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Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:29 pm
by knibs7
Ok so is it just me?... because the last FOUR times I've attempted to buy a custom Wested jacket they always somehow mess it up.

I looked at Bdgsi11's thread and he got his custom TOD jacket a few days AFTER mine and his looks great" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;"

and here is MY jacket in authentic brown lamb with completely different pockets than what is shown on their website.

I also specifically asked that there be only one inside pocket and what did I get?... TWO. Do they really just not give a $#!^ about ANY quality control?

:x :x :x


Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:57 pm
by Adirondack Jones
not to be obnoxious or anything, but I think you ought to go for a Coyles. Great jacket, great price, great customer service, and no Bulls*$#.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:58 pm
by Holt
uhm. forgive but I think it looks really good. I dig the pockest. very SA triangular shaped.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:58 pm
by Gorak

Re: Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:00 pm
by Holt
well yes, of course they look tiny. they are suppose to be tiny.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:11 pm
by tomek9210
That is just ridiculous, making two pockets is more work, more time and more leather. So that is not economical in comparison with one pocket. And you have pointed that you wanted only one, so that should be better for them. Don't understand it...
What is interesting, they came back to making pockets like this: ... pocket.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; (like the right one)
At least my last one came with such pocket. I don't like it but I can live with it. I'm waiting for my redone jacket, should arrive by end of next week.
How do your pockets look like?
Have you tried calling them and sending back for refund or redoing?

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:15 pm
by Holt
I don't get what people are making a fuzz over this time. it's a perfectly good looking jacket and is very SA. Nice temple of doom jacket.

if you don't like it knibs send it to me or we can do a trade maby. :TOH:

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:17 pm
by tomek9210
I think that right pocket is too far placed from the storm flap.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:26 pm
by CanadianRaider
While the pockets do look tiny compared to the rest of the jacket, from looking at the pictures on the Wested website and looking at Bdgsi11 pictures of his TOD, the pockets appear to be accurate on yours IMO. What size is the jacket? I'm just going by your picture obviously, but IMO the pockets in relation to the size of the storm flap seem correct. But again, I don't know the sizing etc. If it's very large it usually has an effect on the pocket placing if they simply put it in the middle as opposed to right beside the zipper.

You should get a picture of yourself wearing it.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:26 pm
by Holt
tomek9210 wrote:I think that right pocket is too far placed from the storm flap.

come on! again? LOL. this is how the temple jacket is..

look, ORIGINAL.TINY pockets with the same placement. just look away from the fold between the stormflap and pocket.


Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:40 pm
by CM
Am I missing something? That's how a ToD jacket should look. Tiny pockets, pointy flaps.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:41 pm
by Holt

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:00 pm
by Vaderbreath
I think you guys are missing the point. Kyle didn't say it wasn't sa; it wasn't what he thought he was getting. It was supposed to look a certain way and it didn't. It was a custom, and apparently they didn't follow his customized requests. The issue here isn't sa, it's that they didn't follow his list for a customized jacket.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:05 pm
by ron521
The only thing I can say is, if you've ordered 4 times previously, and not been satisfied with what you received, then ordering from them AGAIN doesn't seem very wise on your part.
Recommend you buy from someone else.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:13 pm
by Holt
I think you guys are missing the point. Kyle didn't say it wasn't sa; it wasn't what he thought he was getting. It was supposed to look a certain way and it didn't. It was a custom, and apparently they didn't follow his customized requests. The issue here isn't sa, it's that they didn't follow his list for a customized jacket.

well, if you go back and reread you wil see he does. otherwise why would Kyle link to another thread of another temple of doom jacket with more ''nicer'' flaps in his eyes.

what I have learned over the years of collecting jackets is that these jackets are handcut and pocket flaps may vary alittle. even the Novak CS and Raiders vary in pocket flaps or gaps between panels. what exactly was Kyle hoping to see wen he opend the package? I cannot point my finger at anything that really JUMPS out to me. I would understand if the jacket came with Last crusade collar or raidres pockets. THEN, I would complaint.. but lesser scalloped flaps ain't screwing up an order. JMO. :TOH:

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:39 pm
by WhipDude
Well they did give him an extra pocket. That may not "screw up" the jacket, but they messed up the order.

Here's my honest question with no intention of being rude. If you've had your order messed up that many times, why did you return? :-s You have been around here long enough to know Wested's reputation. They are like a box of chocolates.

*edit* Looks like Ron already posted the question. Oops.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:42 pm
by CanadianRaider
Vaderbreath wrote:I think you guys are missing the point. Kyle didn't say it wasn't sa; it wasn't what he thought he was getting. It was supposed to look a certain way and it didn't. It was a custom, and apparently they didn't follow his customized requests. The issue here isn't sa, it's that they didn't follow his list for a customized jacket.
The inside 2 pocket thing is certainly a screw up if he didn't ask for it. But from the details and pic he gave, the TOD jacket he got appears to be exactly what he asked for. It appears to be virtually identical to Bdgsi11 jacket. And while I'm merely going by his one pic, IMO the pockets aren't completely different from Westeds pictures provided on their website. In fact, they look nearly identical to my eyes.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:20 pm
by Bdgsi11
I looked at Bdgsi11's thread and he got his custom TOD jacket a few days AFTER mine and his looks great
First of all, thanks much for the compliment. :TOH:

I don't think that yours looks much different from mine, if at all. I'll try to post a full zipped up frontal shot of it just to compare the pocket placement. Btw, can we see a shot of you wearing your jacket?

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:31 pm
by Tennessee Smith
knibs7 wrote:Ok so is it just me?... because the last FOUR times I've attempted to buy a custom Wested jacket they always somehow mess it up.

