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Wested...I wish I could say this is a happy day...

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:27 am
by buletman
Okay, first off, I think they gave me the Raiders style, and not the TOD because the certificate says it is Raiders (EDIT I found where it says TOD, it was my mistake, this is TOD). Second, the sleeves and length of jacket are WAY too 4-5 inches on the sleeves, and 3-4 inches in length. I feel like this was a jacket I use to wear before I grew up...

I know everyone is going to say it is my fault, because I do in fact give Peter the measurements, but I don't understand...I even added 2-3 inches, just to make sure.

What should I do? I know the obvious is to send it back to Peter...but I'm in a state of disbelief right now...

:( This is indeed not the day I thought it was going to be.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:48 am
by Michaelson
No question, send it back. Either give Peter a call or an email, or in this case both, and let him know you're a bit peeved. Apparently they took your 'add 2 or 3 inches' and SUBTRACTED 2 or 3 inches from the standard length, hense your short sleeves. A mistake, sure, and one that can be quickly corrected, but don't let the iron get cold. Contact them NOW and get it back in the mill so they can turn it back around in short time. Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:00 am
by buletman
Michaelson wrote:No question, send it back. Either give Peter a call or an email, or in this case both, and let him know you're a bit peeved. Apparently they took your 'add 2 or 3 inches' and SUBTRACTED 2 or 3 inches from the standard length, hense your short sleeves. A mistake, sure, and one that can be quickly corrected, but don't let the iron get cold. Contact them NOW and get it back in the mill so they can turn it back around in short time. Regards. Michaelson

I think you misunderstand me, I did not tell them to add the extra inches, I did ti myself when I sent the measurements. So I guess it is my fault.

I will call him right now. Thanks Michaelson.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:00 am
by ob1al

Don't let it get you down buletman.

Get that jacket back in the post by airmail delivery and it will be back at Wested in a couple of days, remade and back with you before you know it.

Make sure you include your CORRECT measurements - use the jacket you have as a guide and be specific.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:02 am
by Mike

The key is to do it now. Don't wait until skin supplies change or stock runs out. And I would definitely call. That way things can be communicated, questions asked if need be and clarity can be achieved.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:02 am
by buletman
Ok, I just got off the phone with him, it will be in the mail hopefully very soon back to Peter.

Thanks guys...for a second there I was close to returning it on a one way trip...if you know what I mean.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:06 am
by Michaelson
Understood. Well, with a 'calmer' mind now :wink: , put the jacket back on and go over it inch by inch and make SURE everything else is ok. It would be a REAL bummer to have sent it back for the sleeve changeout, only to find, say, one strap lower than another, crooked collar, etc. (you know what I mean). Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:25 am
The other thing that could have happened, that no one
has mentioned, is the fact that you may have received
someone elses jacket by mistake!!

With so many jackets Peter has been making lately, this
can happen quite easily.

Just imagine the guy who got your jacket? He is now
thinking he shrunk because the jacket is hanging down
to the floor!!

Do as the others suggested, and do indeed send it back.
Its not worth trying to sell it yourself, or on e-bay. You
will never get your money back, and you will be out more
than the money it costs you to pack the jacket up, and
send it back to Peter.

Plus, if it is another persons jacket, maybe a "switch" can
be made if both jackets get back to Peter at the same time.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:26 am
by buletman
Flathead, at first, I thought what you though, but the elastic in the action pleats, gusset, two inside zippered pockets, and the name tag kinda make me thing that this is indeed my jacket ;).


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:27 am
by IndianaJames
Dont feel bad, my friend! Its happened to me, oh at least 3 times. It happened on my very first Wested also, so I know exactly how you feel. The wait *****. But the good new is, when Wested does repairs or alterations to a jacket, (or in your case, probably cutting a whole new jacket) they are priority and go to the top of the list. They try to get it back to you in a couple weeks! Just measure twice, and measure off of a jacket that fits you. Or go to a tailor. I find it odd the sleeves were THAT short. Did you measure from your shoulder to the second knuckle on your thumb? If you need any other sizing info, just ask! :wink:

Indy J

PS All the certificates of authenticity say "Raiders" they dont have seperate ones for TOD and LC.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:49 am
by Farnham54
One thing for sure: You can't fault Peter for his service. He'll have your jacket right as rain in no time at all.



Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:49 am
Flathead, at first, I thought what you though, but the elastic in the action pleats, gusset, two inside zippered pockets, and the name tag kinda make
me thing that this is indeed my jacket
Well, that would pretty much some it up. But do to the fact
that Peter has been swamped with orders, your measurements
were probably mixed up with someone elses. Its just too
odd that EVERY measurement was wrong.

Also, be prepared to fight with PBB Global on this!! Since
you are sending the jacket back for an "exchange", they
think the replacement jacket is a "new" jacket, and they
will hit you again for the customs and their stupid fee.

Save ALL your papers from this transaction!! Make copies
of what ever paperwork you get from sending the jacket
back to Peter. And keep the customs slips that are on
the box that you got from Peter. Those are YOURS!

Also, make sure that both you and Peter put on the box
that this is: "Jacket being returned for exchange/alterations".
Make sure you press really hard on the forms when you fill
them out so its easy to see on all the ones that are under
the original.

If you do this, and keep ALL your paperwork, you may,
just may, not get any further "requests" from PBB Global!


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:11 pm
by buletman
Okay, this is exactly what I'm going to ask of Peter:

Neck - 3 Inches

Sleeves - 4 Inches

Length - 3.5 Inches

I hope this doesn't require the cutting of a whole new jacket.

Thanks for the advice Flathead. Thanks everyone for all the advice.


P. S. If it weren't for the sleeves, I could live with this jacket. Also, at first, I thought it was ugly, but I must say, in the 1 hour I have had it, it grew on me, alot. There is no way I can't have this jacket :).

S. P. S. I love how many pockets and storage room I got. I asked for two zippered non-outlined pockets, and they are huge! This jacket really is perfect except for some measurements.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:25 pm
You should not give Peter the amount you want him to
add to a standard jacket!! That is where you are asking
for problems.

Give him "Your" measurements! Give him your actual
chest measurement. Your actual neck measurement,
your actual sleeve measurement taken from the back
of your neck down to your wrist like you would for a dress
shirt. Your height, your weight, your waist, your hips,
and any other actual measurements. Do not tell him to
just add on to what he has as a standard size!!

Measure a jacket you like, and get the back measurement
and give that to Peter. Most TOD jackets will have a back
length of about 26 to 27 inches.

Go onto his website, find the standard jacket size that you
feel fits you best, and then tell Peter that you like that
style, but to make the jacket to fit you to your measurements.

You are just asking for trouble again if you just tell him
to add this or that to his dimensions. If you do it the way
you are talking about, he can mix up the dimensions and
you will end up with another dud.

But if you spell out every measurement, and what each
measurement is for, you will GREATLY reduce your chances
of a faulty jacket again.

This is not rocket science, but the tailor that is making the
jackets does not need to try to add or subtract inches from
here or there to make a jacket. They work on actual
measurement of garments, and if you start to add in another step in the
process, you are asking for trouble. Its much easier on
them to know that you need a jacket that fits a chest of
45 inches lets say, than to have them try to figure out what
the garment size for a 44 is, and then add 1.5 inches, and
then make it 2.25 longer, and then taper it 1.75 inches, and
so on and so on.

They know what size to make their stuff. Just give them
your actual measurements, and let them add or subtract as they see fit, as
they are the experts!


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:31 pm
by Captain D
Good luck with everything....also, be sure not to "treat" the jacket with anything. Peter mentioned to me that he would exchange a jacket, but only if it was not treated with anything. But then again, I realize that you are sending it back A.S.A.P. so this was something you probably weren't thinking about anyway, lol....... :oops:

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:53 pm
by Rundquist
I think that some of you guys are misinterpreting what Bulletman has said. He didn’t ask for anyone to “add some inches” to any of his measurements. He already added the inches before he gave them to Wested. Now weather or not Bulletman gave Wested proper measurements to begin with is a different story (although he may have). Cheers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 1:00 pm
I was just going on what he said in this post:
Okay, this is exactly what I'm going to ask of Peter:

Neck - 3 Inches

Sleeves - 4 Inches

Length - 3.5 Inches
If this is what he sends to Peter, he will not get a good
jacket again.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 1:30 pm
by Michaelson
He may have also measured the sleeve length from the base of the collar to cuff, like FS does, rather than where the sleeve attaches at the shoulder to cuff, like Wested does. That would reduce the length of his sleeves by that 3 to 4 inches. Just guessing like everyone else, though.... :roll: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:18 pm
by Mr. Das
I just measured the sleeve from the jacket I wore and the sleeve length of my Wested came out perfect.

