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distressed my wested tonight

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:40 am
by wisconcinanderson
I distressed my wested tonight and I don't like it I used 320 grit paper on the seams and edges then got carried away and did all the panels it looks like a cat with no claws had a good time. any suggestions? I tried using pecards leather dressing it wirks to cover the minor scratches but is there a nice tutorial on this I want the thing to look used but still preety nice for me to wear everyday. I've seen people swating the graound with kit. help please ;)

Re: distressed my wested tonight

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:56 pm
by wisconcinanderson
ok I again tried something differant I used MEK to fade the color and it worked really well I used it on the pack panel and I am satisfied now I have to do the shoulders and a few patches on the front. I suggest going slow and working in a circulare motion and use a light colored rag so you an see just how much color your removing. keep away from flames and heat until dry and use plenty of ventilation. and please use gloves MEK can be dangerous. take care please. I'll post pics in the morning

Re: distressed my wested tonight

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:13 am
by Strider
I did this to a Wested of mine years ago. It looked like it had been clawed by a tiger. I used brown shoe polish on the areas that looked most like "claw" marks, and then covered the rest in brown Pecards, and it went on to look really nice despite the disaster it started out as.

I distressed my current wested a couple of years ago, and I can't stress enough what a lot of people around here will also tell you, and that's "less is more."