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Question about gas mask bags from a newbie

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:04 pm
by Trevelyan
First, allow myself to introduce...myself. I came across this site like many others while looking up information on the Indiana Jones jacket on the internet. Well, after buying a Wested and a Federation, and getting prepared to make a grail diary, I've realized the addiction is quite strong. Thanks to everyone for all the valuable information I've gained from COW, especially the moderators. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about getting the bag lately and just got cleared to post, so my question is if anyone can give me information about WWI bags. After looking over my options a dozen times, I plan on eventually getting a WPG Mark 7, but the WWI bag just keeps screaming, "Look how old I am, buy me!" Here's a picture of one I saw. Any information would be helpful, as I know very little about them..


Thanks, BJ

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:50 pm
by Gater
Well Alek (trevelyan)

The bag in the pic is a Mark VI bag. Similar to the VII, it has 2 pockets and D-rings. More info should be found on the main site.

I have one of these bags, and to the untrained eye, it is a very similar bag, but has always proved useful in daily applications for me.

Good find.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:23 pm
by indiana_dudley
I had a WPG arrive today, and I am very pleased :D

It does look very new, but after reading many articles on the durability of the bag, I intend to put it through its paces. I don't think you can go wrong with a WPG...

Along with my Fed and Wested this so far completes my collection....


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 6:03 pm
by Sheffield Jones
Looking at the snaps,I'd say it looks like an American Mk-VI.

Swindy The "Bag" man is great for "Bag" Questions.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 6:56 pm
by Trevelyan
Thanks for all your help everyone. I thought it might be a U.S. mk vi but I figured I'd ask first just to be sure. I think I still might get it. It looks pretty close to Indy's bag, it's a very old piece of American history, and it comes with the mask itself, which is pretty cool. Well, if there really were an American adventurer in the 30's like Indiana, that would probably be the bag he used. Again, thanks.

Cheers, BJ

PS. That was a quick call on the screen name Gater. I guess you can see what one of my other film obsessions is.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 7:52 pm
by sab04
If I were you I would get a real MK-VI or MK-VII instead of the WPG bag. The authenticity makes it waaaaaaay cooler! me :wink:
hey g-man, when did you get that bag pic? :-k something looks familiar about it....

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 9:23 pm
by Indiana
Noooooo dont im bidding on it! :)

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:05 am
by Swindiana

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:29 am
by auntsugar
The bag in question is NOT a MK VI, but an older WWI bag. I have both the MK VI and a WWI bag very similar to the above pictured bag. While I love the MK VI, the WWI bag is not as good. You cannot remove the strap unless you cut it off. NO RINGS! The snaps also go through the flap, unlike the MK VI and VII. All-in-all, it's a nice bag and kind of "Indyish", but I'd stick with the VI or VII..
I DO use the WWI bag for other stuff though.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 8:47 pm
by Trevelyan
Shoot, I didn't even notice that the bag didn't have any rings. I guess I just assumed it did. :? Too bad I already won the auction. I'm sure with my mom's sewing skills I could have her rig up a couple of rings for me by cutting the strap and sewing it down, but it is frustrating. The actual gas mask will be a cool memorabilia addition though, so not all is lost.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 11:51 pm
by IndianaJames
:evil: Quit posting ebay info and ebay auctions!! Grrrr! Does no one read the guidelines anymore?!?!


PS Hey G MAN, one my favorite quotes is
"In the world I see, youre stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockafeller Center. Youll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. Youll climb the wrist thick cuts of vines that wrap the Sears Tower, and as you look down youll see tiny figures pounding corn, and laying strips of venison in the empy carpool lane of some abandoned super-highway...."

In Tyler we trust!

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:05 am
by auntsugar
Psssst, pardon me, but it seems to me he wasn't posting auctions. He just saw a bag on EBay that he wanted, but need advice from someone here at COW concerning the bag. He posted a picture of the bag for reference only.
Just my .02

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:42 pm
by Swindiana
Trevelyan wrote:Shoot, I didn't even notice that the bag didn't have any rings. I guess I just assumed it did. :? Too bad I already won the auction. I'm sure with my mom's sewing skills I could have her rig up a couple of rings for me by cutting the strap and sewing it down, but it is frustrating. The actual gas mask will be a cool memorabilia addition though, so not all is lost.
Be careful of what you do with the mask though as the filter could contain asbestos. ... essage/123


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 3:30 pm
by sab04
yeah, whats the deal with the quote!?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 8:36 pm
by Trevelyan
Thanks for the tip Swindy, I'll have to keep that in mind. Is there anything you don't know about these bags? By the way, I can't believe the Soviets used gas on their own troops for training. That's just insane.

cheers, BJ

PS. Here's a great Fight Club quote for all of us gear heads
"The things that you own end up owning you."

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:32 pm
by Swindiana
Thanks for the tip Swindy, I'll have to keep that in mind. Is there anything you don't know about these bags?
Well, I figure there must be since I seem to learn new things about them almost every time I stumble upon one. :wink:
Thanks for the remark!


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:46 am
by IndianaJames
Yeah its a quote from FC!!
Great flick....

Auntsugar, when G man said "sab04, its a bag on ebay right now" its pretty obvious that its a bag that is on a current ebay auction, dont you think? :wink:

Anyways I should really just pick my battles because auctions (or references to auctions) are going to be posted whether anybody likes it or not....

No offense to you at all G man, really. :) I wanst trying to put you down at all.

Indy J

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 1:23 am
by auntsugar
IndianaJames wrote:
[/quote]Quit posting ebay info and ebay auctions!! Grrrr! Does no one read the guidelines anymore?!?! [quote]

Sorry James, I meant no offense. This is not a battle, just backing a guy up. Guidlines say to not post ebay AUCTIONS, not ebay pictures. He was only using it for reference, as he had questions about it.
We are allowed to talk about EBay, just not post links for auctions. Unless, it's our auction.
That's why we're all here isn't it? To ask and share info?
Again, I meant no offense.
For clarification, please see this link:


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 3:40 am
by Farnham54
Sorry for sticking my foot into the forray, but in my very humble opinion, I'd much rather that people feel free to post ebay pictures and come here with questions before they invest their hard earned cash in something that they are not sure about.

That being said, I can also see someone getting upset (I know I would be) If someone said "This here thing is on E-bay right now" and someone else lost the auction because of it. However, save for eliminating all talk of e-bay entirely, I think that keeping a no-links-only policy is best.

In other words, I can see both points of view, but I think the way the guidlines are set up now is about a happy medium.

