Page 1 of 1 jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:41 pm
by Texan Scott
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:44 pm
by jnicktem
I know just what you mean! I just received my TNO Surrogates jacket and it has been in the 100's ever since I got it! I can only wear it inside and it's really bothering me!
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:45 pm
by Texan Scott
....I love the smell of burnt animal hide in the morning!

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:14 pm
by enigmata_wood
I have a cotton Wested, I waxed it to LOOK leather and it's not hot to wear at all.
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:12 pm
by Texan Scott
Looks like you have the jacket by the tail, Woody!
With unusually high spring winds & no moisture, conditions have been ripe for fires, and have we had them! I used to say it's just a big rancher having a BBQ, but may-an, it's kinda smokey out there! Dry roasted!

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:28 pm
by fifthchamber
Wood! You're in the UK!
I'm a Londoner, but although it gets "hot" in the London summer, it's not "HOT"....Here in Japan it's still rainy season officially, not "HOT" just yet, and it really isn't..But it's up to 30 degrees now...As soon as the rainy season we'll throw in the humidity too....Most days close to 80-90% in Tokyo...And temperatures of over 38 being being commonplace...Anything more than a vest and you're pushing it...(But then you need to avoid the killer mosquitos which live here..So..)..
For the record, I stopped wearing my Jacket last week for any long trip...It hit 29 and became useless for the trip to work...(Still worn when it gets dark or for small trips/dates/etc...)..
The fed is still being worn though...Nowhere near hot enough to leave that at home...And I'm still in suits and ties with it...So I'm holding on.....Anything over 100f is insane (Unless it's dry heat, which makes it a touch easier!)..

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:38 pm
by Indyzane
Well I'm at the opposite end of the temperature scale around here. My pools water temperature is warmer than my 10 day forecast! Also my pool was steaming like a hot tub on a January night last week! Seriously last Sunday night it was 34 in Park City? We've had three times the amount of snow than usual this year. Two ski resorts just opened for summer skiing!? Snowbird and Snowbasin will be open for the 4th of July! So I can go play a round of golf, launch the boat and water ski, then go hit the slopes and turn and burn on the snow all in one day! Seriously!
Here a picture of my car in my neighborhood I took for ya!
Well at least I'll be wearing my Indy jackets all year this year!
Cheers, time for some hot chocolate! Burr......
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:40 pm
by Weston
Similar to Indyzanes experience, we have had the complete opposite here in the Pacific Northwest, in fact the coldest spring in many decades. Cold, wet, and rainy everyday this spring. Farmers are worried that the wheat will rot before it can be harvested, and the wine makers are worried about the vinyards.
It's been great weather for leather jackets though!
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:51 pm
by Texan Scott this new G&B that's burning a hole in my pocket!

bbNepal is sounding good these days...

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:35 pm
by fenris
105-degrees??? Holy cow, TS!
I don't think it ever got that hot here even in the summer. And I complain about 80-degree weather... Our main problem is actually the humidity. Which makes you feel sweaty and sticky all over. jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:36 pm
by 61ButteMT
Cooler than normal here in SoCal, and I'm milking every day with a different jacket.
At some point, I'll get strange looks and realize it's time to give it up. Sadly, I got a bunch of new ones this spring, so I'm NOT waitin' for fall! Unless my wife hides them from me due to embarrassment!
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:42 pm
by CM
Hot - here in summer we get to 113-degrees and hotter. But humidty is the killer, even at 80.
And now at night it gets down to 43 degrees - we're in winter.
I can only wear a leather jacket comfortably for about 16 weeks of the year.
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:01 am
by Long John Tinfoil
61ButteMT wrote:Cooler than normal here in SoCal, and I'm milking every day with a different jacket.
At some point, I'll get strange looks and realize it's time to give it up. Sadly, I got a bunch of new ones this spring, so I'm NOT waitin' for fall! Unless my wife hides them from me due to embarrassment!
Just a little curious here, and if it's too personal you can just tell me to take a hike

, but...

I mean....
Do you have much of an audience when you're milking?

Or is it the cows that'll give you the strange looks? If it is the cows, why does that embarrass your wife?
LJ jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:26 am
by 61ButteMT
D**n! I guess it did sound funny, but I'm STRETCHING the cool weather out to keep the jackets in rotation.
I have to quit posting while I'm working

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:32 am
by Long John Tinfoil
Aha! Now I understand...
I guess I've been living in a rural area a bit too long...

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:11 am
by Ian

...In the UK you can pretty much always wear your jacket..Esp in the North.
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:50 am
by Zoltar
Ian wrote:
...In the UK you can pretty much always wear your jacket..Esp in the North.
Second that my friend, I wear leather all year round.
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:27 am
by fifthchamber
Yup...Ian.....I am now officially a hater of Englishmen IN England...
Just so ya know mate...
(Japanese summer kills me...This year will be worse too, since air con is on reduced levels or not at all due to the Fukushima problems and not much energy to go around...So...I'll be dead...Or lying in a puddle of sweat under a fedora with a grip on a jacket in a month or so.. LOL

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:44 am
by enigmata_wood
Yes I must admit we are 'blessed' with a Temperate Climate [read, unpredictable,wet and windy all year round] here in the British Isles.
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:12 am
by fifthchamber
Trust me, ya miss it when you're NOT there....I'd die for a fresh summer day here...Although Winter is lovely...

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:10 am
by enigmata_wood
Fifthchamber, actually I do like it here. The weather allows me to wear all my favourite clothes most of the year, not just Indy stuff - I can indulge my passion for Victoriana. In any other country I'd look out of place, here I'm just taken to be eccentric, perhaps a penurous aristocrat

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:38 am
by jnicktem
2 days ago it was 104 degrees with HIGH humidity (one of the reasons I hate MN... winters are freezing and summers are humid. Lose/Lose) and today it is currently 53 with low humidity!
I can finally wear my new TNO!

Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:15 pm
by Soup
_ wrote:I do miss the temperate Seattle weather. Everything is green - and there's a reason! But if the mood hit you, the mountains were never more than 30 minutes away. At 8,000 feeet, Paradise (Mt Rainier) was always cool enough to wear a jacket and the beauty of the alpine scenery - well, cornfields in Indiana just don't measure up...
Grew up outside of Indy, your right, cornfields, they all look the same. You won't find any better sweet corn to eat though...
Re: jacket, but it's H-O-T outside!....
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:24 pm
by Texan Scott
I remember flying into Seattle once and seeing nothing but a mountain peak above the clouds. Then caught a puddle jumper to Vancouver and the view of the countryside will stay with me always. That was amazing.