We will be updating the Avirex Products for all of Europe and will be shipping from Hudson Ohio USA... We will also be adding some all new products along with the A-2 WW11 Horsehide seal brown and a whole new Indy Line and the Avirex A-2 G-1 and Top Gun Avirex Jackets with the Famous Avirex Chino line Sold to Europe only!!
Exciting times for my Friends! Please pass the word… No Rain checks.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:52 am
by Indiana Jeff
There will be a major price increase on the Roo Jackets
That's a real bummer. I wasn't ready to pull the trigger on this one just yet, but if the price is going up another $150.....
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:44 pm
by Michaelson
Email update received from USW:
The good news is the kangaroo is almost ready to ship. Unfortunately, coming from Australia, it will take some time, and then we still have to cut and sew.
I can't give you a date until we know when it will get here, but at least we are making progress.
We can try to push up the IJVINC jackets, but I don't think it will happen. August first seems so far away but in production time it is around the corner, especially with our 2 week shut down in the beginning of July.
Best regards,
"Roz" is Roz Schott of Schott Leather Jacket factory fame.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:45 am
by Indiana Jeff
Still glad this project is moving forward.
$849 is out of my price range.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:08 pm
by Indydawg
Very much looking forward to this one!
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:03 pm
by Michaelson
Proposed wording for the 'roo ad:
Here are some very important facts about the US Wings Kangaroo Jackets…
They are Hand crafted in the USA
They are Vegetable Tan
The Leather is Imported from Australia and harvested through the Government of Australia
US Wings Kangaroo Jackets are made only every ten years
Kangaroo leather is one of the strongest leathers available
All Kangaroo leather has range marks
For full understanding and information about Kangaroo leather please read under Wikipedia “ Kangaroo Industry”" onclick=";return false;
The Ship date for the US Wings A-2 Roo The Indy Roo Jackets and never before offered our G-1 made from Roo Leather 28 July 2014 or sooner.
The A-2 Roo is $ 849.00 The Indy Roo $ 849.00 The G-1 Roo $ 949.00 Pictures of the G-1 will be posted at a later date.
...and a note added by David Hack:
.... if their name is on the list.. They have a Roo.. If not.. First come First serve!!
Schott is closed the first two weeks of July to take inventory, so the A2's will come out first at the end of July and the Indy jackets after that.
They're still up in the air about the G1, but as he says above, that will be decided later this year. They want to get the A2 out first, immediately followed by the Indy.
Here's a link to the sample jacket they have up on their site: ... nd-jacket/" onclick=";return false;
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:42 pm
by Michaelson
New photos of the hides are due to sent out today, plus this email news.
The layaway program will be 30 % payment upon order, 30% in 60 days and 30% prior to shipment. Email and Phone orders only,
We want to feature the following jackets:
Kangaroo Indy and A2
Flying Fortress A2
Bush A2 and G1
G1 with Navy Flying Creed
The Flying Tigers A2 G1
I asked him about the missing 10%. He said
Gift!! From Sarge
Regard! M
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:05 pm
by Tennessee Smith
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:11 pm
by Weston
The way it drapes and wrinkles up, it looks every bit as thin as lambskin. Can't wait to see what the Schott jackets look like!
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:29 am
by Indiana Jeff
The leather looks great and the 10% off and free shipping is nice, but I still think it's out of my ballpark.
Indiana Jeff
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:41 pm
by Michaelson
Just received via email today:
I came up with an idea that will work worldwide.. this will be a discount on fixed pricing for Alpha.. Avirex of Europe and Cockpit USA and Schott NYC on the" onclick=";return false; site.. No matter what the discount I.E. Sale price Indy Gear I.E. COW will receive an extra 10 % discount when you ck out with this Code number: GWA10.
Regard! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:36 pm
by Michaelson
email update for folks who have these on order:
Hello M,
Roz (Schott) will start back up the 21st of July making the A-2 Roo and after the Run She will make the Indy Style Legend Roo.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:05 pm
by Michaelson
Latest email, according to Roz Schott, as of today the A2 'roo's will be out in 2 weeks, then the Indy jackets immediately after that.
Regards! M
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:03 pm
by Michaelson
Ok, word from the front is the 'roo A2's are starting to be shipped to USW from Schott's, with the Indy jackets not far behind.
If you are on the waiting list but have not paid, you best get your bill paid NOW.
The paid orders will be taken care of first, and supplies are EXTREMELY limited, and once the paid orders are filled, that's it. There will be no second run, so if you're on the list and haven't paid, you best get on the stick.
Regards! M
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:42 pm
by Michaelson
News. Schott will be shipping the A2's to USW tomorrow, and the Indy jackets in 2 weeks, maybe less.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: US Wings 'Roo jacket in the works again
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:32 am
by Michaelson
The first 32 A2's arrived at USW's today, and all 32 are already sold.
They all sold in 1 hour. He pulled in some IOU's and will have 100 more made in the next 90 days, if everything lines up right, and that will be that. He didn't expect the A2's to sell like that.
Indy jackets are less than 2 weeks out. You're not too late if you still want to get in on this one and only run.
Regards! M