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New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:40 pm
by DarenHenryW
Since I got these just a few days before my little whirl-wind trip to visit a few whip friends/COW buddies, I didn't get a chance to post these a couple weeks back when I got them, but here they are: A matched pair of 7' "Aussie" whips by Joe Strain. I intend to send them out at a later time to have the silver ferrules engraved with my and my wife's initials.
These are expertly balanced and crack like a dream. Unlike Joe's Lonestar Whips, which use a 10" spike, these have 12" handles built on spring steel, so they are a little bit lighter.
There's no question that I wanted these to be in that "Zorro"/De Longis family of whips, but hopefully, they look unique enough to be mine.
As usual, Joe Strain comes through beautifully.
Daren Henry W

Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:49 pm
by Baldwyn
I can't wait to see these in person! Congrats on a pair of beauties, Daren!
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:53 pm
by McFly
These whips really are as nice as Daren says they are! Thanks for letting me play around with them a little bit last week! I'm just glad I was so distracted by your Performance Hybrids, or else I would have been tempted to buy a pair of these TOO!
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:18 pm
by drewtheman
Nice whips! Daren. an Aussie style whip,

is next on my whip list, for sure.
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:57 am
by Marhala
Love the color! Very Zorro-esque!
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:26 pm
by J. Roed
Yes those whips are
beautiful!!! Thanks for letting me use them while you were here!!!

Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:55 pm
Daren, Awesome Choice-
Your Whips are gorgeous!!!!!!
I'm planning on a new pair of Joe's Aussie whips but I will have to wait till I get a job!!!!!!-ARRRRHGGG See you & your whips in November buddy!
- T.Rex

Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:36 pm
by mutiny
I'm hoping you're bringing them to the next whip crackers meet, yes?
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:05 pm
by DarenHenryW
mutiny wrote:I'm hoping you're bringing them to the next whip crackers meet, yes?
Ummmmm . . . . yeah . . . . I, uhh . . . I was thinking about it . . . . we'll see . . . I, uh . . . I don't know, I mean . . . . probably, yeah . . .
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:32 pm
by tomek9210
Nice whips Daren. I like the color and ferrules.
Why did you choose such pattern on handles?
Re: New Joe Strain Aussie Whips
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:04 pm
by DarenHenryW
tomek9210 wrote:Nice whips Daren. I like the color and ferrules.
Why did you choose such pattern on handles?
I didn't. I just said to Joe, "give the handles a fancy pattern," and that's what he came up with.
Also, I DO intend on putting together a video, but I've just been super-swamped with work and family stuff. But a video IS coming! I promise! Even if it doesn't happen until the spring (sooner, though, I'm sure!)
Daren Henry W