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Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:43 pm
by Travelsonic
So yesterday, my can of Pepsi Throwback decided to suicide itself by falling into my hat. My Rabbit Adventurebilt too of all hats. ~_~ I'm lucky I didn't have bees flying around my head for the rest of the day.
The lining is now largely stained brown, but not sticky, and I wiped of the sweatband and fur - its doing fine, but what should I do about the lining? Its the old Staff of Rah lining, which I don't really want to replace - it is a bit worn too.
I guess I'm a bit flustered since I never had something like this happen to a hat of mine before.
Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:15 pm
by Texan Scott
hand wash it in cold water and let it dry naturally. This might be a good candidate for a bath and a reblock by John or David? Gets the pepsi out of your hat, as pepsi carries with it a pH of around 2.8 acidity, and is full of corn syrup/sugars. My guess is that if you leave the pepsi in there it will slowly eat away/weaken/discolor the felt.
fyi: Coke's pH is 2.8 and Dr. Pepper's 3.2. We used to do silly things like take readings of stuff like that when I worked in a lab. To provide some clarity, water has a neutral pH of around 7-8, while purely acidic solutions are pH ~0, purely alkaline solutions like antifreeze, pH 12~14, on the other end of the scale. Passed the time when things got slow.

Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:47 pm
by Bruce Wayne
I too would suggest a C & B. A Ra liner cost me $5 a couple of years ago from Steve.
Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:22 am
by Indiana Jeff
Ask Chewbacca Jones about his misadventures with a diet-Pepsi/Coke during a Finger Lakes Summit a few years ago. Similar story.
As for the liner, a handwash should do the trick. Didn't think about long term effect on the felt through until TS mentioned the acidity. Drop a line to John Penman, I'm sure he'll be able to give you a good deal of information as to whether the felt needs an actual cleaning.
Indiana Jeff
Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:40 am
by Chewbacca Jones
Ah, yes. The famous Pepsi Hat. It was the first weekend I had ever worn it, and I tell you, it was full to the brim... with ice, too!
I did wash the liner by hand, but it went rather limp, and didn't come out quite perfect. It was never quite the same. I got lucky, though, and my pal Bink had a spare liner. The hat was fine, though.
To add to my beverage bearing hats, I recently had a few drops of a Bailey's Irish Cream Milkshake end up an Optimo. Not a mark left behind!

Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:50 am
by BendingOak
I recommend that Maybe you guys should start drinking beer or something.
A naphtha bath would be recommended.
Washing a liner by hand or washing machine is not recommended because like Chewie stated, the liner will go limp and you won't be happy with how it sits when sewn back in. Either naphtha bath or just replace it. That's the roll of the liner. To protect the felt from sweat, hair products, and now pepsi. Liner gets nasty, throw out and replace. Doesn't cost much and easy to replace.
Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:31 pm
by mufflowne
A naphtha bath would be recommended.
Can you recommend specifically which product to use for a naphtha bath? Can you buy it in gas stations?
Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:29 pm
by Bruce Wayne
mufflowne wrote:
A naphtha bath would be recommended.
Can you recommend specifically which product to use for a naphtha bath? Can you buy it in gas stations?
Go to the hardware store & buy it in either a quart or gallon container.
Re: Oh Fiddlesticks
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:55 pm
by Luke Warmwater
*puts fire helmet on*
Do it outside and away from ignition sources. Wear a respirator of some sort.
*takes fire helmet off*