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My Authentic Goatskin just arrived

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:32 pm
by Mr. Das
I'm happy with it. I added some extra room in the shoulders/back and dropped the arm hole a bit so I can fit heavy sweaters and added 1.5 inches to the front of the jacket.

I thought my Lambskin was a great jacket(still is), but with the adjustments, this is my new fav jacket. The jacket hangs perfect thanks to the extra 1.5 inches. And I can now wear thick sweaters without that tight feeling in the back.

Here's a pic comparing my Authentic Lambskin to Authentic Goatskin.
(Goat on left, lamb on right)

The goatskin looks a bit shinier and I did miss the new leather smell I got from the Authentic Lamb, but not too shabby at all.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:55 pm
by Rixter
Pardon my ignorance here, but is it now mandatory in order to get an even fit to request an extra 1.5 inches to the front of a Wested, or does this just apply to certain people of differing proportions. Boy, they really do look like the same color. :shock:

Also, for those with FS goatskins, I wonder if that “shine” is similar to there’s since I would not call it a shine, but more of a sheen that I do not find unpleasant. Just wondering...

Needless to say, I’m glad you are pleased with your Wested(s). It’s nice to get things delivered right the first time around. :)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:33 pm
by SAB
Wow thats freaky. :shock:
I didn't even realise at first that they were two different jackets!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:50 pm
by pinder91
You're so lucky. I'm stuck at school waiting for my parents to call with the good news. Thankfully I'm going home tomorrow for Thanksgiving. When did you place your order for the goat if you don't mind me asking?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:56 pm
Pardon my ignorance here, but is it now mandatory in order to get an even fit to request an extra 1.5 inches to the front of a Wested, or does this just apply to certain people of differing proportions.
If you want the jacket, any jacket really, that has a straight hem at
the bottom to look horizontal when you
have it zipped up, it should be longer in the front than in the back.

You can prove this to yourself by taking any jacket with a straight
hem, zipping it up, and laying it flat on the floor on on the bed.

If the front and back of the jacket are even with each other, then the
jacket will look higher in the front when you wear it, and you stand
straight up.

If the front of the jacket, while laying flat on the floor or bed is longer,
or sticks down past the back (which would now be underneath the front)
then the jacket will look more horizontal when worn, and you are standing
straight up.

Just take a look at just about every person here who has posted a side
view shot of themselves with the jacket zipped up. It is higher in the front
than the back.

But if you look at people who have added the extra inch to inch and a
half, their jackets look almost perfectly horizontal.

My first Wested was like this. It road up in the front, and when I took
pictures of myself from the side, the jacket really looked awful.

But after I got my new jacket, and I had added an extra 1.5 inches to
the standard pattern front, the jacket sits almost perfectly horizontal now.

M.K. found this out along time ago, and it does indeed hold merrit.

As I said, just look thru the posted photos from the main page, and you
can see this on just about every jacket where there is a sideways shot.

This phenomenon is not as prevalent with jackets that have rib knitting
around the bottom like an A-2, or a baseball jacket.

These jackets by design are made to hug your hips to keep out breezes,
and because of this, the back will naturally tend to ride up slightly from
the jacket hugging your hips.

Its the same with a sweater or sweatshirt that has a good rib knitting
around the bottom. It will hug you and ride up in the back slightly unless
you keep pulling it down in back.

Now, if you buy a jacket, like our Indy style, with a straight hem, or if
you buy a sweater with a straight hem, it will just fall straight down your
back, and it will naturally sit slightly higher in the front than the back
because its no longer gripping your hips.

Again, to prove this to yourself, just take a shirt or sweater with a
straight bottom hem, and look at yourself in the mirror. What do you
see? On 90 percent of people, who stand up straight and do not slouch,
the front will be higher than the back.

Hope this helps.



Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:39 am
by Mr. Das
I never realized the link I put wasn't clickable, but now it's been fixed.

I was kinda worried about adding the 1.5 in the front. Because when I placed my Wested order, I gave them my neck measurement(something I didn't do with my Lambskin). And then on Friday, it hit me that if they make the collar longer, then it could affect the front of the jacket, maybe even making it 1.5 inches longer than I wanted it to. It's just a good thing that it was despatched before I could have any input as it's perfect the way it is right now.
You're so lucky. I'm stuck at school waiting for my parents to call with the good news. Thankfully I'm going home tomorrow for Thanksgiving. When did you place your order for the goat if you don't mind me asking?
I actually came home for lunch today hoping to intercept the package before my parents arrive(if I come home at my normal time, my dad would already be there). When I got home at noon, my dad was there(no package). It was like that episode in the Simpsons where Homer is skipping work and Bart is skipping school, except instead of the stupid disguises, there was just a few awkward seconds of silence. My excuse was that I came home for lunch(time travelled included, means 10 mins spent @ home). My dad's excuse was that he had to visit the embassy to sign some documents. But when I got home at 4:00, the package was waiting for me at the door(no dad). If they knew I was spending this much money on props, they'd kill me.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:35 am
by David
Mr. Das wrote: If they knew I was spending this much money on props, they'd kill me.
Hehehe, just tell them it could be worse. You could be spending all that money on drugs and heavy metal CDs!