If it's 3 or 4 inches shorter, shouldn't Wested notice that the jacket measurements were a little awkward?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:13 pm
by buletman
Okay, I just shipped it back...$ stings...;)

Flathead, last time I tried to send my measurments this happened. So, I figure, why can't he just "build off" the jacket?

How hard could it be for someone to know that when they say a sleeve is 3 inches too short, they mean it needs 3 more inches of material?

Oh well, we will see what happens, I'm going to e-mail Peter the tracking number now.

Thanks again fellas.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:21 pm
Flathead, last time I tried to send my measurments this happened. So, I figure, why can't he just "build off" the jacket?
This is why I personally think that Peter got your jacket
measurements switched with another persons. It does

One thing that you did not tell us though. What were the
actual measurements you sent Peter? Tell us, so we can
see if there is something grossly wrong with them.

What sleeve/arm measurement did you send?
What back length measurement did you ask for? Or
did you say to just add 3 inches to a TOD back length?
What chest measurement did you send?
If you sent an overal height measurement, what did you
send? Stuff like this.

Maybe we can help you make sure you get the perfect
jacket so this does not happen again? Thats what we
are all here for, to help each other!!


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:36 pm
by buletman
The following are extra measurements I sent to be sure this doesn't happen...and yet it still did...


Shirt neck size (with 1 finger between the neck and measuring tape): 18"

Shoulder to shoulder (arms straight down and from the broadest parts of the shoulders, which should be across the shoulder blades just below the neck): 24.5"

Neck to shoulder (measure from base of the neck to the end of the shoulder, right where the arm meets the shoulder. Measure both sides as they may be different): Left - 13.5" Right - 13"

Middle of the back to the sleeve (this is from the base of the neck, behind the back, to the point where you want your sleeve to end. Your arm should be straight out for this. Don’t be shocked if this measurement is smaller than the combined “neck to shoulder” and “shoulder to sleeve. Here again, I suggest measuring both sides as they may be different): 39"

Back length (measure from the base of the neck to your tailbone. This is the correct way to measure your back): 27"

Back at seem (this is the measurement from the base of the neck to your waist): 22"

Waist at the belly (measure around the widest part of the belly): 46"

Waist size actual (should differ from your pants size): 43"

Pants waist size (should differ from your actual size): 40"

Neck down to waist (this is the measurement from the front of neck to waist): 28"


As for height, chest, and sleeve, I do not remember, because I typed them into the form he had, the other stuff I put in "additional comments."

I can take a guess:

Height: 6'6"
Chest: 48
Sleeve: I honestely don't remember, but the other measurements should help give an idea what I said...

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:56 pm
If you gave Peter all that info, then the tailor absolutely
mixed up your measurements with someone else!

There is no way they could ever mistake that degree
of accuracy in your measurements.

You will get a good jacket with that info. Peter will make
sure your jacket goes to the top of the order once the
old one arrives back at his place.

And do keep the return paperwork around. You will most
probably need it to dispute the next PBB bill. You should
be getting the first one in about a week or so, even though
you sent the jacket back.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:05 pm
by IndianaJames
Whoa, you are a big fella!

I do see some flaws though,
Wested measures the sleeve length, from the top of the shoulder down. Shoulder to shoulder and back at seam are the same measurment.

Also, since Wested made the mistake, you might want to ask them to re imburse you for having to ship it back, as it was their mistake.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:54 pm
by buletman
IndianaJames wrote:Whoa, you are a big fella!

I do see some flaws though,
Wested measures the sleeve length, from the top of the shoulder down. Shoulder to shoulder and back at seam are the same measurment.

