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Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:20 pm
by Adventure Dog
This morning the woman sitting next to me in church stopped me after the service and told me how much she liked my Magnoli bag. She'd been pondering what it was for originally because she knew it was a surplus because of the date stamp in the top flap. She thought it might have been a Courier bag, but knew immediately what I was talking about when I mentioned it was a British Gas Mask bag. It was a pleasant conversation and I was surprised someone found the bag appealing that wasn't "in the know"
THEN, when a certain lady friend was rifling through the shoes in my closet when she came across my Todd's Indy Boots and demanded that I wear them more often. Noted.
And finally.
People of a certain style always compliment my Adventurebilt shirt when I wear it. They like every detail about it and tell me so directly. I understand why.
We all get compliments and envious looks when we wear the hat or the jacket. My question is this: What compliments do you guys get with the general stuff? Shirt, boots, pants, belts, gloves... anything. What kind of praise (or looks of disgust) do you get when you wear the gear?
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:41 pm
by donovan
has to be the aldens for me,living in the UK alden405's are a rare sight, so whenever i wear mine they do get the compliments.People dont get the indy connection but they recognise a good high quality pair of boots.

Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:44 am
by Chewbacca Jones
Mostly, it's the jacket for me. I don't have anything that's heavily distressed, so I get a lot of "that's a nice jacket" comments. If I go someplace where military types are in abundance, however - like an armed forces flea market or whatever - the bag is always the star. I've met american vets who carry a british mark vii everywhere... just like me.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:04 am
by Gorak
Individually, I have recieved many compliments (and still do) on the bag. In the wierdest places too..Recently, I was looking around at Express for Men...if anyone doesnt know, they come off as a very high end, super trendy Metrosexual type of place...lots of slim fit suits with pastel slim fit dress shirts, skinny ties, you get the idea...not a stitch of vintage, or olive drab in the entire store, Mens or womens of the cashiers came over to look at my bag and this drew several others and before you knew it, I had a small swarm of employees and customers all listening intently as I explained what the bag was and its significance. They loved it too! That was a very wierd out of place moment for me.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:58 pm
by IndyRiv
Unfortunately I've had mostly bad experiences with much of my gear. I don't venture to wear my Wested trousers much but I do wear a pair of baggy OG-507 army trousers a lot for more casual wear and get a lot of unappealing stares from folks in my community. Apparently, it's too "grunge" and "survivalist" for them as well as "uncivilized". Even my closest friends, I can tell, feel uncomfortable being around me when I come around wearing them.

Nothing, however, will change me from wearing those - they're the absolute best pair of pants I've ever worn in my entire life and I snatch them up like hot-cakes when I get a chance to make sure I have an ample supply when one pair wears out.
Onto the jacket - this one is ok with society. I don't get too many looks on that one. The shirt - I really don't wear it much so those waters haven't been tested much. The boots - I get some looks at those too that are unappealing and I even got comments by some kids once that I looked like a clown because they looked like clown boots!

Perhaps it's because they border between dress and work that gets to people - either they have to look like rugged industrial boots or be polished to a shine as dress.
Now, the BIGGEST thing that I've gotten the most weird looks at is the fedora. My mom's gotten me when I visit to the point where I'm very hesitant to wear them outside much less to somewhere. Everytime I come up, having worked up the guts to wear it out, she asks me, with the signature tone, if I'm going to wear that to this or that. Realizing her message in the undertone, I put the hat back on the stand.

I did try wearing it a friend's wedding recently and got myself to wear it a block when I walked to the church. I had hot chicks look at me like I was a complete dork and even a fairly close acquaintance looked at me the same way. Needless to say, it never made it into the reception and I haven't worn anywhere else since. A few older ladies and gentlemen in my community though did comment on how nice it was and how "dapper" I looked which was kind of cool.
Lastly, the bag. My mom's "positive" comments are always a joy

. Everytime I bring it and have it draped by my side, she points out that I'm wearing "the purse" somewhere. I joke back that it's a European carry-all but deep down it does hit me hard.
What really saddens and upsets me is that I bought and invested a lot of money into these items to wear and enjoy and while many have faired far better than I have, to get the comments and looks I have is quite disheartening and depressing and tends to bring me one step closer to never ever wearing this gear anywhere. Perhaps if I saw more people around my area wearing something similar (such as the hat), I might feel more comfortable, but I've NEVER seen ANYONE EVER wearing a fedora or anything similar.
So that's my story on the gear. If anyone needs to see a psychiatrist after reading this, I fully understand but all bills will be returned to sender.

Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:31 am
by indydude18
So that's my story on the gear. If anyone needs to see a psychiatrist after reading this, I fully understand but all bills will be returned to sender.
I know a GREAT place!

Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:55 am
by Gorak
Indyriv, the biggest peice of gear any gearhead has to wear is "confidence". Believe it or not, most predators feed on your fear and they all feel it when you are in gear. Wear your gear like if you have always worn it all your life. Dont fiddle with it, draw attention to it or mess with it in any way. Think about how you wear those pants you love so much...cuz your comfortable and no longer even think of them.
Same with the gear. Just put it on and forget about it...if and when anyone makes a comment just tip your hat to them, when your mother makes acomment about your purse just look down at the bag and say, "oh yeah..." Like u forgot it was even there. They will eventually accept it and sokn wonder why you arent wearing your hat today.
And one last thing, remember that you are somewhat dressing like Indiana Jones...have a sense of humor about yourself. Be honest and real with yourself about what you are doing and stop beating yourself over it. I am over 40 years old..dress in full gear at least once a week (sans weapons rig), wear bits and pieces most of the rest of the week and I am loving life. My wife finially stopped calling it a purse BUT the cycle 2 year daughter showed me her new purse yesterday and says," Now I have a purse, mommy has a purse and daddy has a purse" and she was so serious and I loved it cuz when we are leaving and I am not in gear, she will come dragging it saying daddy, dont forget your Inbiana dones purse"
Just dont take yourself so serious and know that others may not get it....ever. But so what? Enjoy life on your terms...
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:08 am
by donovan
you make some good points Gorak and i agree confidence is the key ingredient -what first drew me to the 'indy style' of dress was i was fed up dressing the same as everyone else jeans & white tennis shoes (nothing wrong with that , but i wanted to be different).i to felt very conspicuous just walking round in the jacket,pants and boots but now think nothing of it .i threw out all my blue jeans and if i was to wear a pair of jeans now my family would think something was wrong with me. also there are other small groups in society who dress in a far more extreme way than the indy look ,take for example the people who are into the gothic scene and dress from head to toe in black !
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:40 am
by darthinvictus
Riv.... What can I say? I felt sick to my stomach reading that. No reflection on you mate. Just bothers me to see the clones winning, I cannot imagine what it must be like to notice these things, That is to say I am sure our 2 hoods cannot be that different but I just cannot for the life of me care what sheep think. I dunno what else to say except live your life in color amigo, cows are for tipping not taking fashion advice from.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:15 am
by Gorak
Right there with you , Donovan. While my wife would rather I dress in clothing from American Eagle or Ambercrombie, she herself has reluctantly admitted that she loves that in a crowd of clone men, her man is unique in that big brown beat up fedora. We go to a festival or something and she herself will tell me,"Look at all these guys....majority jeans, tennis, baseball caps in some form or another"
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:12 pm
by Adventure Dog
Indyriv, I'm real sorry to hear that. That really stinks. It also upsets me that your family is... Well, I don't know them, to me they seem... Unhelpful. My family joked about the bag for a while, I was teased for the hat... Some people don't understand the style, but I agree 100% with the other guys: Confidence is key. Plus, ladies love a swagger. When I wear a vest and my hat, ain't nothing in the world stopping me from feeling like King of the Corner.
Gorak, now don't be dissing on me and my Levi's. My usual go to hat is a baseball cap that I found for 3 dollars. Until I get my Penman, I'll just have to stick out as the tallish guy in the crowd wearing an Irish driving cap or a green Baseball cap.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:40 pm
by Gorak
No dissing intended.....some guys look very good in a cap. I know I can`t pull off the look.
And most everyone has told me that I look much better in a newsboy or driving cap than a fedora so I wear those also sometimes.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:42 pm
by lantzn
IndyRiv all I can say is how the heck old is your mother to think she feels the need to criticize your interest in Indy gear. It sound like she has too many insecurities in feeling her son's appearance might affect her in public. My older sister criticized me all of my youth and with her being in the "popular" crowd I thought it mattered. My stepfather was abusive and struck fear in me as well.
As I got older I started to break out of the control of how others made me feel insecure. I began to realize that I really didn't give a #### what other people thought of me. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone physically then so what. Now I'm my own man and I do as I please. If someone thinks it looks wrong, that's their problem, not mine. When I get a compliment I give a big thank you.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:17 pm
by Hoagy
IndyRiv, you struck more than a few chords with me mate. As an ex-goth, I have no problem getting dressed up, having people turning their heads at me, whether to laugh, think I look 'cool' or whatever, I don't care anymore. I do what makes me happy. You should too. I'm a singer in a metal band. My dad is still convinced its a 'stage' i'm going through, even though it's been going on for about 20 years now. I have long black hair and tattoos, and it still amazes me how ignorant some people can still be in this day and age. I remember my ex-wife's parents actually telling me they were embarrassed to have me walk out of their house for fear of 'what the neighbors will think'. At the end of the day, do what makes you happy. You're not hurting anyone, and those people who make off the cuff comments are usually doing it because they don't understand, so they do whats easiest when faced with something they don't get - they criticize. Lets face it, would your mom rather you wear the gear, or be in an alleyway doing drugs or something? I applaud you man, for having an interest in something thats a little bit outside the box and fun. Don't let people pull you down! There is a community of like-minded individuals here that understand, so you're not alone!

Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:28 am
by FaustianSlip
Riv, that stinks. It's too bad your mom can't just let you enjoy wearing what you want to wear. My own mom gets like that occasionally, even now, and I'm rapidly closing in on thirty! My stock answer these days is, "Fortunately for both of us, I'm old enough to wear what I want without it reflecting on you and without having to spend all my time worrying about what you think!" I say it with a smile, but that usually puts a stop to it. I love my mother dearly and value her opinion, but if I want an opinion on my wardrobe, I'll ask for it.
As far as people in your neighborhood, who gives a toss what they think? Personally, as someone of the female persuasion, I think fedoras can be hot when they're worn with confidence. Don't worry what other people make of you- there's a fair chance some of the looks you think you're getting aren't really directed at you or what you're wearing at all. And if all else fails, get yourself to Crown Heights in Brooklyn and hang out with some Hasidic Jews- those guys appreciate a good hat!
For me, the random encounters I've had with people as a result of wearing some kind of geeky t-shirt or hat (usually a
Star Trek shirt I have, but not always) have been totally worth occasional teasing from family and/or friends. Fly your freak flag proudly, is what I say.

Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:43 pm
by RaidersBash
Gorak wrote:Indyriv, the biggest peice of gear any gearhead has to wear is "confidence". Believe it or not, most predators feed on your fear and they all feel it when you are in gear. Wear your gear like if you have always worn it all your life. Dont fiddle with it, draw attention to it or mess with it in any way. Think about how you wear those pants you love so much...cuz your comfortable and no longer even think of them.
Same with the gear. Just put it on and forget about it...if and when anyone makes a comment just tip your hat to them, when your mother makes acomment about your purse just look down at the bag and say, "oh yeah..." Like u forgot it was even there. They will eventually accept it and sokn wonder why you arent wearing your hat today.
And one last thing, remember that you are somewhat dressing like Indiana Jones...have a sense of humor about yourself. Be honest and real with yourself about what you are doing and stop beating yourself over it. I am over 40 years old..dress in full gear at least once a week (sans weapons rig), wear bits and pieces most of the rest of the week and I am loving life. My wife finially stopped calling it a purse BUT the cycle 2 year daughter showed me her new purse yesterday and says," Now I have a purse, mommy has a purse and daddy has a purse" and she was so serious and I loved it cuz when we are leaving and I am not in gear, she will come dragging it saying daddy, dont forget your Inbiana dones purse"
Just dont take yourself so serious and know that others may not get it....ever. But so what? Enjoy life on your terms...
+1 on that.
I also wear it all the time (minus the bag but I usually have it in the car carrying stuff). Some people comment on the hat, but most think it's a cowboy hat (doh!) someone from time to time might make the Indy reference, but more often than not people ask "where my hat is" if I'm NOT wearing it. I get compliments on the hat all the time, and even had a guy in walmart the other day ask me where to get one because he's been looking for years for a hat "Just Like That!" (Fed III deluxe redone by Johnny P).
Wear it with pride. This is my hat, just like those pants you like so much Riv...those are you're pants and if they don't like it they know where they can go. My wife still loves me despite my nerdiness (i think she loves me because of it).
Confidence is key. Be who you are. I like it because at least to me it's more original than what anyone else is wearing (even if we are copying our hero).
It takes a lot more confidence to dress apart from everyone else than it does to look like the masses.
Oh yeah, someone at work also was really digging my boots too, because they looked sorta dressy but sorta not.

Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:18 pm
by Indiana Greg
RaidersBash wrote:...My wife still loves me despite my nerdiness (i think she loves me because of it).

"...we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo -
"Les Miserables" 
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:44 pm
by Indiana Bugs
I wear my Fed III or IV, and Mk VII everywhere so its like second skin to me. I never think about them so I assume I am perceived positively. I get very few rude remarks.
The other day I wore a gray porkpie and some j***-off made an Ed Norton comment. I responded that Norton didn't wear a porkpie, it was actually a beat-up fedora.
About a month ago I got an exact duplicate of an old beat-up photo vest I had been wearing for years. The old one was dark gray (originally black). The new one is khaki, and combined with my usual brown fedora, Mk VII bag, and overall earth-tone look, I've been getting positive comments on the outfit, most having to do with looking like I'm ready for adventure, which is pretty cool.
Basically, you just have to wear it naturally, and what helps that happen in your head is to not give a rat's patoot about what other people think.
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:16 am
by Luke Warmwater
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:02 am
by Michaelson
Hoagy wrote:IndyRiv, you struck more than a few chords with me mate. As an ex-goth, I have no problem getting dressed up, having people turning their heads at me, whether to laugh, think I look 'cool' or whatever, I don't care anymore.....
I've told this one on myself before, but you saying that makes me want to repeat it.....
I was in a Hot Topics store looking for presents for my daughters many years ago, and once I made my selection, I walked up the counter to make my purchase. I was wearing my usual AB fedora and leather jacket at the time.
The young lady at the register was a goth type (not overly goth, but enough to get the idea), and had enough face jewelery in her face to make a replacement fendor for my Plymouth. Her hair was jet black, and had heavy black eyeliner. She was also completely dressed in black.
As she scanned my items, she stopped, looked me right in the eye and said, 'Mister, does it bother you to have to deal with someone who looks like me?"
I looked right back at her and said, 'Not if it doesn't bother you to have to deal with an old guy dressed like Indiana Jones."
She paused for a second, then a HUGE smile spread across her face.
"Mister", she said, "I LIKE you!"
We parted with big smiles on our faces, both feeling better for the exchange.
People are just people. You should deal with them one at a time rather than as a group. You'll be glad you did.
Personally, I wear 'Michaelson gear' everyday. Seems to work for me.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:22 am
by whipcracker
Now THAT'S a cool story. Michaelson, I bet that made her day, who knows difference that made in her life. Yep, one person at a time and "judge not lest..." changes the world. That, I think is very SA!
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:03 pm
by PsychicsAndSwords
I think back when I first got into this hobby, a decade or so ago, I was pretty self-conscious about it and got a lot of comments. Of course it doesn't help that I was a miserable teenager at the time.

Then, this and that happened, I stopped with the hobby and sold a lot of stuff off, and only recently got back into it. And nowadays I just don't care.
And honestly? I
really don't understand the people who get up in arms about what other people (neighbors or whatever) might
hypothetically think about associating with so-and-so. The whole thing is just so ridiculous to me.
Like Michaelson said, people are just people. We all have our ridiculous little quirks, behaviors, beliefs, etc, and should just get over it and be more accepting. That's something I've learned the hard way, from my own mistakes, over the years. Most people, when you get right down to it, are good people.
And if someone compliments my stuff, cool. If not? Too bad, that's their problem. *shrug*
Re: Complements on the general gear
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:17 pm
by whipitgood
IndyRiv wrote:The boots - I get some looks at those too that are unappealing and I even got comments by some kids once that I looked like a clown because they looked like clown boots!

Perhaps it's because they border between dress and work that gets to people - either they have to look like rugged industrial boots or be polished to a shine as dress.