Enjoy your jacket!

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:57 pm
by Rixter

I did what you suggested, and I do see what you mean to a certain extent, but I honestly have to say that with my USWings VIP Indy this phenomenon is no where near as extreme as the pic MK posted awhile back. Only in trying my best to duplicate that problem by slouching, could I get it to look anywhere near that off. I think there may be other things at work with THAT jacket that may not be appropriate for all to blanket request an extra 1.5 inches to the front, although obviously it has worked for you and some others here.


Also, this is not to say that some of the other jacket pics I viewed here would have been the same since not everyone mentioned whether they added an extra 1.5 inches or not. Although a number of posters in the same MK thread that the above pic was posted mentioned explicitly that they did not have that problem at all with their Wested(s) and have never seen anything like that before. Even MK himself mentioned in that very thread that his FS had this problem, but “to a much lessor degree.” ... 3&start=50

That’s why I’m wondering if it only appears on certain jackets, or patterns requested, for example the older style tighter fitting pattern, or with certain individuals particular body type or stance. I'm also wondering what it would look like if you ordered the extra 1.5 inches and didn’t need it and walked around with your jacket unzipped. Image

If you have seen as severe an example that would warrant this extra request, please point me to it since I obviously have missed it.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:01 pm
by SAB
I think my suspicions may have been confirmed.

My mother used to do her own clothes making many years ago and I asked her about the extra front length. Her response was, 'you don't have a gut, you don't need it'.

There doesn't look to be anything wrong with that jacket at all.
It looks like bad posture and a few extra pounds :wink: is causing the ride up at the front. If you have bad posture like that, it going to cause the jacket to ride up some, and a um...generous sized stomach is going to worsen the problem.

I didn't ask for any change in jacket length and mine fits perfectly.
I generally have good posture (I was born with a curved spine, so have always had a bad back, its something I've had a lot of chiropractic work on and have always been aware of improving).
Being a fitness freak I've also got the flat stomach/abs and all that.
And hey presto, mine fits perfectly.

So lads: stand up straight with shoulders back, pull the tummy in, start working out and stop eating pizza. :lol:

And stop getting your clothes designed to accomodate your slouching ways! :twisted:

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:08 am
by Unsung Hero
hey thanks for the comparison shot!

i've been thinking about getting a goat for the toughness, but i hate the shine that i see in all of the pictures. the lamb seems to be shinier than the goat here (i've got no problem with mine at all) and i just got pushed over the edge.

look out (authentic?) goat HERE I COME! :whip:

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 11:05 am
by Lao Feng
Hi--I would'nt worry about the "shine". In short order with wear it will disappear. US Air Force A-2 flight jackets and US Navy G-1 flight jackets are also goat and are "shiny" when new. It does not remain if you wear it. Just my observation over the years. Best for the Holidays--lao Feng

Diving in head 1st in more ways than one @_@

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:03 pm
by Shalimar
After much research here while looking for a replacement of my "dead cow" (I'll post pix later when my webserver is fixed) I found this site as well as a few others.. thanks to all of your menbers and the FAQ I ordered an Authentic Goat from Wested.

I hold no reservations as to the quality of their workmanship and already through speaking with them via email have found them to be second to none for their customer service. If everyone ran their business in this manner we would never have cause to complain. :notworthy:

Stats on Order:

Height: 5'8.5" - 5'9"
Chest: 38"
Sleeve 25"
Jacket Size: 40

Style: Raiders
Leather: "Authenic Brown Goat Skin"
Lining: Cotton Body-Satin Sleeves/Brass hardware
Side fastener: Anodized black rectangulat skider/buckle w/o eyelets

Also included was neck size, weight (current and average), build description, the need to wear a sweater under the jacket since I'm a Canuck. 2 inside pockets, 1 "grail" w/zipper. Arm gussets and black anodized buckles instead of D rings. Request for elsastic if such is deemed still necessary. And inside name tag.. I figure'd why not. :wink:

Also requested were hidden brass snaps for the collar but Peter replied informing me that such was not being added since they would tend to tear out of the leather and were not advised. (Wickedly fast reply as well I might add.) :notworthy:

After chatting with Peter and Gerry as well as reading the information in this post I do not believe that any extra is needed on the front for someone of my build/weight. Thnx guys!. Tapered sleeves however sound like a very bright Idea and I have requested such.

Now the wait begins...

twiddles thumbs for a moment.. types some more and twiddles again... demmit it's not here yet! :evil:

Seriously though.. waiting has to be the worst part imho
though after punishing my "dead cow" for 13+ years I think i'll survive :?