Also, since Wested made the mistake, you might want to ask them to re imburse you for having to ship it back, as it was their mistake.

I don't know yet. How can I be 100% sure that it was Peter's fault? I mean, I'm pretty sure all my measruements are correct, but still...

Should I say anything to Peter, or will he come out and say "It is my fault," if it is indeed his fault?

I'm e-mailing Peter this thread, and asking him if he will check it out, as i think this thread has some information that might be useful.

Thanks again everyone, your support has been awesome.

For the hour that I had the jacket, and even though it didn't fit 100%, it was absolutely beautiful. This was one of my best buys. Ever.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 6:04 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
Do the measurements on the jacket match those you gave Peter? If not, you may have someone else's jacket as someone already mentioned.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 6:32 pm
by buletman
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:Do the measurements on the jacket match those you gave Peter? If not, you may have someone else's jacket as someone already mentioned.
ITG, all of the extras I requested, including the name tag, match.

Let's see what Peter has to say, maybe he will post something...


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:12 pm
by IndianaJames
Ah I see, now...well if Wested was at fault Peter or Jerry will make it right for sure! If not, then lets hope you got it right the second time, good luck!


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:29 pm
by SAB
I'm sorry to hear about your problems Buletman.
That does **** bad.
Back length (measure from the base of the neck to your tailbone. This is the correct way to measure your back): 27"

Back at seem (this is the measurement from the base of the neck to your waist): 22"
I think your measurements may be a little off but I don't think they should have resulted in the difference you're talking about.
You are saying you are 6'6".
I am 6'2". Below are the measurements I sent to Wested for my ToD and mine fits well.
Back length (from the base of the neck to your tailbone.)

Back at seem (from the base of the neck to your waist)
We are 4 inches different in height but only requested 2 inches difference in back length ? (leg length could be vastly different but I don't know...)
Shoulder to sleeve (from the point where the shoulder meets the arm, down to the knuckle of the thumb. Arm hang natural with its natural bend.)
27" (both sides)
What was the sleeve length you gave ?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:31 pm
by buletman
Sab, my legs are quite long...:)

And as for the sleeve length, I cannot remember...I saved the other measurements because I had typed them previously, so I made sure to get them right, but the othe measurements with specific fields on the form, I did not save.

Thanks SAB...

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:28 am
I have read the posting and looked up the relevant order which gives back measurements; sleeve measurements with arms out to the side of 13.5" and 39" respectively which nets down to 26.5" sleeve and we actually cut a 27.5" sleeve which is quite long. Obviously, this wasn't long enough. Naturally, now we are aware of it we will correct the problem. However, it is very confusing when people ordering do not follow the instructions given and provide over complicated measurements. When we ask for sleeve length it should be FROM THE TIP OF THE SHOULDER TO JUST PAST THE WRIST or FROM AN EXISTING JACKET. If this is followed it is always correct.

Whilst I appreciate that people want to get the jacket exactly right I would ask people to follow our instructions and trust in our judgement.

Cheers Peter

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:13 am
I think i would re measure myself using Peters info and email him the correct info.If not the postage will add up.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:44 am
by Indiana Cojones
It's a little late now since you sent the jacket back, but it probably wouldn't have hurt to take a photo of you wearing the jacket so Peter could see exactly how off it was.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:30 pm
by buletman
PETER wrote:I have read the posting and looked up the relevant order which gives back measurements; sleeve measurements with arms out to the side of 13.5" and 39" respectively which nets down to 26.5" sleeve and we actually cut a 27.5" sleeve which is quite long. Obviously, this wasn't long enough. Naturally, now we are aware of it we will correct the problem. However, it is very confusing when people ordering do not follow the instructions given and provide over complicated measurements. When we ask for sleeve length it should be FROM THE TIP OF THE SHOULDER TO JUST PAST THE WRIST or FROM AN EXISTING JACKET. If this is followed it is always correct.

Whilst I appreciate that people want to get the jacket exactly right I would ask people to follow our instructions and trust in our judgement.

Cheers Peter
Okay, well I'm sorry, but I thought I had...oh well, I don't mind paying the shipping and whatever to get it fixed. You should know Peter, I did adore the jacket.
