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Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:55 am
by Mountaineer
I got caught in a frog-drowning rainstorm this morning for a total of about 10-15 seconds, and I thought, "No biggie". I was wearing the lid that Fedora had converted from a homburg and aside from a little muskiness (it was wet animal felt after all) I didn't think anything about it. Then I got into my office.

When I sat the hat down on my desk to dry (brim down) I noticed brown liquid on the desk. Cue the slight bowel-tightening "oh-my-goodness-this-thing-is-ruined" feeling. That 10-15 seconds of rain had soaked into the felt, to the point where it was wet on the underside and some of the brown dye was bleeding out.

I got some paper towels and blotted off the major water and those towels came off with dye as well. I popped out the liner (it was wet too since as the top had soaked through as well) and there was a little brown there. Not much, but a couple of coffee-looking stains where the liner would go under the sweatband.

So, vintage hat owners, is this normal? Something I have to take into account from here on when wearing the hat? Or since this would this the first time I got it this wet, would this be the majority of the bleeding and then less anytime thereafter?

So far, I'm not TOO concerned. I'm concerned, don't get me wrong; just not end-of-days concerned.

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:55 am
by Michaelson
Yep, it's normal for a hat that was dyed using dye powders rather than being dyed in a vat process.

For example, some Stetson's are notorious for doing that.

I was wearing my Temple Stetson years ago while walking my daughters home from school in a rain storm.

They had their umbrellas, and I was under my hat.

My youngest asked me, 'Daddy, are you bleeding?'

I had a small river of brown dye stained water running out of my hat down between my eyes. :?

It's one of those family stories that comes up every now again....the day Dad's hat bled all over his head.... #-o

Back in 2009, Fedora posted the following regarding what to look for in a well made hat. I put in bold the pertinent information"
You know, the flanged, or flared reeded sweat, that you see in some hats has a purpose. It is supposed to help in keeping the sweat from soaking in on the bottom of the brim break. So, you don't get that white line around the brim, when the salt appears.

But many fine Borsalinos and other brands used a totally different kind of sweat. Some of you have probably seen them on old hats. There is no reed, and the only way to install this type of sweat is with a special sewing machine. So, back when I used to get a few in to work on, if I took out the sweat, I had to replace it with a reeded sweat.

The non reeded sweats look nice, and take less labor to make and install them at the factory. But I think they were designed for a cleaner look, not really sure.

The HJs and Christys use a reeded sweat, but they forget to flange them(flare) probably because the reed is not stiff enough to actually make the flare. So, they just sew em' in, without the flare. At least these days. Which also explains why they put the retaining stitches for the sweat right at the brim break. Any higher, with this sweat and the sweatband would be pulled up inside the hat.

To me, the only true sign of a well made hat is if you still own it 20 years after you bought it, and it stood the real test of being reblocked without tearing, somewhere, in those years.

I know of a hatmaker that makes the nicest looking hats, just perfect in the details. But, it's beauty, once it's gone cannot be brought back with a refurb. You generally don't have enough hat to work with, due to the severe shrinkage of the felt. So, beauty sometimes is more than skin deep. So many things to consider when talking about a well made hat.

Some hatmakers use a finishing powder, to even out the color of the felt. Stetson's dress line is this way. But once you get in a rain, that powder tends to leach out and run down your collar, leaving a stain, in my case, a brown stain on my shirt.

And you get a severely mottled hat once the powder is washed out. So, it was used for a purpose. Now, nothing wrong with the powder, as it has been used by hatters for years, and makes the felt look great, as long as you use it for fair weather. But many times, the powder is used to camoflauge a poor quaility felt these days. And one reason Akubra at one time advertised that they did not use the stuff on their hats.

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:46 am
by BendingOak
I agree with M and of course Steve. One thing to add is just because a hat is vintage or old doesn't mean it's great made hat or of high quality. They made hats of all kinds of quality.

Best thing to do with your hat is to baby it a bit. No more rain for that hat.

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:00 am
by Mountaineer
Thanks for the tips you two.

I had gone back and done a little reading on the older posts about this issue and I didn't think it was really bad, just quite unfortunate. I had assumed that this was a pretty solid hat, so it's kind of a bummer that this happened.