Short note on what a "Dead Cow" is: Cheap $100 CDN cow hide A2 style made in Korea I purchased 13+ years ago.. suprisingly it survived for a very long time (and is still in service now though it is dying :ducttape: ) Now if a cheapie like that can take my abuse then a well made goat from Wested will probably outlive me! :shock:

Anyhow.. I think I can safely say this is truely diving into the "Indy" group here and this forum as well as Wested ownership head first eh? :whip:

BTW.. Mr.Das.. ever get out into the Hamiton area? I'd love to see your new Goat while I'm waiting (impatiently) for mine to be made!



Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 1:54 pm
by Mr. Das
When you say "One grail with zipper", you're reffering to an inside pocket, large enough to hold a grail diary? I always thought that when people reffered to "grail pockets", they were referring to the front visible pockets with the flaps.

And I do visit Hamilton every once and awhile, but for ghosthunting. There's no immediate plans for a visit right now, because it's getting a little colder now.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:10 pm
by Shalimar
Yep I was reffering to the inside pocket(s) :)

And ghosthunting? :-k Am I missing something? :?



Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:22 pm
by Mr. Das
oh, yes. There's actually a few members here that go ghost hunting. Since you're in Hamilton, you may want to check out the Darnley Mill. There's a lot of weird stuff that goes bump in the night there. But if you go, don't go alone. It's actually pretty dangerous there too with metal pipes sticking out of the floors and holes a couple feet deep.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 3:13 pm
by Shalimar
Hmm interesting... been in Hammytown for about 14 yrs now.. never knew that even was there till now :oops:

Guess I'll have to make a drive to there sometime soon.. it's only 20min or so away afterall. :twisted:


Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 11:32 pm
I have ordered jackets from quite a few vendors, and I have to say
that after learning, I always add an inch to the front measurement
of every jacket I have custom made for me.

And I am 6 feet, 1 inches tall, and I do not have a big gut, or bad
posture. As a matter of fact, the better posture you have, meaning
the straighter you stand, with your shoulders back, chest out, and stomach
in, the worse I have found my jackets to ride up!

It tends to pull up the bottom of the jacket somewhat causing the look
that you can see in the picture of M.K., but not quite as pronouce as that!

After adding in the extra inch, all my jackets sit very horizontal in the

As I said, my first Wested was made to the normal measurements for
a size 44 regular, and the front was just too short. I took pictures of it
and sent them, along with a note, to Peter about adding the extra inch to
the front, and he said it would not be a problem, and that it did indeed look
funny with the front riding up like it did.

And now, my new jacket looks MUCH better! I can not speak for
everyone, but there are a growing number of folks here who are adding
this extra bit to the front of their jackets, and noticing an immediate
improvement in the fit.

Thats the main reason I asked for it too. I started to look at jackets that
I have that are older, with a straight hem like the Indy jacket, and they
all ride up slightly. It was not until I started to add the extra inch to the
front that this has stopped.

I had this inch added to my Aero B-3, my Aero Californian, my Wested
Raiders and my Real McCoys B-6, and they all fit much better than I could
have ever hoped! I have a U.S. Wings Indy jacket in the Old Cow, and
that one does it too, but its not as noticeable because of the longer length
that this jacket has to begin with. But its still there.

But if you don't think you need it, don't add it. But I have looked at alot
of the pictures that are posted on the main page here, which were all
posted BEFORE M.K. told us about the extra length to the front, and you
can see that most of them ride up in the front.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:13 am
by synasp
When you guys get your jackets, and discover it's an inch too short, how
does Peter add an inch? :-s and how much does that cost? thanks!


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:46 am
by ob1al
I don't think Peter can - he has to remake that part of your jacket, according to what Wested told me.



Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:47 am
When you guys get your jackets, and discover it's an inch too short, how
does Peter add an inch? and how much does that cost? thanks!
Peter does not add an inch to your jacket. He makes you a new
one with the added length to it. You can't add length to a jacket
that is already made.

The cost is the same for a jacket with an inch added to the front
as it is for a regular jacket. There is no additional cost.

They cut the leather slightly longer before they make it.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:14 am
by Lao Feng
Das--Congrats! Excellent jacket. What size did you get? Also...please enlighten much did you ask Wested to (1) "drop" the arm holes and (2) how much extra in the shoulders? These are, in my view, the only issues that make Westeds a bit uncomfortable to wear. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:28 am
by Mr. Das
I'm not exactly sure of the details since it was so long ago. But what I did was compared it to my 48 Lambskin and figured where it wasn't a great fit. The chest is more than enough space for me, so that wasn't the problem, but the shoulder/back was a bit of a tight fit. So, I believe I looked at the size 50 and used the shoulder/back measurements, while keeping the chest at 48.

As for the arm holes, I just told them that it was a tight fitting with a wool(or any large sweater). I sent the changes to Wested to look over just in case it looked a bit awkward. Peter replied that it looks fine and that he reccommends dropping the arm hole as well. He didn't give a measurement of it, I just accepted what he said and placed the order.