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New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:57 pm
by rawvoodoo
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:05 pm
by kwad
It's a beauty!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:15 pm
by riku1914
that's a nice whip you got coming there

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:12 pm
by DarenHenryW
Beautiful! Is it a "Golden DM"?
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:43 pm
by InexorableTash
*paces impatiently, waiting for similar mail from Bernardo*
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:58 pm
by riku1914
InexorableTash wrote:*paces impatiently, waiting for similar mail from Bernardo*
We all know the feeling. Whether it's something that can be shipped the day your order it or something you need to wait for, it
seems SO much longer than it actually takes
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:15 am
by InexorableTash
Ah, if only was still around, and delivering bullwhips alongside pints of ice cream.
Lovely whip, though!
(And don't worry, Bernardo, I'm just having a lark here. All in good time.)
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:53 am
by rawvoodoo
Thanks everyone. The wait has been a bit longer than I anticipated but I'm sure it wasnt any longer than necessary. Im sure the moment I touch it the wait will be completely forgotten.
While what I originally ordered was a Golden DM Daren, I gather that there were a few polite emails exchanged between Bernardo and the David Morgan camp and Bernardo decided to discontinue that name. Its basically the same design but we are calling it more of a modified last crusade.
Visually I am ecstatic with it and Im sure structurally I will be just as happy.
Thanks again to Bernardo and cheers to all of you

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:40 am
by Indiana County Jr.
Fantastic looking whip!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:28 am
by Marhala
Great looking whip! Very rugged. Any reason behind the darker knots? They look nice.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:07 pm
by riku1914
Marhala wrote:Great looking whip! Very rugged. Any reason behind the darker knots? They look nice.
Maybe he was going for a look like these : ... llwhip.htm
but did not realize on the transition knot was darker.
Either way like you said it looks amazing.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 am
by Marhala
Yeah, I had the Raiders' darker knot in mind, but the TH in the knob made me doubt.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way... and received!!!!
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:11 pm
by rawvoodoo
Hooray for package day!! My whip arrived today.Its every bit as amazing as Bernardos pics led me to believe. My cell phone camera cant do it justice so you'll all just have to be satisfied with the pics we already have. According to the tag, this is a Heritage whip.
I'll talk a bit more about it later but for now I think you know where I'm headed
Thanks Bernardo Its a truly fantastic whip
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:15 pm
by InexorableTash
I got word that my 9' Heritage shipped out today. w00t! Not in time for a trip to Yosemite, but in time for a trip to Vancouver and Calgary later this summer. Huzzah!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:34 am
by rawvoodoo
Im so happy with it.

Its far and away the best whip I have now. It cracks so easily now I'm anxious to see how it feels once it gets broken in. I'm sure you'll love yours InexorableTash
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:22 am
by raider 57
I only own a few whips, but the Benardo's is a great choice. Very Indy...and built like a tank.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:46 am
by bjw
Excellent choice with the Bernardo and I think you'll also find that the 8' length is ideal. As you know by now, his whips are beautifully made and second-to-none for screen accuracy. I also have a Bernardo 8-footer and it's by far my most-used whip. They break in VERY nicely--remain firm off the handle/thong transition for balance and control but nice and loose towards the tip, unlike Morgan's which are rock-solid all the way down the thong and take forever to break in comfortably (raider 57 - I think the 'tank' label is more suited to the Morgan . . . but I know what you mean). Enjoy cracking it this summer. I'm sure you'll get lotsa fun out of it!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:37 pm
by riku1914
It should stay rock hard and still all the way down, just looser than new. A stiff whip is a responsive whip that has life to it. A loose
whip is a slow responsive whip that is half dead

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:20 am
by bjw
I agree with you riku1914, but I still think that with the thick hides Morgan uses for his Indy whips it's braided just a bit too tight. In comparison, my Strain has broken in beautifully--not too firm, not too loose--with about the same amount of use, and Joe Strain is no slouch when it comes to tight braiding! But I do feel Bernardo's are VERY user-friendly. Mine cracks almost effortlessly, even though it's gotten a little floppy towards the point. I like it that way and it doesn't affect its performance one bit. (And also, I have a weakness for loose, SA-looking whips--in other words, floppin all over the place like a wet noodle, or as you said, half-dead! As someone alluded to in another thread, I think it would take running a Morgan through that TOD rock crusher a few times before it started to look that way. Kind of appropriate, cuz those things really are solid as a rock.)
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:36 pm
by InexorableTash
InexorableTash wrote:
I got word that my 9' Heritage shipped out today. w00t! Not in time for a trip to Yosemite, but in time for a trip to Vancouver and Calgary later this summer. Huzzah!
...and now it has made some progress through the backlog following Peru's postal strike.
I knew I should have flown down to pick it up in person. ;-)
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:15 pm
by rawvoodoo
It wont be long now. Once you get it in your hands you will completely forget about any waiting you did.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:36 pm
by InexorableTash
It's here! Finally! It even beat the pics from Bernardo (he's been a bit busy).
9' "Heritage" Roo-hide Bullwhip by Bernardo Del Carpio by
inexorabletash, on Flickr
Now, to find a time and place to try it out...
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:42 pm
by Hollowpond
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:37 pm
by kwad
Man, I'm having a serious case of whip envy right now......

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:01 am
by DarenHenryW
So, Josh, when are we gonna hang out again?
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:54 pm
by Marhala
It is gorgeous! I never thought I'd like the darker knots so much!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:17 pm
by InexorableTash
DarenHenryW wrote:So, Josh, when are we gonna hang out again?
Subtle, much?
Seriously... would love to. Possibly August, as I'll have a little free time between a couple of weddings I'm attending.
I had a chance to take it out today. Cracks beautifully, rolls out nicely. Tended to kink just slightly at one of the plait drops towards the end of the thong but that went away after a few minutes with the whip. The balance is about 2" past the faux-transition knot, basically right at the end of the handle. Beefy - like the 7' cowhide WSP (also made by Del Carpio) I have, but nowhere near a Jacka Indy IV. Any other issues I had (and I can't think of any) were due to being out of practice.
Lots of fun - now I just need to order another Super Holder from Egan.
(On that note, let me recommend" onclick=";return false; as a great way to keep whips under control.)
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:59 pm
by riku1914
That's a near little tool you showed us, I'd still probably use a whip holder but possibly for storage those would be good.
Have fun with that whip, it's awesome

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:05 am
by tomek9210
Any chances to see that beauty in action, please

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:26 am
by Clutters
Great looking whips! Out of interest, when did you guys order them from Bernardo?
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:14 pm
by rawvoodoo
I ordered my whip in early September of 2010. The wait was longer than I had expected but in the end it was well worth it.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:30 pm
by fifthchamber
I'm envious! Great whips guys.....
I ordered from Bernardo in December so I'm guessing it'll be a couple of months more....Ah well....Summer's almost too hot to use them outside anyway..But it's a shame, since I get a longer break for holidays then and it would have been nice to have something to mess around with....
We'll see...
Thanks for the photos!

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:08 pm
by fifthchamber
Just heard from Bernardo and mine is almost all done and ready to ship....He's a genius, even if he's sometimes a slightly-late genius..!
Thanks Mr. Del Carpio!

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:24 pm
by Noah
Great looking whips! I'm jealous.

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:30 pm
by rawvoodoo
Good news for you fifthchamber!!

It cooled off enough today for me to get mine out there for a bit. It is a truly great whip.Im sure you will be every bit as happy with yours as I am with mine.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:51 pm
by fifthchamber
Hey Rawvoodoo..
Yeah, I have no doubts about the quality that Bernardo turns out....I managed to see one he'd made for a friend here in Japan a few weeks back, a ten-footer, and although I had a hard time making it sing, the craftsmanship of the braiding and design were perfect...Mine'll be an 8 footer, and I'm expecting no less..
I should have some photos and a tracking number in a few days time, and will post the photos up here when I get them, and follow that up with photos when it arrives...
I can't wait!

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:40 pm
by InexorableTash
rawvoodoo wrote:I ordered my whip in early September of 2010. The wait was longer than I had expected but in the end it was well worth it.
Similar time frame for mine. There were a couple of completely understandable delays that really stretched out the time. Had I known I might have made a better choice, but it's hard to argue with the results; Bernardo is a true master.
I was in a brief panic for the last 24 hours because I took my Del Carpio with me on a trip to Calgary, but due to family obligations I only had one opportunity to walk half a block from where I was staying and give it a few cracks. It was in my luggage on the way back... which was "misplaced" by the airline.
Fortunately the suitcases were located and everything arrived safely...

