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The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:39 pm
by jnicktem
I do not even know how to begin or how to fully express the feelings I have for what happened. So with that said I am just going to tell it as it happened.

As some of you know for the last several months I have been wanting a sahara Penman fedora, styled as a Crystal Skull hat. Ever since I bought an LC version in sahara for my Fiancee for her birthday, I’ve been wanting something similar. I have been meaning to order one for myself, but my Fiancee kept telling me that I shouldn’t and I should use that money for the wedding. To me what she said made sense so I held off on ordering.

Then, about two weeks ago, out of the blue she told me I could go ahead and order it! I am pretty sure I stole someone’s laptop to place the order!

Then- just yesterday- there was a knock on my door from the postman. He was carrying a large box with the “Penman Hat Co.” written on it! I didn’t know what to think… I JUST PUT IN THE ORDER TWO WEEKS AGO?! It didn’t make sense to me. At first I thought it must be a mistake and it is actually someone elses’ hat… and I should return it to John. But then I decided to take a look. I opened the box, and found the VERY fedora I have been coveting for the past several months! It was a sahara beaver felt fedora styled as a Crystal Skull, but with a slightly larger brim. This couldn’t be just a coincidence. I checked inside the sweatband and found that it was in exactly MY size! This hat HAD to be for me! But there was no way John’s wait list somehow went down to only 2 weeks!!!!

So I called up my Fiancee, Amanda, to tell her what showed up. She told me it was her present to me for our upcoming anniversery (Aug. 19th). I couldn’t believe it! I mean, what a thing for her to buy for me! I was shocked, and deeply touched that she put in so much thought into what to get me. This gift meant a lot to me, not just because it was what I have been wanting but because of who got it for me and for why. This is now easily my most favourite hat, and it is very special to me… just like my Fiancee.

So… the story doesn’t end here. I had to get back at John for keeping this a secret from me for all of this time! I thought we WERE friends!!! So I sent an e-mail to John saying that a package from the Penman Hat Co. showed up at my door today, and knowing that it had to be a mistake, had it returned to sender. Merely a couple of minutes later I got a call from John, who asked me in a panic if I actually did send it back!? Because it was for me! I told him I was just joking and I knew the whole story!

I am grateful that John did keep it a secret, because it wouldn’t have been nearly as good of a surprise if I knew it was coming!

Now getting on to the hat. What can I say? The hat is AMAZING! I don’t think John is capable of work that is not amazing. The sahara felt is by far the softest and floppiest I have ever owned! The ribbon seems to be vintage, with a sort of dark brown/copperish tint to it. It is the perfect match to the felt. The bow is fantastic… very organic.

But we all know how great John’s work is. So I best be putting up some pics for everyone to see!

First, a pic of my lovely Fiancee wearing my new Penman!





And one of me wearing it:


Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:45 pm
by maboot38
Wow, that is an amazing hat! Great work John. Pretty sneaky business though on the part of your fiance. Keep an eye on that one!

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:48 pm
by j2m
Congratulations Jnicktem!
That is one beautiful hat :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
And how you mentioned the way you got it, and from who, makes it even much much more special :D


Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:49 pm
by Indyzane
Wow, that's a awesome hat! Very cool story by the way!

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:41 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Great story and great hat! :clap: Definitely a keeper (and the hat, too). ;)

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:42 pm
by Michaelson
Can't add a thing not already said.

Kudos to all involved. The sahari felts are fantasic hats, be them made by Penman or AB.

The fact she was able to pull it off so quietly speaks volumes to both order sender and craftsman alike.

Well done!

:M: :tup:

HIGH regards! Michaelson

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:01 pm
by BendingOak

I said it over the phone last night but I'll say it again. She is a keeper.

Just on a side note. It was my idea to have her give you the ok to place the order a couple of weeks ago. Just to throw you off a bit. I even got Marc to help out a bit because she wanted some of the specs off of one of his hats. :twisted: I have to say it was fun pulling this off.

Thanks once again for the kind words. It was a joy to make you this hat Nick. It's always a joy to work on hats for people but there is a special joy working a few special people and you are one of them.

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:47 pm
by Luke Warmwater
jnicktem wrote:First, a pic of my lovely Fiancee wearing my new Penman!
You chose wisely.

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:22 pm
by PsychicsAndSwords
Now THAT is an all-around great story.

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:01 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Great hat, great story, wonderful fiance! I am envious (of the hat, mind you). I've been wanting one along that line myself (again, the hat.) :anxious:

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:44 pm
by gwyddion
OK, I'm jealous. Of both the hat and having a woman in your life who would do such a darn cool thing. Don't forget to spoil her: she seems to be worth it ;) :TOH:

Regards, Geert

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:46 pm
by IndyJedi
That's a great story and a fine looking hat, Congratulations! :tup:

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:08 pm
by JC1972
Great story Nick and what a great fiance you have. Oh, and the hat looks great too! :clap: :tup:

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:43 pm
by DR Ulloa
Congrats on the new hat, dude. Looks great on you. And a great story too! Wear it in good health. Good luck on the upcoming nuptials!


Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:59 pm
by WConly
:clap: ! Unbelievable! :clap: ! :clap: ! :clap: ! W>

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:43 am
by beaverlid
I am pretty sappy when it comes to my possessions. I own a few fedoras. My favorite is my AB CS that is now a few years old. I have grown quite attached to my AB. As a matter of fact the AB is the only fedora I wear. I frequently tell my family 60 or 70 years down the road (hopefully) after I have passed, they are going to dig that old hat out of the closet and a flood of memories are going to hit them about me because every memory we have involves that beat up old hat. It goes everywhere I go. It is a good omen and a blessing to receive a hat with such a great story. It will only mean more to you as the years go by and it gets old along with the two of you. :TOH:


Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:13 am
by SpeedRcrX
Congratulations on this beautiful hat and lovely fiancee!

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:33 pm
by jnicktem
Thanks for all of the compliments guys! I do not doubt for a second that I have found the woman for me!
BendingOak wrote:Just on a side note. It was my idea to have her give you the ok to place the order a couple of weeks ago. Just to throw you off a bit. I even got Marc to help out a bit because she wanted some of the specs off of one of his hats. :twisted: I have to say it was fun pulling this off.

Thanks once again for the kind words. It was a joy to make you this hat Nick. It's always a joy to work on hats for people but there is a special joy working a few special people and you are one of them.
I didn't know that about Marc! I knew as soon as I picked the hat up that the brim was slightly larger than a normal CS. I had Marc make me a CS hat with close to Raiders brim dimensions and I loved how it turned out. Even Marc said he wished the movie hats were made with those dimensions.

And thank you John for the kind words. It is a real honour to wear your hats and I am always proud to tell people that my friend, John Penman, made it for me!

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:03 pm
by BendingOak
I'm glad you like it and we had you out numbered 3 to 1. :D

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:04 pm
by Hollowpond
Nice lid! And kudos to all involved with the ruse!!!

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:44 pm
by TheSavoryTrim
She's so pretty. Keeper keeper!

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:19 pm
by Indiana Croft
Soooooooooooooooooooooo Penmans lead times down to two weeks :-k :CR:

Naw just kiddin, thats an awsome story and an awsome Fedora, I like the color combo.
Man so many nice hats, just not sop much money.

Croft :mrgreen:

Re: The Best Present A Guy Could Ask For

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:13 pm
by BendingOak
My lead time goes down to 2 weeks it means I have no orders at all. I doubt that will ever happen. Would be kinda scary but there wouldn't be any stress either.