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Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:56 am
by Zuiun
A little preface.
Last year, my girlfriend and I threw a steampunk themed party. It was a huge success - almost 100 people showed up and only 2 were not in costume.
So we decided to make this an annual thing. We decided that instead of just generic "steampunk," we should do some kind of theme. I started thinking... and then it hit me.
Steampunk Indiana Jones.
And so the theme became "Steampunk Safari."
For the last several months, I've been attempting to put together a costume for this. The trick is to make it very different from the films, but still as "Indy" as I can make it. Indy in a steampunk world.
Here are the boots for the costume. They are Replay brand and the model is the Clutch. I decided to avoid the typical steampunk full calf, lots of buckles /straps boots because I didn't think Indy would go for those. These are way wrong from a screen accuracy sense, of course.
If people are interested, I'll post more gear as I get it put together. (And mods, please move this if you don't feel it's appropriate for this area...)
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:25 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Hey Zuiun,
VERY cool Topic - and post! I think it's a great subject and I hope to see you add more and more to this Thread as your project progresses.
I can only speak for myself, of course, but this whole topic is really relevant to me:
As coincidence would have it, over the last several weeks I've also been slowly putting together plans for bits and pieces that will properly reconfigure some of my Indy Gear into what I hope will be a "
Steampunk Indy" variation.
You see, this October my hometown will be hosting it's annual "
HAL-CON" (Sci-Fi Fantasy & Comic Con) featuring (among others)
Mr. John Rhys-Davies
The event takes place over three days, so I'm committed to showing up as "
RAIDERS Indy" on one of the days and "
LAST CRUSADE Indy" on one of the other days in honor of such an esteemed Guest... but that still leaves me with an extra day to Gear Up and I was looking to do something a little different (for ME anyways)
Our city has a pretty great & very active Steampunk Community called the
Jules Verne Phantastical Society so it quickly became a "no-brainer" for me to start work on a "Steampunk Indy" Look!
But here's the weird thing (you may have experienced this yourself, as well):
Despite how popular this Steampunk movement has become (and even though it seems like the Indiana Jones character would transition well into this look & style), there is NOT a whole lot out there in "Internet Land" in terms of people specifically doing Dr. Jones in the altered world of Industrial Revolution Era Steam-Powered Science Fictionalized Adventure Serials (or
whatevertheheck it all means) ...
Anyway, the lack of stuff on line left me feeling like I'd just have to "make it up as I go" (not a problem, of course), but it's nice to see I've got another member of the C.O.W. Community moving along the same path!
Anyway, back onto the topic of YOUR Topic:
I've gotta tell you, man...
I love those boots! VERY "INDY" (and
definitely "Steampunk-y") in my opinion! I'm really jealous of those. NICE find!
For me, I'm just planning on a pair of leather boots and either leather gaiters -or spats- to bridge them to the pants I'll be wearing...
But I ain't gonna lie: If I had THOSE boots (or, in the unlikely event I somehow find a pair between now and October) I'd be RE-configuring the whole "below-the-knee" set-up! My HIGHEST compliments to you on such a great acquisition!
Can't wait to see what other stuff you bring to this Thread Zuiun... and again, THANKS for getting this started!

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:21 pm
by Zuiun
I definitely know what you mean about the lack of Indy related steampunk stuff. When I thought of it, I figured there'd be a billion people out there who already had the idea.
Man, there is zilch out there in Internet-land.
As for the boots, yeah, they were a total lucky find. Funny thing is, I may still wear some spats despite the awesome boots. They aren't quite tall enough to successfully tuck pants into them. So I don't know. I still have some tweaking to do in that department.
Here is a vest I think I'll be wearing in place of the leather jacket. I had it custom made for me last year for the party: ... hotostream" onclick=";return false;
I'm still debating whether to wear the same shirt I have in the vest photo or the Indy shirt. I think the only solution is that I'll just need to play some dress-up until I decide...

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:42 pm
by Oildale Jones
Great topic! I would love to see a Steampunk Indy. Currently I'm gearing up for Wasteland Weekend (dot com) and last year I started thinking about doing a post-apocalyptic Indy (brown leather combat boots, maybe swap the jacket for a duster). It probably won't happen until next year, but I'll be checking here for more inspiration.
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:14 pm
by Indiana Greg
Cool topic & GREAT BOOTS!
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:56 pm
by Indiana Croft
Love those boots, do they still sell em or have they gone the way of the dodo.
Now surley you've visted this web site, if not, I think you'll like it." onclick=";return false;

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:47 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Speaking for myself, I've been all "up one side and down the other" on that website, Croft!
Thanks for the Tip, though!

