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Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:40 am
by knibs7
Since Todd's Raiders jacket is such a hit I think he should work on offering a SA Temple of Doom jacket and/or a Last Crusade jacket. Would anyone else besides me be interested in this?


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:21 am
by IndyOriginal

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:38 am
by Mitch LaRue
Yes, indeed.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:05 pm
by Bdgsi11
I'd definitely bite the bait on a Temple of Doom version! ;)

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:44 pm
by Indyzane
Temple of Doom for me!

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:37 pm
by indydude18
I'm in! :tup:

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:21 pm
by Indiana C
Yes sir, sounds great :D

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:24 pm
by fifthchamber
Since we're throwing ideas around....

Frank (Patchcamel) and I were discussing what else we'd throw cash up for, since we both basically have a "full set" now, and aren't against spending more for other gear...And an idea we'd both reached was the "Hero", but for the Last Crusade, being made by Wested...Their off rack is decent, but it's still not quite "right", and the skin they use for the Pre Distressed selection or something like it could make a rather lovely Last Crusade Hero jacket...

If Wested felt like doing the legwork to get it off the ground that'd be a good bet too...

So yeah, long winded way of saying I'd be glad to see a spot on Last Crusade jacket out there...Todds, or Wested...I'd probably end up swallowing pride and buying both... :TOH:

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:14 am
by kwad
An OTR Temple of Doom jacket would be cool.
I don't know why Wested never offered one.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:41 am
by Zoltar
On a recent visit to Wested to order a custom LC I asked Peter if he'd considered doing a Hero Last Crusade to cut down on the hastle of custom requests but all I got was a chuckle from him.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:49 am
by fifthchamber
Yup...He's been in the game long enough to know that whatever he does to try and reduce people moaning about custom sizing and Wested's "issues" nothing he does will stop some of them...

I'd guess that's the source of the chuckle.....I love the Hero..And I'm currently not rich enough quite to afford a new jacket, so I'm fine without Wested doing a perfect Hero Last crusade, but I'd love to see one sooner or later..Yeah..


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:02 pm
by auntsugar
Put me on the list! I've been looking for a ToD jacket for some time.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:36 pm
by CM
fifthchamber wrote:Yup...He's been in the game long enough to know that whatever he does to try and reduce people moaning about custom sizing and Wested's "issues" nothing he does will stop some of them...

Yes, but it must be said that Wested's Last Crusade looks quite different to the original. I'm no screen accuracy nut, but really...? It still bugs me that the maker can't remake his product.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:48 am
by knibs7
CM wrote:
fifthchamber wrote:Yup...He's been in the game long enough to know that whatever he does to try and reduce people moaning about custom sizing and Wested's "issues" nothing he does will stop some of them...

Yes, but it must be said that Wested's Last Crusade looks quite different to the original. I'm no screen accuracy nut, but really...? It still bugs me that the maker can remake his product.
Don't you mean *can't remake?


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:29 am
by CM

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:54 am
by fifthchamber
Hey CM,

Yeah, while I agree with you, what I meant was that even if Peter DID make a "Hero LC", there'd still be people who complained about "something"...That's all..I think Peter knows that, hence the smile.. :-k

As for the actual LC jacket, I would love to see an LC "Hero"...Especially with Pre-Dis...Something spot on would suit a whole nother market from the Raiders Hero too...So it wouldn't block the original jacket..It'd rock..But I'd guess if Peter only smiled when it was suggested as a way to "cut down on the hastle of custom requests", then he's realised that whatever he makes, someone, somewhere will hate it....This is the internet...It's the way of things... :cry:

Still..I'd love to see a Hero LC, so, Peter, if you DO read this, it might be worth a shot? Even if only to take more money from me! ;)

Regards.. :TOH:

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:16 am
by Mitch LaRue

And probably me, too!


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:55 am
by Christian Jones
Interested in Todd's ToD ! :P

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:23 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
fifthchamber wrote:... Still..I'd love to see a Hero LC, so, Peter, if you DO read this, it might be worth a shot? Even if only to take more money from me! ;)

Regards.. :TOH:
Since this thread was started as a request for Todd's Costumes to make these, you might have better luck getting Peter's attention in a thread for Wested. ;)

I would like to see Todd try his hand at these, particularly a pre-distressed LC in not only lamb but also cowhide. I'm sure enjoying the pants he made that I picked up at the summit in November. :D

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:52 am
by Mitch LaRue
Schulte makes a great point... In my enthusiasm to agree with fifthchamber, I forgot this is the TODD's Thread!

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:52 pm
by knibs7
I've had my Todd's jackets for 3 years now and they are tough as nails! Todd should seriously consider making a TOD or LC :TOH:


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:48 pm
by DeWayne
I have more Todd's jackets than I care to admit. I'd love to add a version of each to my collection.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:27 pm
by indyclone
i'm in for a temple of doom , i love my standard , could always use another one. so todd? what do you want to do? :)

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:53 pm
by fifthchamber

Agreed...Although I think we already may have seen Peter's "opinion" on his making the Jacket... ;)
The biggest problem with discussions is that they start in one area and move on all over the place...Forgive me for helping take this one off at right angles.. ;)

I'd like to see a Todds LC, since the Temple is a little too close to the Raiders style to be much of a high seller for Todd...People unfamiliar with the jacket wouldn't see the differences at all, so the LC would make more sense commercially speaking...Since the changes are easier to see, and perhaps a touch more useful for the "average" customer..

