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So #### Close...and now there gone!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 2:18 am
by DocIndyJones
I have had my brother searching for the last couple months for a jacket and better fedora then the one I have in his area... we are both rather big Indy fans... well he managed to find both of them the Jacket was a knock off brown leather Wested (he said it had a map pattern inside the jacket) he found in a thrift store... flap pockets on the front and slits on the sides with a leather collar (which is all I was really looking for) PLUS he also found me a better fedora at a garage sale he said it had a really tall crown and black band around it... (he said more Last Crusade-esqe then Temple-esqe) AND now there both gone, lost along with a bunch of things in the Cali Fires... I was so upset... so close yet so far away, oh well back to the drawing board I suppose.


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:02 am
by Cabinetman
Yes, but is everyone okay?

Your new search for gear (if not using any of the regular vendors) will be more fun this time around. Not sure what everybody's methods are for building their collections, but isn't the quest and anticipation almost as good as the gear itself?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:12 am
I'm glad you didn't loose a family member a hat and jacket can be replaced.What are your sizes ? Who knows Christmas may come early.


So #### Close

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:02 am
by DocIndyJones
My hat size is a 24

My Jacket size is a large

And yes my brother is fine I didn't loose any one to the fires thank God!


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:15 am
by Swindiana
I think this one might be the jacket mentioned:
