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My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:32 pm
by vaderjeff1744
I just got my new JM Whips 10ft Raiders style Bullwhip in the mail about a week ago. \:D/ All I can say is WOW! It's a BEAUTIFUL whip, & is a nice addition to my whip collection, as well as my Indy gear! It cracks LOUDLY, and has a VERY SMOOTH rollout! A BIG THANK YOU to Jeremy for creating this BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART for me!!! :TOH: I'll include a couple of pics for you guys to enjoy! 8)



Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:36 pm
by Columbiana Jones
Now that is a nice one! Congrats!


Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:02 am
by DeLoreanDMC81
Glad you like your whip, the one you have is quite beautiful.

I didn't know a thing about Jeremy, or his whips, several months ago. I heard only a few people say some good things about the whip they received. So I took a leap of faith and ordered a 10 foot Raiders style from him.

All I can say is WOW! My whip just came in yesterday and it is exquisite! I couldn't be happier with it! Jeremy did and amazing job on it, and kept me up to date throughout the entire process.

If anyone is seriously thinking of getting a whip, deal with Jeremy at and he'll take care of you! :-D


Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:31 pm
by whipwarrior
Jeremy is, in my opinion, truly one of the best whip makers in the world today. And I daresay that his talent rivals that of the legendary David Morgan. But since Mr. Morgan is retired from the biz, J.M. Whips is the next best option. Quality and craftsmanship almost beyond words. :TOH:

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:53 am
by Blake Bruning
You know Pual Nolan is still making and Joe Strain is on temporary hiatis...but will be back...just fyi. I personally feel both Paul and Joe have taken the craft way farther the David anyways. David is a great industry standard and forfront pioneer...but he made a whip to a certain extent and said that that is my grail. When he was done with a whip David was done...slap 5×4 knots on and call it a day. The heel knots would also form fit the hand and turn a little. Joe's knots on the ones I own are a rock and will never turn. From what Joe told me it was known, but wasn't bad enough for David to really feel the need to change it. Not to take away from Jeremy...whip looks great...just addressing the mantle of leadership currently. Murphy Retired, apparently Del Carpio is turning it in from what I have read, and there are others walking away. These are.strange times for whip makers...and interesting things are afoot!

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:13 am
by Zuiun
Nothing to see here.

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:28 am
by DarenHenryW
Jeremy is extremely talented. I own his 14th whip, and have handled a number of his other whips. I showed mine to Paul Nolan who said, "Geez, this is better than my 200th whip!" But you are right, Blake, about pretty much everything you said. Jeremy still has a long way to go, but there is NO DOUBT that if he makes it to 1,000 whips (and beyond), he WILL be in the ballpark of world class (by my calculations, he has yet to make 100, though I could be wrong) Regardless, the kid just gets it. He's sort of a whip savant.


Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:42 pm
by riku1914
Wow it's nice to have so many come to my defense like that! Haha, thanks guys! I think I'm past the point of newbie but I certainly don't consider myself an expert. I've been pretty happy with my whips recently but I definitely have a lot to learn and a lot to improve. I'm always working on improving my whips. That has not changed and likely will never change.

I'll try and answer a few questions or clear some speculations. I'll do my best to remember but I don't really want to read the whole thread again looking for them... lol. It was kinda long

I remember number of whips being mentioned a few times. I have yet to hit 100. I'm actually going to be hitting 70 sometime soon. I can't remember exact count but the ones I'm working on right now add up to the high 60's. And unless he's changed his mind, Baldwyn still has dibs on #100 :whip:

Handle knots. These have always given me trouble ( although I bet if you ask any whip maker they would say they wish they could improve something about their knots ). Not that long ago I was sort of in a rut and not paying enough attention to my knots. Paul Nolan kindly pointed this out after he was able to examine several Indy whips I made around that time. I've since started paying much more attention to my knots and they've never been better! I've always had really solid foundations, but the tying is what kills me. It takes so many factors to get a knot to LOOK right, and even more so to feel right in the hand...

