Hey look what I found...Don't know if it's been covered....
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 1:43 am
This looks almost like the tie that Indy was wearing on the way to Napal in
Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's available from J Crew (our other Indy Gear source...lol...) for like $39.00. J Crew says it's silk and dry clean only... funny thing is I put it on my Christmas list just because I like the look of it and the other night I was watching Raiders and that scene came up and my girlfriend said "Oh, now I see why you wanted that tie..." and I was like "Huh? Then I looked at the screen and then relized that it was almost the same.

Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's available from J Crew (our other Indy Gear source...lol...) for like $39.00. J Crew says it's silk and dry clean only... funny thing is I put it on my Christmas list just because I like the look of it and the other night I was watching Raiders and that scene came up and my girlfriend said "Oh, now I see why you wanted that tie..." and I was like "Huh? Then I looked at the screen and then relized that it was almost the same.
