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today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:50 pm
by Bruce Wayne
I wore a fedora. Did you?
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:44 pm
by BendingOak
I wear one everyday.
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:40 pm
by jnicktem
Everyday is National Felt Hat Day for me...
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:10 pm
by interbak
Didn't know that, but yes I did!
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:52 pm
by Indiana Blooze
I wear my fedora every day, any weather, any temp, rain, sun, snow, sleet, fog......etc. There is, however, one exception. While I have worn it to many NASCAR Truck and Nationwide races, I don't wear it to any NASCAR Sprint Cup races. My headphones won't fit over it.

Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:12 pm
by Indiana Jeff
Still too hot around these parts for felt. I'll be kicking it in my PB straw until at least October 1st.
Indiana Jeff
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:07 am
by WConly
Indiana Jeff wrote:Still too hot around these parts for felt. I'll be kicking it in my PB straw until at least October 1st.
Indiana Jeff
No, not today, wore one of my Tilley waxed cottons. Surprisingly these hats breath well and can keep you cool, or warm regardless of the conditions. However, I wouldn't suggest it for really cold weather, but with today going both from really hot/humid, to comfortably cool with rain, it working out quite well. W>
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:41 am
by Charybdis
Had no idea! Once the weather starts to turn, I'll be wearing my hat a bit more though...nights are starting to drop into the low 60s around here!!
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:26 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Why am I always stuck inside on Felt Hat Day.

I wore my Fed III for the first time this season while grilling porkchops last night. Does that count?
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:45 pm
by Michaelson
Absolutely! WE don't NEED no stink'n calendar to wear OUR felt hats!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:14 pm
by APL
I also typically wear one every day, whether it be an Indy style, one of my customs, or a vintage... however this year, for the first felt hat day since I started wearing them, I was unable to as I was working a shift at my city's EMS agency. I've always wondered though how people would react if I got off the ambulance wearing a fedora.
Re: today, September 15th is National Felt Hat Day!
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:17 pm
by Long John Tinfoil
Different nation, but of course I did. Just like every other day.