That's all I can remember. If anyone has other questions for me you can pm or email me, I try to respond pretty quickly.
( )

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:45 pm
by whipwarrior
DarenHenryW wrote:Regardless, the kid just gets it. He's sort of a whip savant.
That's *exactly* what I thought when I first saw his website. I've used DM whips exclusively for over 15 years, and they are the benchmark by which I measure all others. The pictures and reviews of Jeremy's whips made an instant impression on me: "My God, this kid can make anything!" And, true to my good judgment, he made absolutely the perfect bullwhip for me, quality craftsmanship on-par with David Morgan. I can't ask for anything better than that. :TOH:

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:46 pm
by baddates1
I think we all have our own opinions here. It looks great! I would get it in a heartbeat!
Regards from an endangered gentleman: baddates1

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:00 pm
by Hollowpond
It really looks awesome. I'm in the market for a new whip and JM whips is all in the mix right now!!! :whip:

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:27 pm
by RedburnIV
Agreed. Nice whip. Use in good health.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:46 am
by Hollowpond
All cleaned out, when I should have been grading papers... :x

Keep it classy guys! :whip:

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:09 pm
by Blake Bruning
I was real busy and just read late last night...was planning on responding this morning. I just want to state...I wasn't attacking anyone...I even stated "not taking anything away from Jeremy, great whip". I was just addressing "next best thing to morgan" ....and just pointing to what I believe is the top. I added the "world class" separate as I was just describing what I believe a ""world class" whip characteristics would have and believe I mention my low level and how I wish I had 1/2 my old collection to study as well as how now as a whip maker It is a new way to appreciate a whip(or depreciate sadly). I belt not a black belt til he is a just a thought on mastery of any craft...once reflection on jeremy...just a comment....then to give an example of what a "World Class" whip in my eyes is(I doubt any could disagree) ...I showed how to see the latest whip Joe made....which he is entering in a contest. After all the crazy stuff was written after.....I got to say I don't know how it was so miscued that I was a attacking anyone(Jeremy, or whipwarrior for the comments I chose to share make that clear...1-" next best thing to morgan" and 2-" one of the best in the world" which I went off of to say just what I believe to be truth of what makes a world class whip)I believe I really didn't even state any opinions of myself either...which is key to any and all arguments....I believe I simply stated some truths in general. I pointed nothing out at all on anyone's craftsmanship...other then what I would except not to be in a world class whip.

Now if I can add another truth. The problem with communication is people only respond to the actual message at about 35% of the interpretation...and 65% of it is tone and body language. When it comes to the written word with out it(tone and body language)our mind, current state of emotion, and spirit is easy to take what we imagine they sound like with attitude and view like "rose colored glasses". it is a great sight with people generally behaving great with respect and that is due to great moderators like yourself....To you I say thank you. Please keep this re-post of mine you will to clear the air for a minute.

If you need to delete this next phrase please do....not trying to open anything crazy again...or to start anything...but what was all that "drunken pm's" stuff? I never even thought about pm'ing anyone with anything else but to help discuss arrangements for selling items...or to help someone", but if anyone would want to explain what the drunken pm'ing was about to me via pm...and not drunk

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:10 pm
by Zuiun
I'm just going to delete my comment. Possibly my account.

Look. If someone (moderator) feels the need to chop out something I post, fine. But common courtesy suggests that you let the author know BEFORE you take a knife to their post. Give them a chance to edit it if you feel it should be edited.

My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:32 pm
by Hollowpond
I warned twice that this thread was toeing the line. After the @#$% hit the fan I trimmed ALL inflammatory materials. So you are apparently addressing me.

I did this while I was at school and probably should have been grading papers, but you kids didn't want to play nice... :roll:

Not that any explanation was warranted, but there it is. Also, not that any apology is deserved, but if my actions bothered you then sorry.

Again, NICE WHIP!!! :whip:

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:58 pm
by Michaelson
Just a reminder of the posted rules that everyone agreed to at the time they registered for membership on this website/forum, and that have been in place since 2004:
You agree that “Club Obi-Wan” has the right to remove, edit, move, use, or close any topic at any time should we see fit.

No notification will be given should this be required.
All rules can be read here..

viewtopic.php?f=23&t=9941" onclick=";return false;

Zuiun, if you wish your account to be deleted, that's your call. Say the word, and we'll take care of it for you.

Regard! Michaelson

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:21 pm
by BullWhipBorton
You are all entitled to your opinions on who makes the best whips or who doesn’t, but keep things civil and on topic. Hollowpond and Michaelson laid it out as clear as day. Indygear reserves the right to edit and delete posts as necessary, several of you made it necessary. We would appreciate if you would cooperate with the rules of membership you agreed to and play nicely.

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:20 am
by DarenHenryW
Beautiful whip. :)


Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:19 am
by morethanatimelord
I love my LC JM whip, here is a quick video of it in action. Please excuse my poor bullwhip skills, this was the first time I had used one!" onclick=";return false;

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:37 pm
by wilbyc82
Going to order one of Jeremy's Raiders whips. Really like the look of these ;-)

Re: My New JM Whips 10ft. Raiders style Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:48 pm
by whipwarrior
Trust me, you won't be disappointed! :TOH: :whip: