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Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:04 pm
by irishjones
I bought a pair of Todd's boots last September, and I cannot say how happy I am with them. They're truly a superb boot and perfectly resemble the expensive Aldens, which a lot of us are unable to afford.
But were I to pose a question about them, it would be this;
Am I the only person who believes that they're VERY heavy? I don't know if it's just me, but several people I know (including me) have commented on the weight of the boots. Also, as they carry such weight, is it good for your feet to have extensive usage of them?
And finally, for those who perhaps own a pair of both sets of footwear; are the Aldens also as heavy?
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:09 pm
by Michaelson
Yes, Alden's are heavy.
Thing is, what do you alternate your boots shoes? If so, keep in mind, your legs aren't conditioned to carrying the weight. If you wore them all the time, you WILL build up the strength and stamina needed for a heavier work type boot.
This was one of the biggest problems they found with new recruits in the military in the past 10 years. They had to change the combat boot to be as light as an athletic shoe....not necessarily for the comfort, but they found that new recruits were having more stress related fractures of their feet and ankles due to the sudden weight change in going from a light weight tennis shoe to a heavy boot and going into strenuous field training without building up the leg muscles and joints to handle the additional load.
So, this isn't unusual.
Regards !Michaelson
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:23 pm
by irishjones
That's good to know, Michaelson. I don't always wear my Todd's boots though. I'm also a big fan of Converse All Star sneakers, aka the most comfortable footwear known to exist! LOL.
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:30 pm
by Michaelson
Well, there you go. About as opposite an end of the scale as one can get.
You're ok. You just have to build up those leg muscles!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:34 pm
by Photoss
I don't have any experience with Todd's boots, but I know that through my adolescence, I wore heavy hiking boots most of the time, and then when I left for college I almost solely wore light tennis shoes for one year. That move completely changed my leg strength, because when I bought some french army boots from the 1950s, they felt like they were completely lined in lead!

(the type of boots meant to crush men's skulls with, haha.)
Just frequently alternate your light shoes with heavy ones, and you'll be good as gold in no time.

Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:23 pm
by kwad
HA! And to think all the kids in school used to make fun of me for wearing combat boots in Phys. Ed. class!
My shins could totally kick their shins Reebok wearing rumps!!

Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:26 pm
by Michaelson
As a matter of fact....yes....yes you could.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:50 pm
by Texan Scott
Is it that the boots are heavy, or is it that were are just at the end of a very long day..? dawgs is tired! 
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:11 am
by Soup
Michaelson wrote:Well, there you go. About as opposite an end of the scale as one can get.
You're ok. You just have to build up those leg muscles!
Regards! Michaelson
I agree, trying wearing them for about a week straight, then it won't be so noticeable. We are seeing a generation grow up with footwear that invariably will/could cause feet problems when they are much older. Even though I like my sneakers, I still like wearing shoes with more structure at times, to keep the toes and arches happier!
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:40 am
by TheExit148
The Todd's boots are heavier then Alden's. Even just picking them up you can feel the difference. I have both, and the weight of the Todd's are all in the sole.
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:00 pm
by fenris
I don't know about aldens or todds, but I have caterpillar steel toe boots that are heavy. I've been wearing them for 2yrs now (everytime I go out, of course) and don't even notice the weight. I can walk all day in them... of course I added some in-soles to make 'em more "comfortable."
My heel does hurt at the end of the day if I walk around in 'em for almost the whole day (8 - 12hrs)... but I guess whose feet wouldn't hurt from all that walking?
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:06 pm
by irishjones
It's funny because the only time I really notice the weight of the boots is when I'm not wearing them! LOL. When I'm taking them off and putting them to the side, sometimes I say to myself, "bloody H-E-double-hockey-sticks, they're heavy!" LOL. But yeah, when I'm wearing them, it's not really much of a problem until the end of the day when you just can't wait to get them off your feet! As with any shoe at that particular point anyway! LOL.
Re: Todd's boots feeling heavy??
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:51 pm
by Noah
Like TheExit148 said, Todd's boots are heavier than Aldens. I noticed the difference right away. And I'm also more used to wearing light sneakers. The Nikes I have feel like air! But yeah I guess you just have to get used to carrying the extra weight.