Thanks everybody! The bumps are because I was using Joe Strains strand dropping method, but I was doing it a little wrong, Cannuck you know from pm's
I'll be doing it right next time. Next whip I'm making an indy style 6 footer, which I'll likely put in the bazaar, and after that I'm
wanting to make a black, longer handled whip. My 10th leather whip, coming up soon, I'm going to make a replica of what I ordered
from midwest whips, just 12 plait instead of 16. I talked to Paul, and after I've completed it, I'm going to send it to him and he's
going to look it over and tell me what I'm doing good on, what I can work on, and give me some tips.
Thanks again!
edit: I have a roo hide about 50 dm, and I have one around 60dm coming in from midwest, along with some whitehide and latigo
because I'm almost out of falls! Time to get making falls again, something I'm not too keen on. Same with crackers, so sometimes
I just have to do it :
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I made 40 or so crackers in an hour, so I won't need to for a while now! I have a lot of polypropylene crackers made up as
well, which I like MUCH better, just when I made them I didn't "match" them like I did these nylon ones. The nylon ones I made
all between 6 and 7" twisted, and 3.5" tassle. The poly ones now I made between 7-8", with a 4-4.5" tassle.
edit: I forgot to mention why the heel got as large as it did. When I put the lead on, it usually kind of wrapped up slightly,
making the bulge from the head of the nail less noticeable, ( I like to keep the head on because of the bit of added weight, plus
it sort of rounds out the back of the heel ) but in this one it didn't. So normally I'd fold the yoke from the overlay over the back
of the lead foundation, tie it off, then cut the other one to either 1, act as an evening out thing from the wrist loop or two,
if there's no wrist loop, cut it off to cover the foundation completely. In this case, I folded it over the back again, to help make
the head of the nail less apparent, because I don't like the way it looks when you have it sticking out like that. That's the only
reason it got bigger, and now I know!