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A few recent whips...

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:08 pm
by riku1914
Just wanted to share pictures of some of the whips I've recently made.

The first, some of you have already seen, is an 8' 16 plait replica of the "classic" Indy series that David Morgan had in the late 90's.

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Next is a 6' 16 plait replica of the same series, this time in saddle tan

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A 6' 8x8 half plait handle stockwhip in black

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a 7' 12 plait Australian style. Custom handle length ( 8" ) and custom knots

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Finally, an 8' 16 Plait Australian style bullwhip in saddle tan. Custom handle pattern ( bird's eye ) and custom ring

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Thanks for looking!

Re: A few recent whips...

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:29 pm
by whipwarrior
More awesomeness from J.M. Whips! I'm enjoying the heck out of mine! It's like shooting a leather arrow! Ksshh-thunk! Having used it regularly with my DM, I've come to realize that Jeremy's whip is actually quite a bit heavier than originally estimated. The difference literally feels like throwing a rope versus a steel cable. Worlds apart! :whip: