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Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:44 pm
by BullWhipBorton
Early in 2012 this 6ft David Morgan bullwhip reportedly used in Indiana Jones films resurfaced on the movie memorabilia collectors market. Several months ago I was brought by its current owner and Christie's Auction house to help identify/authenticate and re-establish it’s provenance in preparation for their November 29th Pop Culture & Entertainment auction. I worked behind the scenes with them, identified it as the same bullwhip donated in 2001 to the UNICEF movie action for children charity auction by Steven Spielberg. Then supplied them with additional information about the whip, including photos and documentation from the original sale. Christie’s research department was then able to use that information provided to reconfirm the whips origin as being authentic.



The whip will be auctioned tomorrow along with a grail cup and diary from the Last Crusade. ... 885675b64c" onclick=";return false;


Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:27 pm
by TenuredProfessor
Very interesting, BWB :TOH: Just out of curiosity, what methods are used to authenticate something like a bullwhip? :-k Screen shots? Scratches or marks? I ask only because I have never heard that a 6 footer was ever used for the movies, other than in the above description. Obviously you would be one of the 'top men' called upon to authenticate this whip...but I'm just curious about what specifically this whip has that makes it able to be determined that it was actually used in the films. :-k As opposed to a screen used firearm that may have a serial number, I can't imagine what specific markings or identifying features this has that makes it beyond a doubt film used prop. I read that 'construction suggests it was made for TOD', but that is certainly not a concrete guarantee that it was. Just curious is all :TOH:

EDIT :lol:

I reread your post and, correct me if I'm wrong, you helped authenticate the whip that Spielberg donated,not necessarily a screen used whip? In that case, I suppose screen shots wouldn't do much to assist in authentication. Either way, very cool :whip: But I just can't see Indy using anything less than an 8 footer :lol:

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:33 pm
by BullWhipBorton
Correct :) Realistically the only way to really determine if a whip was used on screen is to match it to a screen capture from the film(s). I’ve gone though a lot of source material but unfortunately was unable to get a positive screen match on the Christies whip. The Blu-ray release has been helpful but much of the reference materials available is just not clear enough to match that level of detail needed to get an exact 100% positive identification. To the best of my knowledge though, none of the reported film used Indiana Jones whips have ever been screen matched to a specific scene in the films. So it usually comes down to provenance and in this case what really helps is it has the provenance of coming directly from the director Steven Spielberg, which Christies was also able to verify.

David Morgan confirmed that he did supply 6ft whips for the films, they were used in special stunts and for training. The films Stunt Coordinator and Fords original whip coach could back that. The best examples of shorter whips being used were probably in Temple of Doom. Harrison Ford is most likely using a 6ft whip on the wrist wrap during the Thuggee swordsmen scene and also in the original Making of Temple of Doom documentary. There is brief footage of Harrison practicing with what looks like a 6ft bullwhip. It’s hard to tell for sure, but they don’t look long enough to be 8ft bullwhips.

When it comes to identification, since each whip was hand made; no two are exactly alike. If you know what you’re looking for and have a familiarity with whip construction, certain details stand out like a sore thumb. There are a number of things I look at in these kinds of situations; first being if the constructed methods used to make the whip actually fit the period of when the whip would have been made for the film. David’s construction methods changed very subtly over time so the whips he made for used in Raiders have slight difference to later whips. It matched, but your right that in itself is never a guarantee. What made things easier this time around is that I was already familiar with this particular whip from the sale in 2001. I had documented it back then for my own interest and had enough photos from that auction to match it with the detail shots the owner supplied. I examined plaiting patterns, the strand widths and cut, position of dropped strands, kinks in the thong, the way the knots were tied, the alignment of the knots, the seams of the platting, the wear marks, even the wear on the nylon popper etc. and all matched exactly as the Spielberg whip. Hope that clears it up a bit more :TOH: .

All the best


Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:11 pm
by TenuredProfessor
Thank you Dan!! :TOH: I guess i figured as much, but it's always best to hear it from the man himself. And yeah a 6 footer probably made for an easier wrist wrap ala TOD. Man, that's why i love this people with great knowledge to share!! Much appreciated!! :whip:

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:16 am
by Kt Templar
There is a Grail Diary and a Grail in that auction too...


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Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:58 am
by Indiana Jeff
Very cool, Dan. Thanks for sharing your insites.

What in-the-name-of-breaking-the-sound-barrier is up with all the knots in the fall?! :o


Indiana Jeff

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:52 am
by Mike
You da man, Dan! :notworthy:

And I'm with you Jeff. If I won that, I'd be hard-pressed to not untie those fall knots.

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:29 am
by Luisiana Jones
And they money doesnt bring happiness... well im sure it helsp a pretty #### lot :D :P

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:40 pm
by BullWhipBorton
Thanks :TOH: The whip sold today for £20,000 ($32,000), A bit lower compared to other Indy film whips but still well above the estimated value. The Grail Diary went for £18,750 ($30,000) and the Grail for £11,875 ($19,000).

Regarding the knots on the fall, A number of the original trilogy film whips do exhibit knotted/tangled falls in different spots. It’s suspected they just occurred during filming and no one ever bothered to undo them. If it were mine, I’d probably undo them. :)


Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:06 am
by midwestwhips
Wow, everything looks spot on with this whip! The ring knot placement, the look of the braiding, the handle shape, the butt knot shape, even the small divot above the butt knot. Compare this whip to some of the others that have been auctioned and looked questionable and to me the difference is pretty obvious. I would have bid $40,000 if I had it! ;-)

Great job Dan!

- Paul

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:22 am
by McFly
Somebody untie the knots in that fall! :o


Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:55 am
by midwestwhips
As much as it kills me to see the knots in the fall as a whipmaker and whipcracker, as a die hard fan of Indy and whip history, the knots in the fall are part of it's story and value. They could have come from Harrison practicing on set, while it was being filmed, or even from a stunt man or Spielberg himself since he owned the whip after the film.

It's sort of like the Temple of Doom screen used whip with the wrist loop that is partially cut off - It would take away from it's authenticity if the owner had a whipmaker make a new wrist loop, attach it, and retie the butt knot.

So while it hurts to see those knots in the fall, I appreciate the untold story behind them. :whip:

- Paul

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:15 am
by knibs7
I really don't think this was the whip Indy uses on the Thuggee. First off, I think the whip Indy uses is longer than a 6 footer. It just doesn't seem practical to be that close to a swordsman and have time to draw and use your whip to disarm him. It looks more like an 8-10 foot whip and it also makes more sense to be longer. Sure, they could've used a wide lens, but I still don't see it. BUT let's say it indeed was a 6 ft whip that he uses to disarm the swordsman. If that's the case, then it wasn't the whip that was up for auction. If you look closely, you can see the screen used whip has a "tag" on it as seen on a screen used Raiders whip." onclick=";return false;

Just my $.02



Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:58 am
by moses
I thought for the scene with the Thugee in Indy's room.

Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:50 pm
by knibs7
moses wrote:I thought for the scene with the Thugee in Indy's room.
THAT would actually make more sense


Re: Christies Indiana Jones Bullwhip

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:37 pm
by Marhala
Even though I've started to notice the differences along the years in David's work, I'm still amazed that someone like Dan can take into account many, many other tiny details, which may seem superfluous even to those of us who are more involved into whipmaking.

My warmest rewards to Dan!