I'd say the LC would run best...In a more worn in leather...That would be lovely..


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:09 pm
by backstagejack
I would VERY much like to see a Todd's LC Jacket

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:47 pm
by knibs7
I think Ben has a point when it comes to how well the jacket would sell. In that regard, I would think that the LC would sell better, but I WOULD like the TOD as well.


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:05 am
by Aragorn658
How bout it todd? Tod jacket please!!!

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:54 am
by singsingjohnny
Yes please! I'd buy a Todd's LC faster than you could say "Junior!"

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:43 am
by Rick Deckard
I'd love to see a screen reminiscent ( :- ) Last Crusade from Todd's. I love the Bantu Wind and think that if he could offer a Last Crusade at the same price point it would be a huge hit. I imagine Todd could get his hands on a TNO Last Crusade and base his pattern off of that. And yeah, lambskin and a soft cowhide, maybe predistressed, would be the way to go.

As for Wested, I e-mailed Peter and asked whether he had any plans on creating a Hero response. So, I don't think that is anywhere in the works. :(

Also, for those looking for a LC jacket, don't forget Logan's Closet is working on one. When will it be done...dunno. :-k

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:23 pm
by nicetrylaoche
A Todd's ToD or LC...I might just buy them both ;)

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:32 pm
by indyclone
i think i would love a temple of doom , maybe give my standard a chance to rest ...... :)

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:36 pm
by Aragorn658
Dear Todd,

I understand this would be a huge undertaking but it would be well WORTH IT!!! If you get a chance to read this please at least give it a chance!

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:12 pm
by fifthchamber
I think, as I mentioned before, the real problem for Todd is that there is a market for Indy jackets with the general public who want a costume...But no one is going to care enough to buy a Temple of Doom which, to all intents and purposes looks exactly the same as the Raiders he already sells...Production and cost for that would be high, but the returns would be precisely what he already gets with the Raiders jackets he already sells...I can't see that making sense to anyone outside of the fabulously rich...(And there's not so many of them interested in Indiana Jones enough to fund a production run...LOL)..

The Last Crusade version I could see as being a touch more likely, since the snaps identify the jacket as being a touch different, but even then, it's a huge jump for VERY LITTLE return, and that may put Todd off the idea unless he gets a lot of free cash sitting about to start a project like that up...

Sadly, for most people Raiders is the jacket, and it's the same jacket worn in all four films...So the general sale returns are minimal..Outside of this (extremely limited) community we're all a part of..


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:29 pm
by patchcamel
I would definitely be in for a Last Crusade! :D

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:44 pm
by Weston
If Todd makes a Temple of Doom jacket, I'll be all over it!!!

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:04 am
by Aragorn658
Weston wrote:If Todd makes a Temple of Doom jacket, I'll be all over it!!!
Maybe todd should retire his raider for a bit and try out the other indy jackets?

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:42 am
by theman
Rick Deckard wrote:Also, for those looking for a LC jacket, don't forget Logan's Closet is working on one. When will it be done...dunno. :-k
Rick and All, I am knee deep in the patterning work on this one at the moment, should have that part wrapped up shortly... I also have a leather type picked out and hope to get the first one out of the gate by the fall. The first one out will be a "hero" distressed version.

But so as not to derail this train, I would love to see a Todd's version of either, as I've been a fan of his low budget stuff since acquiring one of the first run ROLAs he put out.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:11 pm
by moab
I'd buy one tomorrow.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:23 pm
by Puppetboy
fifthchamber wrote:I think, as I mentioned before, the real problem for Todd is that there is a market for Indy jackets with the general public who want a costume...But no one is going to care enough to buy a Temple of Doom which, to all intents and purposes looks exactly the same as the Raiders he already sells...Production and cost for that would be high, but the returns would be precisely what he already gets with the Raiders jackets he already sells...I can't see that making sense to anyone outside of the fabulously rich...(And there's not so many of them interested in Indiana Jones enough to fund a production run...LOL)..

The Last Crusade version I could see as being a touch more likely, since the snaps identify the jacket as being a touch different, but even then, it's a huge jump for VERY LITTLE return, and that may put Todd off the idea unless he gets a lot of free cash sitting about to start a project like that up...

Sadly, for most people Raiders is the jacket, and it's the same jacket worn in all four films...So the general sale returns are minimal..Outside of this (extremely limited) community we're all a part of..

That's it in a big nutshell. Seriously, I'd spend so much time answering "what's the difference between the Raiders, TOD, and LC jacket?" There really isn't room for more than one.


Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:49 pm
by Texan Scott
It would be really cool to have a limited run of these jackets, and putting them side-by-side with clear descriptions under each on the site, would wort off most of the evil spirits. :P

The key to ToD would be the type/texture of leather, low yoke and small map pockets, while the LC jacket is known for its larger collar config., distressing/dusty appearance, snaps on the storm flap, pocket/flap size, placement and flap width, lower yoke and straps anchored toward the lower portion of the hand warmers. I think most everyone would like to see very accurate repros as has been Todd's trademark. They might sell like....well, Todd's Indy jackets or...pancakes..?

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:24 pm
by fifthchamber
Puppetboy wrote:
fifthchamber wrote:I think, as I mentioned before, the real problem for Todd is that there is a market for Indy jackets with the general public who want a costume...But no one is going to care enough to buy a Temple of Doom which, to all intents and purposes looks exactly the same as the Raiders he already sells...Production and cost for that would be high, but the returns would be precisely what he already gets with the Raiders jackets he already sells...I can't see that making sense to anyone outside of the fabulously rich...(And there's not so many of them interested in Indiana Jones enough to fund a production run...LOL)..

The Last Crusade version I could see as being a touch more likely, since the snaps identify the jacket as being a touch different, but even then, it's a huge jump for VERY LITTLE return, and that may put Todd off the idea unless he gets a lot of free cash sitting about to start a project like that up...

Sadly, for most people Raiders is the jacket, and it's the same jacket worn in all four films...So the general sale returns are minimal..Outside of this (extremely limited) community we're all a part of..

That's it in a big nutshell. Seriously, I'd spend so much time answering "what's the difference between the Raiders, TOD, and LC jacket?" There really isn't room for more than one.

Thanks for the reply Todd....We all appreciate the efforts you put in on the gear you sell..The guns (which you lost on), the pants (which we all gained on), the hats (which do rock), and even the whips! (And holsters, I love mine!)...It's all solid work, and deeply appreciated!

Sadly the public have no idea about the differences....Your gear is great, but only us maniacs notice ALL the differences...Todd "too good for the public" Coyle...

Warm regards.. :TOH:

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:27 pm
by Oildale Jones
The jackets from the last two movies do nothing for me. I have to admit that the ToD has grown on my over the last few months, but if I wanted a ToD, I'd just distress a Todd's Standard to within an inch of its life. (And I just might do that someday.)

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:45 am
by indy1936
I would also be interested in a Todd's ToD!

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:49 am
by Kevin Anderson
Oildale Jones wrote:The jackets from the last two movies do nothing for me. I have to admit that the ToD has grown on my over the last few months, but if I wanted a ToD, I'd just distress a Todd's Standard to within an inch of its life. (And I just might do that someday.)
..then you'd just end up with a distressed (ruined) Todd's Raiders jacket. The Temple of Doom jacket is very different to the Raiders jacket.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:35 am
by Oildale Jones
Kevin Anderson wrote:
Oildale Jones wrote:The jackets from the last two movies do nothing for me. I have to admit that the ToD has grown on my over the last few months, but if I wanted a ToD, I'd just distress a Todd's Standard to within an inch of its life. (And I just might do that someday.)
..then you'd just end up with a distressed (ruined) Todd's Raiders jacket. The Temple of Doom jacket is very different to the Raiders jacket.
Yeah, but nobody would notice except a handful of freaks. ;)

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:05 am
by fifthchamber
Oildale Jones wrote: Yeah, but nobody would notice except a handful of freaks.
..........I'd take offense at that....

But you're right......Ah well......It's funny ain't it? The reason the site here is here is because of that, the reason Wested now offer the most accurate Raiders jacket they've offered is because of that, but also, the reason that Todd can't sell a jacket like the Temple/Last Crusade to ANYONE OTHER THAN US, is also because of that...

LOL...Frustrating, but somewhat "right" I guess...

Where's that petard...We should hoist something about now?

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:06 am
by Oildale Jones
It's strictly BYOP.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:17 am
The Temple of doom jacket I do not like
I make it if asked but the pockets are to small to put the hands in and the cut only suits small people.
[mod edit]
Last crusade is a different story and if you want the big collar 'Hero' model it is possible but I am not keen.
When I went to Western costumes for the start of make for CS I took a LC jacket with me only to be
told it was wrong and should look like an LC jacket they already (not mine) had so the LC collar was reduced.
That is why I sell the LC and CS jacket as the same.

[mod edit] — Peter, things are calming down here. Open baiting is not welcome.

Re: Todd's Temple of Doom/ Last Crusade

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:19 pm
by CM
PETER wrote:The Temple of doom jacket I do not like
I make it if asked but the pockets are to small to put the hands in and the cut only suits small people.
[mod edit]
Last crusade is a different story and if you want the big collar 'Hero' model it is possible but I am not keen.
When I went to Western costumes for the start of make for CS I took a LC jacket with me only to be
told it was wrong and should look like an LC jacket they already (not mine) had so the LC collar was reduced.
That is why I sell the LC and CS jacket as the same.

[mod edit] — Peter, things are calming down here. Open baiting is not welcome.

I didn't follow that... you make the LC CS combo because of something that happened in a private wardrobe discussion? Or you make it beacuse people are so fussy about the pattern that you felt you needed to compromise between two?