:x :x :x


My question is, if you've already bought 4 jackets and had a problem with each of them then why would you buy another? :-k

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:38 pm
by CanadianRaider
_ wrote:"Identical..." Y'all crack me up. Pretending you can make that call from a pic. Simply making the statement removes any credibility from what you say.
What else is anyone supposed to judge it on when this is all he gave? I don't support Westeds lack of customer service (Hence why I've never ordered a custom and have no plans to) but he asked for opinions, and people gave one.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:21 pm
by Bruce Wayne
Tennessee Smith wrote:My question is, if you've already bought 4 jackets and had a problem with each of them then why would you buy another? :-k
I am curious about this as well...

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:55 pm
by eazybox
Bruce Wayne wrote:
Tennessee Smith wrote:My question is, if you've already bought 4 jackets and had a problem with each of them then why would you buy another? :-k
I am curious about this as well...
Ditto. We've all seen thread after thread like this, for years, some by the same customers. Wested has struck a veritable gold vein with this group. What will it take for us to wake up? Personally, two experiences were all I needed. Nah nah, hey hey, kiss them goodbye. Who needs 'em?


Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:08 pm
by Tennessee Smith
Now I don't want this to turn into a "let's bash Wested" thread. =;

We have enough of those.

We don't need more. :TOH:

I was just stating my thought on spending a grand in four payments and each time being let down and expecting it to be better with the more money spent. There's something in there that has the definition of insanity spelled out but I digress.

Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:20 pm
by eazybox
Tennessee Smith wrote:Now I don't want this to turn into a "let's bash Wested" thread. =;

We have enough of those.

We don't need more. :TOH:

I was just stating my thought on spending a grand in four payments and each time being let down and expecting it to be better with the more money spent. There's something in there that has the definition of insanity spelled out but I digress.
As a collector myself, I empathize with you; I understand how hard it can be to obtain the right item at times. But, why don't we need more of this type of information? Shouldn't a bum outfit that is ripping people off be publicly exposed for what it really is? For the life of me, I can't understand why people still defend them and stand up for them. Just my opinion.


Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:34 pm
by Tennessee Smith
Jack, I'm not defending them in the least. I just don't want this to turn into a flame war between the defenders of the faith and those opposed to Peter. I for one have no real beef in this. I owned a cotton Wested and enjoyed it myself but I've never ordered a leather version for my own reasons. :TOH:

And your right, the members here do need to know about the vendors here that sell their merchandise and we offer a conduit where their opinions of said merchandise can be given.


From Riley to Sarge to Peter there are camps of members that will lambaste, burn, roast, and char the vendors because they got a stitch, strap or collar wrong. Even if they could be righ, just not right for a certain scene they were going for.

My point is, why complain if you haven't been happy before (4x to be exact)? I'd try someone else or give up personally.

As far as allowing other members to vent, well, we do that for awhile and the next thing we know all hades breaks loose, the windows are broken, the doors off the hinges and there's a midget stuck in a tree.

I just don't want this to turn into that.

We have a search engine that folks can use if they want to take the time and research before they commit to spending money with a vendor and you know there's enough info on each and every vendor that no one should be surprised with the service or products they buy.

But your point is taken my friend :TOH:


Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:54 pm
by eazybox
Tennessee Smith wrote:Jack, I'm not defending them in the least. I just don't want this to turn into a flame war between the defenders of the faith and those opposed to Peter. I for one have no real beef in this. I owned a cotton Wested and enjoyed it myself but I've never ordered a leather version for my own reasons. :TOH:

And your right, the members here do need to know about the vendors here that sell their merchandise and we offer a conduit where their opinions of said merchandise can be given.


From Riley to Sarge to Peter there are camps of members that will lambaste, burn, roast, and char the vendors because they got a stitch, strap or collar wrong. Even if they could be righ, just not right for a certain scene they were going for.

My point is, why complain if you haven't been happy before (4x to be exact)? I'd try someone else or give up personally.

As far as allowing other members to vent, well, we do that for awhile and the next thing we know all hades breaks loose, the windows are broken, the doors off the hinges and there's a midget stuck in a tree.

I just don't want this to turn into that.

We have a search engine that folks can use if they want to take the time and research before they commit to spending money with a vendor and you know there's enough info on each and every vendor that no one should be surprised with the service or products they buy.

But your point is taken my friend :TOH:


Re: Scr3w3d by Wested again

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:57 pm
by WhipDude
If Holt is into the jacket so much, I'd seriously consider giving it up to him. :)

The way I see the situation is that people don't believe it will happen to them. I had the exact same thought when I bought from Wested. "It won't happen to me. My order is easy. I'm only 1 in hundreds." But when it does happen, it really gets you fired up. As simple as my order was, I ended up with Horsehide and not Goat like requested. Explain that to me.

Knibs, aren't you the owner of a nice TNO already?
Keep us updated on your decision Knibs. :TOH:

Re: Wested again

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:39 am
by ThatManFromRio
"nearly" was the key-word...

TMFR :Plymouth:

Re: Wested again

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:20 pm
by Bdgsi11
Here is the comparison shot. Keep in mind that this is a size 36 so everything is scaled down a bit to appear proportional to the smaller size of the jacket.


Re: Wested again

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:47 pm
by tomek9210
Bdgsi11 wrote:Here is the comparison shot. Keep in mind that this is a size 36 so everything is scaled down a bit to appear proportional to the smaller size of the jacket.

Those pockets are placed more correctly IMHO.

What have you decided for, Knibs?

Re: Wested again

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:16 pm
by tex1272
I like the way it looks