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4th of July popping

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:30 pm
by hit80s
I got up this am and popped 235 times to celabrate Americas birthday !

Re: 4th of July popping

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:45 pm
by McFly
:whip: :lol: Nice!! :tup:

I always like cracking whips on the 4th of July. With all the explosives going off around the neighborhood, I feel like there's less of a chance of the police stopping by my place to say "hi." :lol:


Re: 4th of July popping

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:14 pm
by Indiana Joe
I also like to crack on July 4.
But do NOT do it after drinking! In 2005 I was doing "power cracks" in the back yard b/c the next door neighbors had fireworks going and, after about 15 minutes, I sliced my ear. I dropped to my knees with a new definition of pain! :shock:
I've never done that again.