Long whip technique - throwing a 10 footer

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Long whip technique - throwing a 10 footer

Post by ABMann »

Hi folks,

New to the forums, newish to whips. I started a few months go on a 4.5ft woodie bullwhip. I picked it up pretty quickly moving from basuc cracks to combinations with some exceptions - #### Tasmanian cutback. It's been exceedingly fun to learn.

So, for my birthday this month, I went nuts and got a 10ft beauty from Bernie at EM Brand whips. I took it to the park for our bi-weekly whip group and really struggled to consistently crack. I suspect my technique is off but am unsure how to fix it. Do you have recommendations/suggestions on:
[*]Throwing long whips compared to short whips.
[*]Techniques for multiple crack patterns with long whips.
[*]Any of the books I've seen suggested that have good suggestions for using longer whips.

Overall, I feel like I'll get it over time but suspect someone in the community has already experienced this sort of discrepancy.

Otherwise, the whip I got is just beautiful. Bernie included a few strands of blue leather in the fall knot to match the blue cracker. That is attention to detail.

I've been watching all the YouTube videos I can find as well.

Re: Long whip technique - throwing a 10 footer

Post by whipwarrior »

Longer whips take more time to roll out than shorter whips, so you have to learn the 'timing' of your throws in order to get consistent cracks. Also, they're more suited towards doing wraps and grabs than fancy multiple cracking. I have a 6-foot Bernie, and it's really lightweight and springy, excellent for rapid cracks and target work. I imagine that his 10-foot bullwhip is similarly constructed, but still requires more travel time for the lash to roll out into a loop for cracking. Study videos of people using longer whips, and continue honing your throws until you can make the whip follow your arm, virtually like an extension of yourself. Eventually everything will sync together.
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