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Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:14 pm
by IndyChaos
I am currently looking for a new pair of specs, and my girlfriend is determined to get me some hipster-ish plastic frames. Personally, I am more inclined to wire-framed kinds. though not as round as Indy's. But I have always wanted a really nice 14kt pair, such as our dear Dr. Jones wore.
The trouble is, I have a rounder face with a more squarish jaw, and I can't decide if the Savile Row Beaufort Pantos would look good on me. And most of the pictures of them that I have seen, including on this site and in its archives, are from a 3/4 angle or from some other odd angle, which makes it hard to determine whether they would look OK on my fat head. If I am going to drop the money for glasses, especially prescription ones, I want to make sure I don't look like a weirdo.
Could those who own them post straight-on pics of themselves wearing their Indy specs? It would be a big help.
Also, any tips about quality would be most appreciated. I wear glasses each and every day, and I tend to be hard on them, meaning doing things in which they would fall onto the ground and falling asleep in them. Do the Savile Rows hold up? I currently wear a pair of Lenscrafters, whatever the bendy kind are that return to their original shape regardless of what you do to them. (A pic of me in my current specs is in my avatar).
Indy Chaos.
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:17 am
by WConly
I would suggest finding a good optical dealer who would be willing to order the frames in for you so you could check them out for yourself. This is how I went about it when I first started looking for (originally) British Optical Imports (now from Frames Direct)'Indy style' frames. Of coarse I have been dealing with this optical store for thirty some odd years now and we have a great working relationship. But, I do think most said stores would be willing to do this for you. It doesn't really cost them anything and I know in my case -- I have actually helped the store I deal with here get in some lines that they were unaware of and have done well with since. So, at least here, both sides win in the transaction. Just my two cents. Can't hurt to ask. W>
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:21 am
by wellofsouls
These are mine - they're bullet proof although they don't look it. Shuron frames are really tough. And it's a classic, unobtrusive style that is very close to the Indy style." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
The frame size and temple length are very customizable (?) so you can get one that will look good on your "fat head".

Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:24 am
by Michaelson
I have a photo of me wearing mine in a front on shot, but it's HUGE and I don't have control of the photo size as it's on my daughters photo account....let alone the fact you're asking folks with 'fat heads' to show their glasses.
Not sure I want to comply.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:55 pm
by IndyChaos
Michaelson wrote:I have a photo of me wearing mine in a front on shot, but it's HUGE and I don't have control of the photo size as it's on my daughters photo account....let alone the fact you're asking folks with 'fat heads' to show their glasses.
Not sure I want to comply.
Regards! Michaelson
My apologies if I came across as though I was only wanting those with fat heads to post pictures or if I appeared to say that those who wear the Savile Row glasses have fat heads.
I just meant that I know I have a big or fat head and often round frames look too small for my face.
I'd love to see pics of folks with all kinds of heads post pics--fat or skinny as yours most assuredly is.
Thanks for the feedback from those who have responded thus far. It's a big help.
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:26 pm
by Kittlemeier
Apologies in advance for my rough condition. Fighting a staph infection right now and I think the lortab is showing around the eyes.
I figured I could take a couple with different sizes in the Savile Row glasses as well as the most "hipster-ish" frame I have, which I don't really think is that hipster-ish, but it may give you a frame of reference. See what I did there? Prescription drug fueled bad puns, yeah!
On to the important stuff. First, the SR in size 45, chestnut/rhodium. Second, the SR in size 47, blonde/gold. Third, an Oliver Peoples model Kent in 47/20, olive tortoise. Almost all of my frames are round or P3 tortoise plastics but the color sold me on this one. Too bad it doesn't really show too well in the pics.
I continue to sing the praises of this color combo. The silvertone with the dark speckled tortoise just looks perfect to me. Not really a screen accuracy stickler though.
What size do you normally wear in most frames? I ask because the placement of the hinge on the SR glasses brings the temples in very close to the side of the face, some to the point where they make indentions. The plastic frame and the blonde SR are listed as the same size but the temple placement on the plastic frame gives a good bit more room between the temples. Also, the SR frame is an odd fit for some. The 47 frame fits my head better, but I prefer the look of the 45 from the front if that makes any sense. You might have to try a couple of different sizes to figure it out for sure. I would think that there would have to be a cool optical shop at least in New Orleans which I think isn't too far from you, right? All the characters there can't possibly be getting everything from Lenscrafters. I found a shop in Atlanta that carries SR so they are out there.
Gotta say this type of frame is more my usual thing. Just had it totally custom made through that shop in Atlanta by a company in England using sample frames I've acquired over the years with a few little tweaks here and there. Really fun process but it takes almost a year.

Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:29 am
by Michaelson
No problem. Like I said, I just don't want to ADMIT I have a 'fat head', but here it is anyway.
Like I said, sorry it's so big. I don't have a photo account, and this comes from D.E.M.'s account, so what you see is what I got.
The only thing you really need to keep in mind with these glasses is not to stand too long around a heat source like a gas grill. I did one summer day, and the trim around the ediges of the frames popped off. I got them reglued, but it's a weird feeling seeing pieces of your glasses pop off when they're on your face!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:46 am
by Indiana Croft
Here're mine, for what it's worth, refence and all on another mug.

Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:26 pm
by Nemo1
The top picture shows the Savile Row frame with 49mm lens in chestnut. The bottom shows a frame by Francois Pinton ( which I prefer) that is offered by Ben Silver out of Charleston.
Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:28 pm
by Nemo1
Oops, the right one is the SR and the left one is the Francois Pinton!
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:09 am
by kwh
Michaelson wrote:No problem. Like I said, I just don't want to ADMIT I have a 'fat head', but here it is anyway.
Like I said, sorry it's so big. I don't have a photo account, and this comes from D.E.M.'s account, so what you see is what I got.
The only thing you really need to keep in mind with these glasses is not to stand too long around a heat source like a gas grill. I did one summer day, and the trim around the ediges of the frames popped off. I got them reglued, but it's a weird feeling seeing pieces of your glasses pop off when they're on your face!
Regards! Michaelson
nice frames,where did you get thoughs?and what are they called?take care
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:06 am
by Michaelson
These are the model frame Ford wore in Raiders and LC.
Can't recall the model at the moment. They're at the house....
Just do a search. The name/model/number will pop up.
Regards! Michaelson
Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:51 am
by Nemo1
The model you are looking for is the Berkshire Chase Savile Row. You can order them from but I would recommend going through a local optician so you can be properly fit.
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:05 pm
by Michaelson
Thanks for the backup, Nemo!
Regards! Michaelson
Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:47 pm
by Nemo1
Glad to be of service!

Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:24 pm
by kwh
Nemo1 wrote:Glad to be of service!

thank you sir
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:18 pm
by backstagejack
Are these what I think they are?
I spotted these in Buffy S1, Ep6. aired 1997
If Giles wore the same specs as Indy then my personal pop culture world might explode.
I found a forum that states they are "Berkshire Chase Savile Row Beaufort Panto glasses" which apparently Johnny Depp also wears.....
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:58 am
by Michaelson
I'd say 'yes', myself! They have been a VERY popular frame for many years!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:57 pm
by Indy Magnoli
Just watching "The Client" the other night and I swear almost every FBI agent & lawyer was wearing a pair of these...
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:11 pm
by backstagejack
My guess is this is old news but I just noticed this today. Having a Speilberg day today. Watched ET, Saving Private Ryan and now Hook....

Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:29 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Reviving an old thread here (although there is a post from earlier this year)... I just placed an order for the Savile Row Beaufort - Half Covered Cable Temples in Gold / Chestnut Rim for my upcoming new-decade birthday (appropriate to be getting what will primarily be reading glasses for this birthday--and I'll just leave it at that). I have had a pair of Magnoli's Professor glasses, which look very good except for being too tight for me and leaving lines on the side of my face:
So I was able to get the last pair of a similar style of glasses (Giorgio Armani) from Lenscrafters about a year ago and was much happier with the fit (although not quite as good looking as the Beaufort):
But when having new lenses put in after a year, they snapped. My local shop keeps getting responses of back-ordering for a new pair of these frames, but this has gone on so long that they don't believe more of these are coming. So instead of trying to find another close-enough that will only last a year, might as well get the original with its craftsmanship. I just now placed the order (and my shop has given me a refund on the lenses as well as will install new lenses for free since they snapped my other frames). I'm hoping these will last me for a long time and will be more sturdy and/or well-fitting than any frames that I've had so far. It'll be 4-6 weeks is the estimated time, and then another week or so for my shop's to put in the lenses, so hope to have photos then!
Now the wait begins...
In the meantime, how long have any of your Savile Row frames lasted?

Best wishes,
Dr. Nebraska S.
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:58 pm
by Michaelson
I still have mine after all these years, but found one hinge getting a bit 'wobbly' now after years of use, and I wear glasses all the time, so there's no 'on-off' cycle going on during the day.
Regards! Michaelson

Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:47 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Glad to hear they’re lasting you so well! That was part of what put it over the top for me to get them.
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Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:41 pm
by Nosirrah
I ran across this thread about a month ago, as I was shopping for new frames. Round frames definitely work well when you use progressive lenses-- plenty of room for each of the distance zones.
I've worn muted wire rims for years-- generally bronze or pewter, and the Savile Row frames seemed a bit, ah, assertive. I've always liked tortoiseshell, though (as long as no real tortoises are harmed, of course), but cable temples irritate me. So the Magnolis (which I otherwise liked) were out, too.
I wound up going with Flexons (which I have beaten up over the years), in a bronze/torty combo, with non-cable temples.

So now I have my new/retro look going, but nobody comes up to me and says, "Wow! New glasses!" For which I am truly grateful.
I recommend them to folks who have the same issues as me. Flexon Autoflex 53 is the make and model, it appears. Thanks for a good discussion.

Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:19 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Very nice! They are a muted option still evocative of the style. Thank you for sharing.
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Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:47 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Even though I have double-checked with the local shop, I’ve been concerned about if I “chose wisely” with the size 49 or if I should have gone with the wider and longer size 51. But I finally figured out the relative sizes. The close-enough glasses above that I had worn comfortably are size 50 lenses, so my ordered glasses are only 2 mm more narrow at size 49 (1 mm per each lens smaller). The Magnoli professor glasses are size 47, which means the total width is 6 mm less than my close-enough glasses (3 mm per side). In other words, the new glasses will be 4 mm wider than the Magnoli glasses (which I am currently wearing), so that should be just right.
As you can tell, the wait continues (at least another couple of weeks)...
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Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:25 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
They arrived!

Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:31 pm
by Nosirrah
I can feel my IQ going up just from looking at your picture.

Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:13 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Nosirrah wrote:I can feel my IQ going up just from looking at your picture.

I look forward to seeing if this holds true for my students
(In all honesty, I am fortunate to already have many very bright students).
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Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:40 pm
by car96
Can you share a little more information on those Flexons. Can those be found in stores or only online? I found their website.
Do they come non prescription so my local can put in progressives lenses for reading? I assume so.
Re: Savile Row glasses, Raiders style. Pictures, please!
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:57 am
by Nosirrah
car96 wrote:Nosirrah.....
Can you share a little more information on those Flexons. Can those be found in stores or only online? I found their website.
Do they come non prescription so my local can put in progressives lenses for reading? I assume so.
My pleasure. I picked mine off the rack at my optometrist's, but later looked them up online. So the answer is, "both."
Here's a link: ... eyeglasses
The online price of $110.36US is for the frames only. If you work it out with your local shop, they should be able to do any lens you want. NOTE: there are three sizes. Good luck!