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Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenryW

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:50 pm
by DarenHenryW
Since this post got lost, I felt it beared reposting. It's my review of a 16 plait, 6' Target Whip made by Jeremy McEachern aka Riku1914, the young man behind J.M. Whips

Look Here: ... 04?fref=ts

"So, as Baldwyn said, I received the whip yesterday. Mine, (or ours, rather), is the 6', 16 plait target whip with the natural highlights on the knots. I say ours because everyone from my East Bay Whipcrackers group decided to pitch in an equal share, so that we could have a "Club Whip", one that we could take turns taking home for a few weeks at a time. I also initially thought it might be one that we would designate as being handy to loan out to newbies to the group, but I have decided that its too nice for that, and I'd like to see it preserved as a nice targeting whip.

Now, before I begin my review I'd just like to point out that I know that Jeremy is looking for constructive criticism, not merely praise, so I'll try to be as honest as I can . . .

First of all, the whip is very very nice. Quite a lot nicer than I was expecting. It is sleek and tightly braided, reminiscent of work I've seen by top whipmakers like Nolan, Strain and Del Carpio. For a target whip, it's well balanced, and has a good weight to it. The plaiting is straight and smooth, and for a 16 plait whip, the strand drops are well hidden. The taper is very good, not perfect, but very good, and the point and fall hitch are very tight, and very nice. The tapered popper is also a nice touch, which really does make the whip crack LOUDLY! For a target whip it seems accurate, cracks nicely, and is comfortable in the hand. I'm pleased with this whip, and am certain that Jeremy followed tried and true methods to make a whip that he and I and my group could be proud of.

Additionally, I'd like to add that in the last four years that I've been interested in whips I've handled whips from many of the world's foremost whipmakers. It would be silly to say that Jeremy ranks near the top, but it would not be silly to say that if he continues with this, I think that one day, he will. I sincerely mean that. I own or have owned whips from Joe Strain, Paul Nolan, Bernardo Del Carpio, Terry Jacka, David Morgan, Bernie Wojcicki, Lauren Wickline, and others. And I've handled whips by whipmakers like Peter Jack, and Mike Murphy and a number of others still, known for leather and nylon work. And again, let me just say that Jeremy shows about as much promise as anyone I can think of if he chooses to pursue this as a career or side job. I've seen promising whipmakers come and go already in my short time involved in this hobby. As some of you know, I've been burned by folks like Mike Brower and Graeme Roberts. Graeme, who showed promise for a while, burned out and left a lot of folks unhappy, as many of you are still quite aware. Compared to Jeremy, his work wasn't even very good. Now I say that owning only examples of Graeme's kip hide whips, and Jeremy made me a roo hide whip, but still . . . If Jeremy can continue to innovate and build a reputation, (and based on this one example of his whip, I hope that this review does what it can to help), I think that he will be a member of this community who can be counted on to make a fine product for all those who are interested in giving him a chance.

Outside of the whip itself, my communication with Jeremy has been professional and productive, and I sincerely hope that if Jeremy continues to make customer service as much of a priority as his attention to making a fine product that he will be a success in this strange little business.

Jeremy, thanks for following through on your word, and thanks for making a whip that I'm proud to share with not only my club, but with everyone here at COW and beyond. Good luck, my friend, keep up the great work. I look forward to watching you and your work grow with the years"

Some Photos


Anthony DeLongis trying it out on the Queen Mary

Close Inspection by Paul Nolan, Jorgen Roed, Dan Borton and Lauren Wickline


And here is a review I put on Youtube:

If you decide to have Jeremy make you a whip, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the quality and craftsmanship of this young man's work.

Daren Henry W

PS I forgot to add that I used Jeremy's whip at this year's Indygear/Queen Mary Summit for the whip targeting competition. Not only did I take first place, I got a perfect score: 10/10. I had taken a few practice runs and knew that Jeremy's whip was up for the task, and it did not disappoint. :) Thanks again, Jeremy, for making a whip that came through in the clutch.


Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:50 pm
by RayROnline
I just got my Jeremy McEachern 8' Raiders today. I am new to Bullwhips, but not to craftsmanship in general. I can see this is an excellent whip I will post a few details and pictures in a few moments.

I'm happy to hear your positive comments on Jeremy's work. I did a lot of research on owners comments before choosing him, and I'm glad I did.

Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:51 pm
by DarenHenryW
RayROnline wrote:I just got my Jeremy McEachern 8' Raiders today. I am new to Bullwhips, but not to craftsmanship in general. I can see this is an excellent whip I will post a few details and pictures in a few moments.

I'm happy to hear your positive comments on Jeremy's work. I did a lot of research on owners comments before choosing him, and I'm glad I did.
Really glad to hear that, and I look forward to seeing the pics!



Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:47 pm
by riku1914
Thanks for reposting this Daren! Also I enjoyed seeing the other pictures, thanks and thank you again for the kind review :TOH:

Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:55 pm
by kwad
As I said before in the original thread, I got a chance to try this whip in person and I was quite impressed with it.
I liked it so much that I'm now considering getting one for my self (Come on Tax Return!!)

Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:59 pm
by Sammy
Been a while since I've posted anything other than snippets of comments to board member's responses in the fedora section. But I recently acquired one of Jeremy's whips as well. I haven't had a chance to crack it yet as it has been raining for a week straight. But I am absolutely pleased with his work and his communication! His work shows his dedication and pride in his craft and if he keeps this up he will be one of the top contenders in the whipmaking business! Congrats Jeremy!

Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:44 am
by Bogie1943
HEAR HEAR! For many years I owned but one single whip. Considered other whips but opted for other gear over the years. Many months ago now, having seen J.M.'s work my mind was turned towards a new whip. I can say he is an extremely professional person to interact with. Everything from answering your questions promptly to sending you progress pics of your whip as he crafts it. Couldn't ask for better business practices and let me say the product is wonderful. My 10' saddle tan roohide LC style is a beaut!

Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:48 pm
by riku1914
Thank you! I really appreciate everything all have said here. I've also been able to fix some things because of feedback on the whip I sent to Daren. None of them were big things, just little things here and there :)

I'm currently working on getting a website up! It's slow going but I've finally got the hang of it. I hope to have it up in the next month, max :D

Re: Jeremy McEachern/Riku1914/J.M. Whips Review by DarenHenr

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:29 am
by J. Roed
Well said Daren... As a proud member of the Eastbay Whipcrackers, I was able to handle Jeremy's whip at the summit and I was very surprised by the quality and good handling characteristics of his work... and was blown away when I heard he was sixteen years old and had only made, like...fifteen whips!?$&@ While not perfect as Daren stated...the taper being the main criticism (abrupt and not as smooth as it could/should be)...what potential this "kid" has and the passion is undeniable. Jeremy, if you keep this level of work up and follow the normal pathway of experience and evolution of methods and materials, striving to make each whip better than the previous one, you are going to be one of the greats one day whether you choose this as a career or semi pro career... Hands down!!! I had the pleasure of taking it out several times on my own as well as a get together with Paul and Lauren, and we all had a great time with it. Good Job!!!

Sir, how do you get to Carnegie Hall???

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:29 am
by J. Roed
Well said Daren... As a proud member of the Eastbay Whipcrackers, I was able to handle Jeremy's whip at the summit and I was very surprised by the quality and good handling characteristics of his work... and was blown away when I heard he was sixteen years old and had only made, like...fifteen whips!?$&@ While not perfect as Daren stated...the taper being the main criticism (abrupt and not as smooth as it could/should be)...what potential this "kid" has and the passion is undeniable. Jeremy, if you keep this level of work up and follow the normal pathway of experience and evolution of methods and materials, striving to make each whip better than the previous one, you are going to be one of the greats one day whether you choose this as a career or semi pro career... Hands down!!! I had the pleasure of taking it out several times on my own as well as a get together with Paul and Lauren, and we all had a great time with it. Good Job!!!

Sir, how do you get to Carnegie Hall???