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:13 pm
by Zuiun
Indiana Croft wrote:Love those boots, do they still sell em or have they gone the way of the dodo.
I think they have been discontinued. Several months ago I looked for them because I thought about buying a second pair in black and, sadly, everywhere was out of stock.
Yes, sir! And even bought a few things from there!

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:07 am
by parttime
These boots are very cool. Keep us posted on your progress.
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:07 am
by Zuiun
parttime wrote:These boots are very cool. Keep us posted on your progress.
Will do, Dusty! And that mega sweet pair of steampunk stockwhips I bought from you are definitely a major part of this endeavor!!

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:44 am
by Indy's brother
Fantastic idea, keep the pics coming!
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:03 pm
by Indiana Bugs
Even before I saw the picture of you and your vest, I was thinking of some way to incorporate goggles with the hat. I see you have done so magnificently. Now, if the hat could be a fedora of some kind, that would bring the look closer to Indy. But I believe that fedoras were not at all commonplace in the era that steampunk pays homage to. Maybe a pinched version of the at you are wearing might work. The short brim works for SP. I wide brim would say 'western' to me in th era.
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:37 pm
by Oildale Jones
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:49 pm
by Zuiun
Indiana Bugs wrote:Even before I saw the picture of you and your vest, I was thinking of some way to incorporate goggles with the hat. I see you have done so magnificently. Now, if the hat could be a fedora of some kind, that would bring the look closer to Indy. But I believe that fedoras were not at all commonplace in the era that steampunk pays homage to. Maybe a pinched version of the at you are wearing might work. The short brim works for SP. I wide brim would say 'western' to me in th era.
I think I can get away with just the fedora as long as the rest of the outfit is enough steampunk. The way I figure it, steampunk is an alternate history kind of thing, so while a fedora wouldn't be necessarily 1800's in style, I'm more going for steampunk into the 1930's - Indy's time. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

Besides, even if not 100% steampunk, the hat is part of what really "sells" the Indy look for it anyway.
Besides, a wide brim hat can still totally sell a steampunk look: ... k=85792409" onclick=";return false;
I won't be trying to fit the goggles onto the fedora, though. The copper paint on it never 100% dried and so some of it likes to come off on fabrics and such. Last thing I want is copper paint all over my Garrison. Instead, I have the rose colored glasses from the photo along with some of the magnifying armatures that attach to it.
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:14 pm
by Indiana Bugs
Great website, Zuiun. I suppose that's part of what makes all this so great. There is so much to choose from at that site alone. I may be purchasing a vest and shirt. I love that turn of the century stuff.
I suppose your goggles could be worn about the neck like the model on the site. And if the paint doesn't dry, it could be wiped off with a little isopropyl alcohol on a cloth, or you get another set at the site.
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:28 pm
by Zuiun
Indiana Bugs wrote:Great website, Zuiun. I suppose that's part of what makes all this so great. There is so much to choose from at that site alone. I may be purchasing a vest and shirt. I love that turn of the century stuff.
I love that site. Bought a few things there for the party last year.
I think I'm going to buy one of the brass telescopes and a brass compass to go in the satchel.

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:33 am
by Indiana Bugs
Question: is the clothing 'costume' quality or is it good enough to be worn as regular clothing?
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:57 am
by Michaelson
Zuiun wrote:I think I can get away with just the fedora as long as the rest of the outfit is enough steampunk. The way I figure it, steampunk is an alternate history kind of thing, so while a fedora wouldn't be necessarily 1800's in style, I'm more going for steampunk into the 1930's - Indy's time. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

Besides, even if not 100% steampunk, the hat is part of what really "sells" the Indy look for it anyway.
Actually, the creation of the 'fedora' hat can be corectly dated back to 1882 according to its history, becoming a popular men's fashion in the 1890's, so it fits properly in the 'steampunk' time period of the late Victorian, early Edwardian era.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:46 am
by Zuiun
Michaelson wrote:Actually, the creation of the 'fedora' hat can be corectly dated back to 1882 according to its history, becoming a popular men's fashion in the 1890's, so it fits properly in the 'steampunk' time period of the late Victorian, early Edwardian era.
Regards! Michaelson
Awesome! Thanks for the info!
I think my girlfriend and I might be doing some work-in-progress photos tonight of our costumes... so I may have something more than just boots to post soon!

Re: Reimagined Indy Part 1: the boots
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:02 pm
by Gater
Those boots are awesome for a Stemapunk Indy. Very creative, and I know how difficult it can be to try to be specific in that community.
Last Halloween, I did a Steampunk Deadpool. Black wool trousers and vest, red dress shirt, black necktie, and the mask with black and red goggles. Topped off with a pair of Flintlock pistols and a rapier. Looked great for a one-off in a dark bar, but not nearly good enough to stand up to scrutiny. Best of luck with your efforts (you, too Fox)
Keep us posted on your finds and progress.