I get compliments whenever I wear my Aldens. I find that a lot of women really like them and frequently get asked what kind of shoes they are. I can understand young kids not digging them, but currently these boots are in fashion. J. Crew even sells them. This is weird to me, because all the hipsters drool over mine.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:15 am
by afterthedog
I got the greatest reaction ever on my AB just about a week ago. My family and I took a trip to Branson, MO for 4th of July week. While we were there we visited Silver Dollar City - kind of a backwoods Ozarks theme park for those of you who don't know.
On all of their thrill rides they have an absolute policy of not allowing any loose items on the ride, which meant the AB had to be set aside in a little cubby every time I got on a ride (made me a little nervous). On one ride - called "Fire in the Hole" - one of the ride attendants offered to put my hat away for me. I accepted his offer, then noticed his reaction to it. He started turning it over and over in his hands, looking inside at the liner, feeling the felt, generally inspecting it in a way that no casual observer ever would before he put it in the cubby (carefully and without crushing it I might add). So, without a word spoken about it, I got the best compliment I have ever had on my fedora.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:16 pm
by Aragorn658
Ive had very similar things happen once i started wearing the todds raider and satchel. Even to work and i work as a meat wrapper/clerk in a grocery store i wear my bag and hat and try not to care but...its grows on me. Im sick of people asking if its Halloween or to watch out for the boulder, they even made a new name tag that says "Indy." And in some re-guard i don't care but after time i just get sick of hearing it. I just dont get why i get @#$% for trying to be like the coolest hero ever. I dunno its so weird that people even care, ya know?
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:50 pm
by backstagejack
I once had a guy that I was in a play with like my Mrk VII so much that he went to the nearest surplus store and bought the closest thing he could find to it and fashioned a strap for it, lol.
Usually, I get "nice jacket". Once was told I looked like a WWII Secret Agent when I was wearing the jacket with a black Tshirt.
My ex gf loved my azuma LC shirt on me....
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:14 am
by youngjedi71
Thing are dressing like a very recognizable character that millions of people know. YES it *** being called Indy all the time OR being asked "where's your whip?"...OR...hearing people humming the Raiders March..AND the "Why you dress like that?" ect ect ...sure its old,gets on my nerves. Only one or 2 people have really said anything. And one works with my wife and the other is my nephew.
Ive still yet to wear my satchel. I know that with my hat will be instant looks and comments. AND NOBODY in my small town that knows me has EVER seen me in any such get up..EVER..Even my ex bro-in-law of 16 years seen me in walmart the other day and commented on my clothes. I was wearing some greyish slacks,some black slip on casual dress shoes, and a button up shirt..and he was like looking at me like I was crazy asking "why you dressed so warm?" and whatever..I was like hu? I dont know this is how I dress now..I dont wear jeans and @#$% anymore..NOW if I would have had my hat on? would have been more looks and more comments..enough to make me puke im sure..
Thing day going to actually wear my satchel..just havent decided when or where....I have been thinking though, people wear jerseys all the time. From bball to football. People wear caps with ball teams on them. ball player shoes...Im thinking , should I start asking them if they play proball? are you Jordan? you play for the Patriots? lol..I mean, its kind of the same thing right? ONLY worse...we dont really have INDY on our why call us Indy? They have players names, numbers all over them..LOL!! dumb..people just dumb..
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:29 am
by fenris
I've had only 2 compliments for the hat. The bag... well, my kids love it. I've only worn my Todd's jacket once in public, but I assume it would be a hit as leather jackets are so rare here.
I think as long as the hat and jacket aren't together, nobody would see the Indy connection.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:46 am
by bish
I wear my satchel all the time now. It so nice to have something to hold stuff I might need. I just wish I had the money right now for one of Wade's leather ones. But I haven't gotten any negative comments at all and personally I wouldn't care. My girlfriend and I call it my "man-bag".
I don't have real Aldens but I wear my Lands End Crosby's all the time now as they are just comfortable. No one has really taken a notice of them either, other than my girlfriend and she likes them. I don't have an Indy fedora yet either but I wore my green stingy fedora on St Patricks day and got nothing but compliments. I'll definitely wear my Indy fedora when it arrives. I haven't told my girl friend yet that it's coming so I can surprise her wearing it after I receive it.
I've always enjoyed wearing what is first comfortable, but also unique to my style. If someone doesn't like it too bad. In fact I'd say the fact that I am my own person is what attracts my girlfriend to me and me to her.
Enjoy your investment. I'll bet every time you wear your stuff out in public there is someone out there that sees you and wishes they could wear it too.
- bish

Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:41 am
by indyclone
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:15 am
by Adirondack Jones
I've gotten that comment a few times as well..."My grandfather used to wear a hat like that." I've never actually had a negative comment about the hat/jacket combo.
Last year, my wife and I were at Lowes and while she was checking out, I went outside. The guy at the register said to her, "Does your husband always dress like Indiana Jones."
"Yeah, " she said, "pretty much all the time."
He replied, "I've got a brother in Pennsylvania who's the same way."
So, there you go. What goes around comes around.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:12 am
by Aragorn658
thanks guys totally feel better.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:21 pm
by AZ Pete
I don't have too much gear yet. Only the things that are practical for me and I like. I have a Magnoli Bag that I take to work every day. It is a great all-purpose bag. I also have a vintage MKVII in need of repair so I don't take that around too much. I have had the Mag bag for so long that I rarely get comments anymore. It has just become a part of me. Nobody seems to notice. When I do get comments, they are usually positive, with the exception of the typical man-purse comments. That does not bother me though. I used to get that with a laptop bag as well!
I also have a fedora (both a Fed IV and Penman). I wear the Penman all the time (the Fed IV is in semi-retirement after years of great use). I get the occasional look or comment but nothing too dramatic (mostly just curiosity). Like some others have posted, I get positive comments from older folks reminiscing. The younger kids sometimes ask me if I am a cowboy. I like that because of the innocence. My 13-year old daughter would prefer that I not wear it but she is out of luck. I wear it because I want to wear it, not for anyone else.
One thing I would like to say to those self-conscious about wearing hats in public is that it is important to give your hat character that fits your personality. Now, I know that SA is important to some, but I also think it is a good idea to make the hat YOUR hat. I believe that goes a long way in getting the hat to blend with you. I have taken my Penman from an pristine CS style to more of my own style. It continues to evolve, as it should. Make it your own and wear it often and you will see that the comments will become few and far between.
If you are going to own the gear, wear it with confidence and, by all means, enjoy it!
AZ Pete
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:24 pm
by MS Jones
I get looks all the time, but have never had a negative comment. On the contrary, most comments, from the young and the old are always long the lines of "that's a really cool hat." I actually had a group of teenage girls approach me in Walmart when I first moved here. They told me how awesome I was dressed, said I had the coolest hat they had ever seen, and wanted to introduce me to their other friend that wasn't there but needed a prom date. I scared them, I think, when I laughed almost hysterically, told them I was flattered, but I was also 27 years old (when this happened) and married. They ran away looking horrified. What a wonderful memory to carry. Anyway, the reason, and the difference is, as has been stated, confidence. I wear this hat, and these old dickies duck work jeans, and whatever of my many earth-tone tee shirts or button shirts, like I was born with them on. I have a beautiful wife that loves my style, and I don't care about the opinion of anyone but her and God. And as far as the ladies go, as a gearhead, let's be honest: if a woman isn't attracted to a man dressed like Jones, do you really think you need her? Cheers.
Sent from my ZT ICS using Tapatalk
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:22 pm
by backstagejack
I've received many comments from older people about the hat. They love it. I also smoke a pipe as well and get lots of "You remind me of my grandfather", LOL.
I live in a small town in Texas and wear my hat when the weather is appropriate. Thinking on getting a straw hat for the summer.....any gf's I've had love it.
at times I've received "nice cowboy hat" lol. I also take my hat off indoors which might cut down on the comments.
But I rarely wear the entire gear together for a normal day and mostly wear a carbon grey fed instead of the brown.
How I see it is, I'm not Indiana Jones and try to incorporate what I DO like about his style into my own style.
Not that there is anything wrong with wearing the whole gear together on a normal basis.

Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:38 am
I wear either the bag or my jacket,never have worn them "together" but...once I got a compliment,of sorts,when biking to local library and this teenager passes me with a friend, also on bikes and after they´re way behind me I hear this comment, "I want same kind of jacket." I remember that because it was the first times I wore my Wested.Although I own the shirt too,I have worn it only on "special occasions"

like birthdays and such.I think I´d have couple of more shirts so I could leave one in reserve.AND to Indy Riv that stinks,what I red and understand completely.Things like that happen because simply people do not wear such clothing no more.Like felt hats over here are really a rarity.But remarks about boots...

all in all, I´d say YOU wear what YOU want to...with confidence! Make THEM to get use to you!

Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:50 am
by Adirondack Jones
I was working out int he garage the other day and remembered I had a prescription to pick up over at the local pharmacy. When I walked in the pharmacist said, "Jez, I almost didn't recognize you without your hat."
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:56 pm
by Indiana Bugs
I was thinking about what people call a bag that a man carries. None of them seem to be particularly flattering - man purse, satchel, etc. I just remembered what I call mine, especially when asking my wife if she's seen it (I'm a chronic misplacer). 'Have you seen my green bag?' It's a bag. It's green.
Mine is so faded that my wife started calling it the 'yellow bag.' That stopped when I pointed out to her that it is (based on) army surplus) and is olive or khaki or basically green.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:23 pm
by Aragorn658
does anyone wear their fedora and satchel when ever they leave the house? i do
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:27 pm
by Adirondack Jones
fedora, yes. Sachel, no.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:28 pm
by CaptainKatanga
I have had several positive comments on my Penman Raiders Rabbit, of course. But, I have also had a few positive inquiries on my Magnoli bag. The most recent was an older fellow at Best Buy who walked up to me out of the blue and asked where I got my bag. I told him it was a replica of a british gas mask bag and the web address where I ordered it. I had the feeling that he would really like to get one, but he didn't seem comfortable with the idea of ordering online.
High Regards,
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:13 pm
by Indy's brother
I sport the CS back pack whenever I can, but nobody seems to notice. The only other Indy piece I take out in public is my clover lighter. It gets compliments regularly, but as of yet no one has identified it on their own, I always explain it, but usually people kind of tune out, disinterested. I have also quit handing it over to people to let them check it out. They always want to flip it around with the snapping it open trick, and it's just a matter of time before some one drops it and scuffs it all up for me. Kind of related to this thread, though, my Zombieland hat from Real Deal Brazil gets a LOT of attention and compliments.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:12 am
by afterthedog
Aragorn658 wrote:does anyone wear their fedora and satchel when ever they leave the house? i do
My fedora is on my head pretty much every time I leave the house other than for work ( I work construction, and even though my AB may be tough as nails, I don't need to destroy it on a job site). My mark VII, however, goes with me to work every day, but stays in the work van.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:23 am
by littledragon88
Funny thing, I wore my Fedora and Aldens on the plane back from Jordan this easter. The security officer at Frankfurt airport recognized these instantly and became very excited, I bet he was another Indy fan!
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:18 am
by Aragorn658
Well no joking aside I caryy my stachel everywhere because its my baby bag haha. Honestly I'm a stay at home dad and I hate my wifes baby bag because its HUGE and bulky. And carrying my satchel like this is just another way for me to dress like indy.
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:33 pm
by fenris
Aragorn658 wrote:Well no joking aside I caryy my stachel everywhere because its my baby bag haha. Honestly I'm a stay at home dad and I hate my wifes baby bag because its HUGE and bulky. And carrying my satchel like this is just another way for me to dress like indy.
We're the same. I carry diapers and extra clothes for my toddler in my bag... It's not an actual Indy bag, but the dimensions are basically the same.
I used to go out wearing the hat and the bag. I don't think people over here recognize the bag, but they sure recognize the fedora. I can go out with the jacket and bag and no one would make the Indy connection; but with the fedora alone, the Indy connection is instantly recognizable (well, most of the time... Other times I'm a "cowboy").
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:36 pm
by Aragorn658
I get cowboy ALL the time, and I never get it haha. I have a fedora and a satchel! Come on lol!
Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:40 pm
by Michaelson
Pony express rider?

Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:02 pm
by backstagejack
Aragorn658 wrote:I get cowboy ALL the time, and I never get it haha. I have a fedora and a satchel! Come on lol!
Yeah, I always find that funny. Especially because I live in Texas

Re: Compliments on the general gear
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 10:12 pm
by Aragorn658
Well I was at the mall today and a little boy look up and pointed at me (me in hat and satchel) and said "I want that hat and stuff" lol there is hope for the future.