So #### Close...and now there gone!
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 2:18 am
I have had my brother searching for the last couple months for a jacket and better fedora then the one I have in his area... we are both rather big Indy fans... well he managed to find both of them the Jacket was a knock off brown leather Wested (he said it had a map pattern inside the jacket) he found in a thrift store... flap pockets on the front and slits on the sides with a leather collar (which is all I was really looking for) PLUS he also found me a better fedora at a garage sale he said it had a really tall crown and black band around it... (he said more Last Crusade-esqe then Temple-esqe) AND now there both gone, lost along with a bunch of things in the Cali Fires... I was so upset... so close yet so far away, oh well back to the drawing board I suppose.