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Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:05 pm
by PsychicsAndSwords
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone has any pics of a Wested or Magnoli ToD jacket to share? I'm considering getting one (not sure which, depends on the money I have available) and I'm wondering how they look. I did a search and saw Holt's Magnoli, and a few Nowaks, but not much else. Anyone have one to show? Thanks!
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:33 pm
by PsychicsAndSwords
Ooh, one other question, does anyone have a Magnoli in the medium brown color? I'm wondering how that looks, or how light the brown is...
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:59 pm
by St. Dumas
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:40 am
by Kredepops
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:57 am
by PsychicsAndSwords
Dang! That does look good.

Thanks for the pics! This is gonna be a hard choice. But I think I'm putting off getting a ToD until a little later in the year so plenty of time to think it over.
Out of curiosity, which leather is that?
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:28 am
by Kredepops

It's Lambskin in Authentic brown. If I were to buy another I'd probably go with 'Dark Brown' because I think Authentic is a bit too light compared to stills from the movie. I chose lamb because it's easy to distress and I wanted this one looking well-used:)
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:22 am
by Canyon
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:32 am
by tekors
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:10 pm
by atkins
Beautiful jacket Kredepops ,Those pockets look like scaled down Last Crusade's pocket , right?
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:46 pm
by CM
atkins wrote:Beautiful jacket Kredepops ,Those pockets look like scaled down Last Crusade's pocket , right?
No. As he said it's based on the film used jacket which Wested had in their shop to copy. You could say the LC jacket used pockets scaled up from the ToD jacket.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:44 am
by Holt
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:35 pm
by Kredepops
Thank you very much! I'll do that
Oh yeah that Del Carpio ToD whip is one of my most prized Indy-related possessions.
Many thanks

All that distressing really paid off. My wife was going crazy, every night I just squeezed and streched and crumbled and sat on it for a week. I'm a big fan of removing colour with gaffer's tape, that really made it easy to get a nice patina to the leather.
atkins wrote:Beautiful jacket Kredepops ,Those pockets look like scaled down Last Crusade's pocket , right?
Thanks! CM and Holt are so right

Although I must admit I never thought of it that way. The ToD jacket has small pockets compared to the jackets in the other three movies.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:22 am
by Zoltar
That distressing looks great, what's your secret? I'm in the process of ordering one of these badboys right now. It's a toss up between Dark lamb or goat. Just need to decide and my orders going in.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:27 am
by PsychicsAndSwords
This thread has been helpful... a little too helpful, I went ahead and, after a little more research, decided on a Wested, since they seem to be answering their emails again, and the last jacket I got from them exceeded my expectations...

Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:45 pm
by Kredepops
PsychicsAndSwords wrote:This thread has been helpful... a little too helpful, I went ahead and, after a little more research, decided on a Wested, since they seem to be answering their emails again, and the last jacket I got from them exceeded my expectations...

Great, glad to help, although I'm sure the Magnoli jacket is awesome too, he makes nothing but quality items. Be sure to take some pics and post them here when you get your jacket
Zoltar wrote:That distressing looks great, what's your secret? I'm in the process of ordering one of these badboys right now. It's a toss up between Dark lamb or goat. Just need to decide and my orders going in.
Thank you

I started out using sandpaper on the seams, but it's hard on lamb, so for the large areas I used duct tape, just wrap it up and rip it off slowly, that'll take some of the colour right off (rip it off slowly to take less colour off).
Then rub the areas with brown shoe polish, and you'll get a nice worn patina

I also gave it lots of cold showers and let it dry on me, I pushed up the sleeves while it was drying, so they got that wrinkled look.
You can also put it in the tumbledryer with some tennis balls, that'll loosen the leather up. I just bashed it alot, balled it up and put it under the matress all night.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:00 pm
by PsychicsAndSwords
Kredepops wrote:PsychicsAndSwords wrote:This thread has been helpful... a little too helpful, I went ahead and, after a little more research, decided on a Wested, since they seem to be answering their emails again, and the last jacket I got from them exceeded my expectations...