What is strange, and why I was lead to believe it was pretty solid hat, is that I've worn this particular hat in heavy snow for long periods of time, and I've not had this problem (nor any taper issues) when the snow melted.

I have another hat (a Keppler that Bending Oak reblocked) and have never had any bleeding with it. I try and rotate the two hats, and today was the vintage hat's day. Guess it failed.

So, I need to search for a new 22 5/8" inch fedora; one that has the great shape this one does, but won't have a problem in the rain because I normally don't baby my lids.

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:46 am
by Michaelson
My Stetson was the same way....snow, rain, no problem at all.....but apparently it hit saturation that one time, and all heck broke loose.

Sounds like yours hit the wall too!

You have a lot of great candidates to choose from that meet your criteria, so enjoy the hunt! :TOH:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:44 pm
by BendingOak
Some felt use really cheap dyes and can bleed during some conditions. Most likely yours is from the powders stated earlier but sometimes it's from cheap dyes. Now most hats won't bleed just from a good soaking but I have had hats sent to me for re-blocks of different labels ( even ones I have owned at one time and thought they were good hats) and when I soaked them in hot water to reblock them they bleed like a stuck pig. :-s heat and lots of water made this hat bleed but I have own this seem label in the past and had it soaked by heavy rain and nothing. I can no longer re-block this label by soaking it with water that's hot.

The felt that steve and I use I can soak for a long time in hot water and not worry one bit. Our felter uses a different dying process than most and never had a problem at all with it. I think that is one of the big reasons steve sticks with them for so long. I know it's a big reason I won't leave them.

Again, I agree that M is right most likely it's a one time deal and shouldn't happen again but to be on the safe side I would have that as a dry day hat.


Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:52 pm
by Michaelson
Agreed, John. That's what I ended up doing with my Stetson. :M: :tup:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:32 pm
by Mountaineer
Thanks again for the responses. Today is the typical summer pop-up rain showers all day, so I'm kind of stuck. No biggie. The hat will either hang in there or die trying. (No pun intended.)

Another thing, I believe I've seen this mentioned by Fedora, is his use of some form of coconut-based waterproofing for his hats. I wonder if it might have been some of that washing out as well? I know he converted this thing, but with his health lately, I'm not running off to bug him with a PM on what he may have done at one time with a hat I'm sure he's long forgotten.

Most likely, it was dye. Hopefully a one-time deal. I'll just have to be careful.

Just looking at all angles/possibilities, but I do appreciate the input from you both.

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:52 pm
by BendingOak
Mountaineer wrote:Thanks again for the responses. Today is the typical summer pop-up rain showers all day, so I'm kind of stuck. No biggie. The hat will either hang in there or die trying. (No pun intended.)

Another thing, I believe I've seen this mentioned by Fedora, is his use of some form of coconut-based waterproofing for his hats. I wonder if it might have been some of that washing out as well? I know he converted this thing, but with his health lately, I'm not running off to bug him with a PM on what he may have done at one time with a hat I'm sure he's long forgotten.

Most likely, it was dye. Hopefully a one-time deal. I'll just have to be careful.

Just looking at all angles/possibilities, but I do appreciate the input from you both.
Not the coconut stuff. I know that though Steve and if it came running of the hat it wouldn't leave any color at all. Its clear and wouldn't really run.

Re: Bleeding Hat (Advice Please)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:11 pm
by Mountaineer
OK. That settles it, bleeding dye. Thanks again for the input.

I did get curious (this is usually what gets me into trouble) when I got home so I had to experiment a little.

I wet a paper towel and proceeded to brush it around the hat and got a little more of the dye out. Performed the same "test" with a second damp paper towel, and the second came out less brown than the first. The third time was with a dry paper towel and it came out pretty clean.

I figured, if it really gets messed up, then it's either just "distressed" or I can add some fuller's earth to mask it. So far, so good. No mottling.

This hat was a bargain when I got it from Fedora via the bazaar, it was less than any "new" hat on the market, and it got a TON of wear.

I'm slightly bummed that it seemingly has this Achilles's heel; but hey, it's just a hat.