both the whips and a suit my wife had custom tailored, loosely based on Marion's "Washington" outfit for a wedding taking place at the SF City Hall in a few weeks.
(Sorry. I promise to never intentionall use graphical smilies again.)
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:57 pm
by Clutters
Thanks for the timeframe info. My Raiders 2 was ordered and paid for in early December last year, but I guess I've got a couple of months yet before it comes in...
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:41 am
by fifthchamber
Yup...Mine was about the same...December sometime?
Bernardo said it had shipped, but I'm not sure since I haven't heard back from him about the tracking number? So maybe not just yet? I'm guessing...
My summer holidays are over on Wednesday next week sadly..But I'm sure I'll get the time to play with it later in the year when it arrives..
We'll see eh!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:27 pm
by Clutters
Hey fifthchamber, did your whip ever come in? Got any pics?
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:56 pm
by fifthchamber
Heya mate..
Of course it did! I guess you missed the post? It's here;
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53147" onclick=";return false;
Bernardo hit the time spot on and it arrived with no troubles at all...Which reminds me..I should post up some new photos showing the colour variation a couple of months down the line...It's tanned into a lovely tan/brown now....Although I can't use it today when I get home, my weekends and early days have been spent hitting myself raw with the aim of impressing my girlfriend...(She's nonplussed still..LOL)..
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:15 pm
by Clutters
Fifthchamber - thanks for the link, that is one awesome looking whip! I would love to see some photos of how it has aged.
Still waiting to hear from Bernardo on mine

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:47 pm
by fifthchamber
The waiting game is a hard one to do, buuuuut, at the end of it, the whip arrives and you realise that it was all worthwhile...Don't worry...I'd suggest you try and forget about it, since the time will pass sooner that way..I'm sure Bernardo has told you the same, but emailing customers and staying in contact takes time away from his work, so he's not always available..But that means he's working hard to get to your whip..So that's a good thing eh?
The whip is lovely now...From the photos of it when fresh I can see it's a fair bit darker now...I'll try and take some pics and get them up soon...
The work is well worth the wait..

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:12 pm
by riku1914
I put in an order from midwest whips, 32-38 weeks! I'm looking at it positively and saying that I'll have plenty of time to save with
the money I earn from selling whips.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:12 pm
by fifthchamber
Although not the best photos of the whip's colour, these two pics from the last weekend might help show what I mean!
There's a large forest/lake/mountains area near my house in West Tokyo, just south of Tokorozawa in Saitama Prefecture...It's LOVELY for "Indying"...Large snakes in the forests though...Mamushi (Pitviper) alerts on several of the walks and spiders the size of my hand in the trees...LOL..Not many people, so wonderful for a real sense of "adventuring".....None of the paths are marked, so you can wander around for several hours all in the same area without being more than an hour from the closest "escape"....Great fun...
Hope the photos help!
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:37 pm
by Canuck Digger
Nice jacket, who made it?
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:22 pm
by riku1914
Isn't it amazing how much lighting effects how color looks? In the pictures bernado sent, the whip is very light colored. Then in the
first picture you took, which appears to be in dimmer lighting conditions, it appears to have darkened up quite a lot. Then in the
pictures of you outside, in brighter natural light, it gets that nice color I like so much. After I finish making a whip I always need to
take it outside to look it over because the color natural tan takes on under natural light is so much nicer, in my opinion, than from
inside lights.
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:21 pm
by fifthchamber
Spot on...Yes...I had taken some photos indoors the previous night of the whip for people here, but the colour wasn't the colour I was looking at with my own eyes on film, so I decided to take them in natural sunlight...You're right, it's only in the sun that taking photos can be a decent judge of colour, and even then, with something layered like leather, the small changes can't be seen, so you miss a lot...In my house, the colour I see is the one in the first photo..A fair bit darker than when the whip first arrived...I love the tones..
Franco, it's actually one of Todds Bantu Wind jackets....It's my "go to" for Raiders....And since it's still rather warm here in Tokyo it's also best for wearing right now..
Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:11 pm
by riku1914
fifthchamber wrote:Riku,
Spot on...Yes...I had taken some photos indoors the previous night of the whip for people here, but the colour wasn't the colour I was looking at with my own eyes on film, so I decided to take them in natural sunlight...You're right, it's only in the sun that taking photos can be a decent judge of colour, and even then, with something layered like leather, the small changes can't be seen, so you miss a lot...In my house, the colour I see is the one in the first photo..A fair bit darker than when the whip first arrived...I love the tones..
Franco, it's actually one of Todds Bantu Wind jackets....It's my "go to" for Raiders....And since it's still rather warm here in Tokyo it's also best for wearing right now..
Yes, when I'm taking pictures of my whips, I usually try to open all three windows in my room to let in all the light I can, they
They usually turn out pretty well, when it comes to color, though some of the recent ones I took were on cloudy days

Re: New Del Carpio 8' on the way
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:59 pm
by Clutters
Great full gear shot! Thanks for the pics.