Crease and Corral?

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Crease and Corral?

Post by Bdgsi11 »

I was checking out their site the other day and became very interested, but I am not sure how good these whips would be, performance wise. Has anyone dealt with any of their Indy whips? ... e2bd27e96c" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by kwad »

I have spoken to Dusty (the owner/whipmaker of CnC) regarding his whips.
He seems to be a fine individual who is eager to answer any questions.

He told me that he constructs his whips in a very different manner than we are used to (two plaited bellies, two bolster method). According to Dusty, he begins with a steel cable core (which runs the length of the thong), onto which he wraps a total of 5 bolsters to acheive the taper, followed with a 12 plaite overlay. I'm interested in trying one myself, just to see what the action is like.
Although an unusual construction, his whips have received favorable reviews from

His Indy style whips are quite nice looking (although they come stock with non-SA knots, he will change them at the customers request).

Give him an email, I'm sure he will answer any questions you may have.
Hopefully, an owner of one of his whips will chime in (I believe "ImTheFlash" has one of his whips).
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by IndianaBravo »

I´m sure that steel cable core would come in handy if one had to swing on it ;) , or maybe not. Dusty´s whips really look great, and they are made of cowhide. An option to consider, especially for those of us with a cowhide hankering that appears to have gone sour. His customers have nothing but positive things to day about them.
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by Bdgsi11 »

Couldn't that steel cable hinder the natural movement of the whip, making it a little stiff to handle? I'm into multiple whip cracking and was thinking about using this one as an alternative to my Midland cowhide whip. No one has ever mentioned these whips on these boards before, so I am guessing that they are not too favorable around here for performance use.
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by thefish »

That's the first time I'd seen the site. I've never heard of them before, and that shouldn't specifically be considered a bad thing. Bad news travels around here just about as fast as good news.

I remember that both Adam Winrich and COW member Kesilari, (I apologize...I know I mangled that spelling,) have made steel cored whips before, and their results seemed to function well. Between the steel cable and the cowhide, I don't know if it would be so much a situation of stiffness being the problem for multiple cracking, (not sure when you say "Multiple whip cracking" if you mean multiple crack routines from a single whip, or cracking two whips at once. Either way, the result is probably the same for what follows.) But the weight might be. Even if it's well-balanced and throws well, the weight's going to make it slower, and require more energy from you, (you have to accelerate more mass down the taper of the whip.)

Now, I PERSONALLY that would be cool, (and why I personally think 8+ foot Morgan Design "American Classic" whips are generally prettier to watch in motion than stockwhips,) because the loop in the whip doesn't begin it's major acceleration until further along the length of the braid, and the result is something easier to see with the human eye, and easier to capture on film.

But, it would be more of a workout than your Midland cowhide, (and would move a bit slower, so you'd have to adjust your timing with it.)

Just my two cents.
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by stoneman »

I've never handled one of Dusty's whips, but he does post quite often on another whip oriented forum and all of his work looks good to me. He does have a unique style, especially when it comes to his stock whips, and some of his bulls even are made with thicker handle sections. Not everyone's cup o' tea, I know some of his stuff isn't what I would go for, but the work involved has always looked good.I do know that Robby Amper has used some of his whips and is a fan of his work. Dusty seems to really know how to work the cow hide. There have been a few of his whips posted elsewhere that other folks were convinced were plaited in roo when in fact they were finely split strands of cow.

As to using a cable core, I suppose it would depend on the size he was using. I've tried it out a few times and some of the thinner cables can be coiled up quite tightly and really don't add that much weight at all, especially considering the strength that they provide.
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by kwad »

I can't remember the size of cable he said, but, it is very thin and I believe vinyl coated.
After he told me about it, I bought several feet of it myself to use in a nylon whip (that will someday be completed...) It is very thin, light stuff. Very flexible too.
To me, I would have no problem owning a whip with a core made out of that cable.

What intrigues me is the lack of plaited bellies. All bolsters. :-k

I'd love to try one just to see how it handles.
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Re: Crease and Corral?

Post by Pitfall Harry »

I ran across his site recently plus I've read some very positive remarks from some people that own his whips. I think they look fantastic and they're right in my price range. I'd love to hear more from some people who own them to see how difficult or easy they are to crack. :-k I'm definitely considering getting one these whips I just need to get some of my finances in order first. :)
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