Akubra Impacted by Rising Rabbit Fur Cost
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:50 pm
http://www.freakonomics.com/2013/07/29/ ... ubra-hats/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
There are two reasons this recent article on the Freakonomics web site might be of interest to COW members:
1. A rabbit fur shortage in Australia is having an impact on the availability of Akubra hats.
2. The Freakonomics editors, being of exemplary taste, selected one of MY Flickr photos to illustrate the article! Thank yuh! Thank yuh ver' ver' mush....
(That's the Pastoralist I later re-bashed "Indy style." There's a topic around here somewhere about that.)
There are two reasons this recent article on the Freakonomics web site might be of interest to COW members:
1. A rabbit fur shortage in Australia is having an impact on the availability of Akubra hats.
2. The Freakonomics editors, being of exemplary taste, selected one of MY Flickr photos to illustrate the article! Thank yuh! Thank yuh ver' ver' mush....
(That's the Pastoralist I later re-bashed "Indy style." There's a topic around here somewhere about that.)