Great, glad to help, although I'm sure the Magnoli jacket is awesome too, he makes nothing but quality items. Be sure to take some pics and post them here when you get your jacket

Oh, I don't doubt that about the Magnoli, from all I've heard. But, I wouldn't be able to afford more than one of his jackets, with the extra $200+ cost, so I decided I'd rather get something more unique and non-Indy from him - either his Leon Kennedy jacket or something black & completely customized to my designs...
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:35 pm
by nicktheguy
You know I just watched TOD the other day again and I never thought I would say that I really like the jacket in that flick......
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:08 pm
by coronado3
Did I sell you that whip?
Kredepops wrote:
Thank you very much! I'll do that
Oh yeah that Del Carpio ToD whip is one of my most prized Indy-related possessions.
Many thanks

All that distressing really paid off. My wife was going crazy, every night I just squeezed and streched and crumbled and sat on it for a week. I'm a big fan of removing colour with gaffer's tape, that really made it easy to get a nice patina to the leather.
atkins wrote:Beautiful jacket Kredepops ,Those pockets look like scaled down Last Crusade's pocket , right?
Thanks! CM and Holt are so right

Although I must admit I never thought of it that way. The ToD jacket has small pockets compared to the jackets in the other three movies.
Re:Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:03 pm
by Kredepops
yes, I believe you did

Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:49 pm
by jones the whip
your TOD jacket looks absolutely superb, it could have been pinched from the set. The work you have done on that jacket is very clever and subtle, one of the best TOD's I've seen.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:14 pm
by Kredepops
Thank you so much! That is very kind of you. I've owned three Indy jackets and it's my absolute favorite jacket so far. I think I was really lucky when I distressed it, I've never abused a leather jacket that much before intentionally, but it held up beautifully.
It sits on my Indy mannequin for display, but when spring comes again it's time for me to it wear again.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:03 am
by jones the whip
No worries mate,
may I ask a question about the pockets, what are the measurements of the pockets themselves and what is the distance between the bottom of the pocket and the hem of the jacket?
Sincerest thanks,
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:43 pm
by Mitch LaRue
I sincerely do not know HOW I missed these pictures when they were first posted... but Kredepops, please add my name to the list of those VERY impressed with the look of that amazing jacket of yours!
I was never even interested in owning a lookalike of the ToD Jacket UNTIL I saw
this jacket!
Job VERY WELL DONE, my friend!

Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:49 pm
by Mitch LaRue
(Frankly, between Kredepop's ToD Jacket and the pictures I've seen of jones the whip's LC Jacket, I've lost a lot of drool enjoying how great those things look...)

Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:44 am
by Kredepops
jones the whip wrote:No worries mate,
may I ask a question about the pockets, what are the measurements of the pockets themselves and what is the distance between the bottom of the pocket and the hem of the jacket?
Sincerest thanks,
You may indeed. I hope it's okay if I use the metric system. Across: 14 cm, from top to bottom 15 cm, Distance between the bottom of the pocket and the hem of the jacket: 5.5 cm
Thanks Fox, you're too kind

. Peter did an awesome job on this jacket. I just told him I wanted a jacket that was 1:1 with the Noel Howard Jacket. I do recommend dark brown though. That way you won't have to dye it darker like I did.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:59 am
by jones the whip
I am most grateful for this valuable information. The reason I inquired about the pocket dimensions was that in some ToD jacket pics the pockets seem to vary slightly in size and distance from hem - yours look dead on.
Thanks again,
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:13 am
by Kredepops
No problem at all, let me know if I can help with anything else.

Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:05 pm
by fateoftheduck
Kredepops wrote:Peter did an awesome job on this jacket. I just told him I wanted a jacket that was 1:1 with the Noel Howard Jacket.
Hi Kredepops - your's is a 1:1 copy of the original, can I ask what the size and sleeve/body lengths are? (If they are posted somewhere, you can just refer me to that post, I'm only asking a quick question). I don't think a 1:1 would fit me, but I'd want one in my size that has the sleeve-body length ratio of the original. I worry about my own specifications being different from the original...
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:32 am
by Kredepops
It's in this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46591" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
There was a bit of confusion about the size, Wested said one thing, other boardmembers thought differently. I ended up with ordering a size 42, length 26 sleeves 26. The sleeves were a bit long for me in the beginning, but then I realised that that was perfect, that way I could get the wrinkled sleeve look without ending up with sleeves that were too short. SO order an inch or two longer! in the sleeves is my advice if you want to wrinkle them up.
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:12 pm
by fateoftheduck
I know what you say about the sleeves - when I got my first Hero (in goat) the sleeves were a bit too long but after I was caught in a rainstorm I wore them dry whilst pushed up and ever since they've been perfect (with set in wrinkles).
My Hero is size 40 with 25 sleeves and 25 body, so that seems scaled down about right. But wasn't the TOD jacket longer in the body than the Raiders? Or was it just baggier?
Re: Temple of Doom jacket pics?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:19 am
by Kredepops
Indeed, the ToD jacket was a bit bigger. Read the whole story here:" onclick=";return false;
They had alot of trouble with this jacket it seems.