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UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:56 pm
by sylviarosat
Pete Gamble had the fantastic idea of putting up a whipcracking convention this year in Uk!So with a little bit of organisation and thanks to the generosity of Adam Winrich,we are gonna have The 2012 Uk Whip Cracking Convention and Circus Show.
Date:Wednesday 20th June 2012
Venue:Brockworth Nr Gloucester UK
Time:10 am- 10 pm (tbc)
Master Classes with Adam Winrich,9 times Guinness World Record Holder,Current WWPAS World Whip Cracking Champion and all round nice guy.:-)
Whip cracking games and competions,International Competition workshops
Under cover practice area in a Circus Big Top in case of inclement weather,public whip cracking workshops will be provided,for part of the day(volunteer tutors welcomed)
And in the evening entry to a fantastic circus show starring Adam Winrich as The Special Guest Star!!
Book your place now by contacting Pete Gamble via private message on facebook or per mail on
Cost: 10 pounds per head including the evening show
Cheque or Paypal accepted
Details of flights,trains,travel and overnight accomodation available in the area including camping.

Hope to see a lot of you there!

Sylvia Rosat

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 2:41 pm
by jeanfifi
You're all terrific!!!
It's going to be a great meeting, no doubt!!!

Unfortunatelly I won't be there....bouhouhouhou!!!



Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:57 am
by Canyon
Man, wouldn't you know it. I used to live in Bristol, UK, not that far away from Gloucester... ](*,)

On a good note, I am having a blast living in the States! :mrgreen:

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 5:33 am
by sylviarosat
Yeah it's definatly going to be a very fun event!
We will miss you on that day JP, such a shame you can't make it!
Well, next time!I'm sure there will be many other opportunity!

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:44 am
by j2m
Would be a nice event to attend, unfortunately work will keep me from going... :P
Another time :whip:

Regards :TOH:

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:16 pm
by sylviarosat
Hi JM,
I see your are from Switzerland too?or living in Switzerland?
I'm living near fribourg in Switzerland.Well now i'm touring in Uk in Circus Ginnett but my fix adress (we will say like that:-)) is in Switzerland.
I don't know many whicrackers there,well in fact i can't even think of one other it's nice to meet you:-)
Unfortunatly there are not,in my knowledge any whipcracking event neither ,i hope to organise one time an event in Switzerland but i don't know if many peoples would come.
Have a nice evening!

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:40 am
by j2m
sylviarosat wrote:Hi JM,
I see your are from Switzerland too?or living in Switzerland?
I'm living near fribourg in Switzerland.Well now i'm touring in Uk in Circus Ginnett but my fix adress (we will say like that:-)) is in Switzerland.
I don't know many whicrackers there,well in fact i can't even think of one other it's nice to meet you:-)
Unfortunatly there are not,in my knowledge any whipcracking event neither ,i hope to organise one time an event in Switzerland but i don't know if many peoples would come.
Have a nice evening!
Bonjour Sylvia,
It is nice to meet you, I was thinking we were not that many from Switzerland out here but I see that there are some :H:
I am from Switzerland but have been living most of my life in Southern Africa before coming back To Switzerland a few years ago.
I'm living in Gstaad right now, not too far from Fribourg.
I'm not a whipcracker at all, I'm more into Fire Poi :D I never tried whipcracking yet but I would definitely love to learn one time :whip:
Your job sounds amazing, I will definitely look up Circus Ginnett 8-[]
See you around :D

Amicalement :TOH:

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:53 am
by sylviarosat
Hi JM,
So i still don't know any whipcrackers in Swittzerland... :-)
Very nice to meet you too!I like fire poi, idid a little bit of poi ,my ex partner and i did an oriental juggling act and i performed a small poi routine,but not on fire.It was just the basic thing but for that act it was enough.
South Africa ,sounds interesting ,i've never been there yet...
maybe we'll meet up at some point to do a little bit of whipcracking and poi.
Have a nice day!

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:33 am
by j2m
I love it with fire, it's so much more fun ;)
Sounds good! would be nice to meet up :H:

Have a great weekend :TOH:

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:22 pm
by sylviarosat
Get your places!You definatly don't want to miss that!Make your reservation now ,if you didn't do it yet!!Numer of places limited!

2012 UK Whip Cracking Convention !!! Finally we are able to confirm the site!! Because of council issues we were unable to share the circus pitch site but have found a brillinat alternative . just a mile or two from the circus!!
Hucclecote Rugby Club
Old School Field
Churchdown Lane, Hucclecote
an IBIS hotel is close by , a full accomodation and transport guide is coming soon . PLUS!!! you can forget shiny medals as prizes !! Oh Yes! have we got stuff for you , To promote the sport it was felt more important that participants have the chance of getting more important things than medals!! and what is more important than medals? whips of course !! So with the help of the best whipmakers in the world we will be offering prize whips and enormous discount off new whips , plus DVD's as well These will be provided as prizes for the games and competition aspect of the Convention . There will be Master Classes with Adam Winrich , Begginners workshops , Competitions and Games plus indoor attractions, circus gifts tradestand and workshops , so get your spaghetti out and practice !!! plus we are going to try simultaneous targets so get your other hand working with two whips if you have them, loaner whips will be available and there will probably be a Begginners and Expert trick comp and a freestyle comp or demo depending on time ,,,, more to come , Price just £10 a head and includes a buffet lunch and teas and coffees galore plus the Big Top Circus show featuring Adam Winrich and Sylvia Rosat !!!! in the evening . Convention times 10am - 5pm Circus show 6.30pm - 10pm ( tbc) Entry by ticket only So put the date in your diary Weds 20th June , please email me with any queries and for the full details and to get your ticket you can pay via Paypal too !! EXCITED !!!!!

Re: UK Whipcracking Convention and Circus Show!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:41 pm
by sylviarosat
The date of the Uk 2012 Whip Cracking Convention is coming close!!Please everybody who wish to be there with us on that day,remember there is only a numer of limited places available,so hurry!If you haven't done it yet drop a mail at Pete Gamble,, to let us know you will be there and please make your paiement trough Paypal or cheque.If you have any questions concerning the event please let Pete or me know.Take the chance to improve your whipcracking skills in learning with one of the best whipcrackers our time and holder of 9 guinness world records ,Adam Winrich! More infos about the games, worshops and competition in the information booklet about the Whipcracking Convention!E mail us or drop a line to receive your today!!